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Posts posted by ColtStrong2013

  1. 58 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

    Regardless rather it was an overdose or he has serious health issue it’s not good and I hope for a full recovery regardless of the cause.  I think that’s more important right now that being able to say for a fact I know what caused this.  That will in all likely hood come out in time

    I wish nothing more than a full recovery. His health concerns me, and I don’t know more than what little is out there and what the clear deterioration in his appearance. 

    And I’m not sure we’ll get the true story. One could suspect that he would target the police with at least public comments if it wasn’t a drug overdose. But we may never hear much about it. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    They did what they would have done in a lot of cases. You guys need to stop faulting the police for taking actions to try and save someone’s life. 

    With all due respect, a lot of cases don’t end up as headlines on every media source in America. 

    “Mr. Irsay it’s the Carmel police, we’re here to save your life.” If he were conscious he probably would asked them to just not. He stated his disgust with the department on hbo. 

    My biggest question is why were they ones to “save his life,” which I dispute they even did anything to help… we can’t say narcan saved his life, he barely even responded to it. Why would the Carmel Police need to step in to provide “life saving measures” when a nurse was in the house? I might be wrong here, but I’m taking the nurse every time until the emt’s arrive. 



  3. 3 hours ago, richard pallo said:

     I think it was wrong to jump to the conclusion that because he had a prior history it’s perfectly okay to jump to the conclusion that that was the cause.  It was also reported that a nurse was in the home and he had been receiving oxygen before he was found.  That suggests he was being treated for another condition.  Unfortunately reporters love to jump on the worst possible reason to garner more clicks on their story.  Sadly it’s the world we live in.  Assumptions without facts.

    Thank you…

    The reporters did nothing but write a brief story stating what was in the police report. Notice the stories coming out recently that stated the 911 call from Ward. That was conveniently not released by the police for the first wave of reports.

    The fact that there was a nurse there, he was on oxygen, and his longtime right hand man called it in as heat failure tells me what I need to know. The comments by the officer on the scene and the report speak volumes to me. 

    and then the dashboard video of the officers responding blasting Taylor swift. Clown show… 


    • Thanks 1
  4. 29 minutes ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    Pete ward was in his car when the call was made to 911 on his way over there. He is not a medical professional.  You had a guy with a history of addiction.  Conjestive heart failure can happen because of a overdose too.

    Pete Ward is the only one in that situation that would know Irsay’s medical situation… 


    keep defending the police Chloe. They created a media storm. You said it yourself “guy with a history of addiction.” so let’s put suspected drug overdose on the report and send it to the media, without any evidence that it was a drug overdose.

    you have a police department that just two months ago Irsay said targeted him unfairly in his prior arrest. It can go both ways. 

    congestive heart failure can happen in a completely sober individual after years of drug addiction too… 

  5. 1 hour ago, Jonmal7 said:

    EMS give Narcan if they see certain signs (usually pinpoint pupils, agonal breathing and being unconscious is enough to try Narcan). Just because Narcan was given doesnt mean it’s automatically an overdose. There's Narcan given in non-overdoses all the time.

    I wont dispute the use of narcan. My biggest complaint is the report stating it was suspected overdose. Why? Why was it suspected overdose when the caller stated congestive heart failure? Why was it suspected drug overdose if there were no drugs on site, and the signs matched that of a respiratory illness and/or congestive heart failure. Because the police administered narcan and he responded slightly to it? Because the police know he is Jim Irsay and has a known history of drug addiction? Perhaps because the police have a vendetta from Irsay’s hbo interview? 

    My argument is that if it is not a drug overdose and the police reported they suspected it was, for no solid reason, and that report led to a barrage of media headlines stating as such, that should be grounds for serious litigation. I would be royally upset if my name was on every news site saying i had a drug overdose, if it in fact was a medical issue like congestive heart failure, non-drug related. 

  6. 1 hour ago, csmopar said:

    If it’s set up as a trust, which I’m guessing is highly likely, and if from the reports, that his daughters are listed in the trust already, there won’t be any tax issues or concerns. 

    yeah I’ve been reading about the grat trusts that owners use. 

    There is a timeframe where they work. If you don’t outlive the term, then the tax comes into play. If you do, then the valuation reverts back to when the trust was established, which could have been all the way back to 2012 (or even long before) which would be significant difference. There is also provisions that allow for an annuity to be paid to the owner from the assets of the trust which discount the tax implication. 

    also- there is a safety net of having 15 years to spread the tax liability out if the trust assets are 35% of the estate. 

    So definitely a lot of planning needed in a succession plan, but the nfl requires it now for owners, which is smart business. I know a lot of multi-million dollar businesses in this country have zero succession plan, and that is insane… 

    • Like 1
  7. 6 hours ago, Boondoggle said:

    This is why I mention the owner too.  The owner does matter but is often overlooked.  Not all of them are willing to restructure deals to extend windows so some teams have an advantage there.

    I don’t disagree. I think Irsay probably has to be more cautious with cash spent than other owners. Ballard’s method has undoubtedly saved Irsay a lot of money. So there’s the obvious metrics that we use to judge Ballard, but Irsay might be looking at a complete picture that none of us even comprehend from an ownership standpoint. 

    I know it’s been discussed over the years on this forum. 

    • Like 1
  8. 47 minutes ago, Superman said:


    This was a rebuilding year for the Rams. They were able to have a somewhat successful season because they had good QB play and good coaching. But they had to get rid of a bunch of good players to get under the cap, and wound up with $70m in dead cap last year. 

    Yeah. My primarily point is they spent big on a 35 year old qb (36 in a few weeks)- they have a defensive tackle that’s got one foot out the door and coach that many don’t see staying past Stafford’s exit (and that may not be in the near future, but he isn’t getting younger when the rest of the league is.) 


    What many like to conveniently ignore is that the Rams had already made the Super Bowl 3 years prior- and had major pieces in place to pull the trigger for an upgrade at qb and load up the roster for their championship. LA is pretty attractive for free agents, especially that want to win a championship. Is was no secret that Matt Staffords wife wanted to be there and they had even bought a house years prior to the trade. 

    that trade and the money they spent was because they felt they were in a position to win a Super Bowl with it (and they were). Not everyone has that success. It’s usually reflective of the qb play, which the rams figured out, but most teams that spend big do not. 

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, shasta519 said:

    But according to the Colts owner, the Rams were a cautionary tale and were paying for it for mortgaging their future to win a SB. Yet they were still a playoff team last year. 



    In a conference that had a division end in tiebreaker at 9 wins. They had 10 wins. They still have a very good qb (in a year where qbs were hurt) and one of the best defensive players of all time. But those guys will soon be irrelevant. Sean Mcvay is no safe bet to coach longterm either. They did find a diamond in the rough in Puka. He’s very good and he’s in a great system. 

    So it can have weight and also not impact their direct future. They will be in a rebuild at some point soon, and they used a lot of capital to win that championship, which was no sure thing. It is just a cautionary tale. A lot of teams try, only a few pull it off. 

    and also- the team on the receiving end of a great deal of that mortgage could win the Super Bowl this year and has an excellent future… 

    • Like 1
  10. 50 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    He is going #1, I just have my doubts if he is going to be the next Brady, Montana, Peyton, Mahomes, Elway, or Rodgers like the entire media hyped this guy up to be. A guy named Shep on CBS Radio was saying that Caleb was the greatest QB ever in college football back in October, that did not age well. After Notre Dame put a spanking on them, Shep disappeared. I have yet to see any rookie drafted #1 since 2012 that has even been better than Luck was as a #1 pick. Joe Burrow maybe? I look at Stroud's rookie season this season and by my eye test he wasn't better than Luck either, he went #2. 

    i don’t know why anyone would claim someone was the best until their career was over… It’s similar to putting Pat Mahomes in the Tom Brady discussion. Yes, he’s had a hell of a start, and it’s fair to parallel at this point in their respective careers, but will he continue winning championships, and will he play until he’s 45? To assume that he will is disregarding the probability of it actually happening. 

  11. 12 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

    Interesting.   You say it’s slang and often used in the 21st century.   Yet you also made it a point to say this….  

    You.   Don't.   Do.   It. 

    Why is that?    Don’t you live in the 21st century?    Do you disapprove of it? 

    i. do. whatever. i. want.

  12. 3 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:

    I believe I said no way back when, and my answer is still no.   And I happen to like Fields and think with the right coaching he still has promise.  


    Not to keep receipts like you, because I don't, and the only reason I was scrolling back was to see what I said (doesn't look like I commented.) But what you actually said was...


    On 2/16/2023 at 1:52 PM, NewColtsFan said:

     Honestly I’m not sure.  


    • Thanks 1
  13. 1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I get what you are saying but for how long? Let's say Cooter goes to Philly and they start 0-2 or 1-4, I can see Sirianni stepping in and saying he is going to start calling plays. Then Cooter is stuck doing the same thing on a team, IMO that is going nowhere. Philly should make the playoffs next season only because they play in the NFC. With the way their team is constructed right now, I would give them about a 10% of making the SB. SF and Detroit are way better and aren't going anywhere, Dallas will win that division again despite laying an egg in the playoffs - they are just better. I give the Colts a better chance at winning their division than I do Philly winning theirs. 

    I agree with this. Much more comfort in Indy as far as job security than in Philly. Next year for the Colts, expectations may be higher with AR, but I don’t see them firing a non-playcalling OC if there is a regression, even with a healthy AR. However, with Philly, as you pointed out, the playcalling responsibility could end abruptly for a coach that is already desperate. The only one I see taking that job is one that is arrogant enough to think they can get them back to a title contender discussion, or one that can look past the obvious hot seat that Sirianni is sitting on. 

  14. 49 minutes ago, Shive said:

    I would be surprised if Irsay’s ownership wasn't technically in a trust with him as trustee. Wealthy people use trusts to pass along assets without incurring inheritance taxes.

    of course it is. 

    Lamar hunt laid that foundation. 
    it’s called a GRAT. 

  15. 1 hour ago, GoColts8818 said:

    and set things up for his daughters.  I caught that too and put it in my first post because I had the same thought and this pretty much shuts that down.  Jim has made plans to insure his daughters are setup to be successful owners

    Do you think they have $2 billion cash? 

    they might have made them owners just for the ability to have a smooth transition when he dies… until the tax bill comes in which may require significant funding and/or selling some/all of the organization to pay. 

    its like family farms and small family corporations on a larger scale. They keep disappearing because once grandpa dies, it’s just a lot easier to sell to the private equity firms or large corporations that are lurking in the shadows, than to deal with the nightmare that is death taxes. 

    you can plan all you want; but it’s hard to plan for a business that keeps growing in value 15-20% annually. It isn’t going to stop. 

  16. 7 minutes ago, Shive said:

    If I'm remembering correctly, what was pulled from the police report was just that Irsay was found unresponsive and narcan was administered, which local media jumped to the conclusion of a possible OD and ran with

    nope. Carmel police specifically listed the call as overdose… 


    media would not rush to that conclusion with such little information. They literally reported what the Carmel police report said. With quotes from the officers on scene, one saying “At this time, it is unknown what Mr. Irsay had ingested prior to our arrival.”


    the officer that administered narcan said he responded “slightly” to it. Which means nothing, only what he is interpreting as a slight response. 

    seems like a bogus report of an overdose to me, and more like an actual health emergency. 

    • Like 1
  17. 1 hour ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    Something Mike Chappell said was comforting. They made plans in 2012 and put his girls as owners. So all the speculating they wouldn’t be able to afford the inheritance tax and would have to sell was all nonsense.

    its not nonsense. If his girls weren’t transferred a significant ownership stake and he handled (or is in the process of handling) that portion of estate tax, then they are going to be faced with a massive tax bill. Massive. Colts are valued by Forbes at over $4 billion. He was offered a billion for his museum alone, reportedly. 


  18. 1 minute ago, jvan1973 said:


    I miss the old days when reporters had facts before reporting things. 

    well that was back when news wasn’t meant for clicks and engagement. The majority of crap that gets the most engagement on the web would be buried in an old newspaper, if it even made it (like you referred to). 

    • Like 2
  19. I can’t even put any blame on a news agency for reporting the news, and the news was from the Carmel police department. They reported something that could legitimately be incorrect, and it was undoubtedly damaging to both Mr. Irsay and the Indianapolis Colts reputation. 

    • Like 1
  20. 34 minutes ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    Saying the Carmel police need to be sued is out of line. They did the right thing when on the scene. 


    “out of line.” 

    lol. Hardly. 

    33 minutes ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    His addiction issues are well known. For pears sake he got arrested for a DUI years back. The police did the right thing when they arrived on the scene. 

    So they can assume he overdosed without any mention of medication, and the caller specifically stating they thought he was having congestive heart failure… you know from years of drug abuse. I’m not the one that reported a medical emergency being “suspected drug overdose” leading to every news organization in America putting that on their headlines. 

    all I said was that I hope drugs weren’t involved, and if so…


    and it would be able to substantiated as he no doubt had a blood draw through whoever ended up caring for him. 

    unfortunately after researching some, police are pretty well protected on reporting and defamation claims. No surprise there. 

    • Like 1
  21. 26 minutes ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    We need to stop. The Carmel police did the right thing. They had a man with a history of addiction and  was showing signs of a drug overdose and administered narcan. That was the correct thing because it won’t hurt him if it’s something else. If they hadn’t done that then they would have been neglectful.  

    Speak for yourself Chloe.


    How did they know he had a history of addiction? For the same reason they should have known that filing their report that way would be a media's dream for clicks/engagement? If they speculated it was a drug overdose because of who he was and for no other reason, then their report is a bigger issue than I am making it... especially when the 911 call mentioned a different health cause (maybe he has congestive heart failure and has been recently under a doctor's supervision for it, did you think that might be a real possibility?) 



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