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Posts posted by TheBlueAndWhite

  1. I'd rather draft Keith McGill or Stanley Jean-Baptist. There is already a lot cap invested in CB's.

    I just don't see how jean-baptist is gunna fall to the late 2nd round... we will be lucky if he even makes it out of the first...
  2. Nooooooo!

    Thomas DeCoud is the best "ball hawk" available........besides Byrd.

    I want Decoud sooo bad!...he would be the ball hawk weve wanted for a long time... byrd would be great but im afraid he is too pricy..
  3. love how everyone wants to develop all these players but everyone just gives up on Rogers after not even half a season guy was a first round talent better then most WRs in this draft in college

    i know what you mean. Darick Rogers is a first round talent. He just didnt get alot of targets to show it. After all if andrew luck would throw the ball to ANYBODY else not wearing #13...
  4. Five names listed: Julius Peppers, Demarcus Ware, Chris Johnson, Terrell Suggs, Santonio Holmes.

    To answer your question, no, I don't want any of them for the Colts. Between cost, age and projected impact, none of them look to be a good fit for us. I'd love to have Suggs as a rotational Rush/Sam backer, but I'd want to pay him as such -- two years, $5m -- and we all know that's not going to happen. As a matter of fact, he's more likely to renegotiate terms with the Ravens than be released and become a free agent.

    could you imagine suggs paired with mathis if we fixed our defensive front??..... yikes man that would make the opposing qb pretty nervous :)
  5. I can gaurentee you sir that if we tookthe colts pass rush and put it on that seahawks team... the legion of "boom". Will no longer exist. I agree that they have talent but that defensive front is the only reason why they are soo good. You saw the superbowl right?. I swear manning had less than 2 seconds before someone on that seattle defense was right in his lap.. now you put andrew luck/ben rothlesburger in there and you will see that the legion of boom will get there butts handed to them because of those to guys ability to buy time in the pocket.... no defensive backfield is that good without some sorta of help AKA pass rush..

  6. Seattle Legion of Boom is not all its cracked up to be... every NFL team would have the legion of boom if their defensive line could get pressure in the blink of an eye like the seahawks do it always seems like their entire defensive line is in the back field in under 3 seconds... if you ask me we are fine at the corner position right now. What i wanna see this off season is a pass rushing RE and a pass rushing LE and another pass rushing OLB with a middle line backer that can Cover.. then we to will have the legion of boom...

  7. I started a thread when the Colts got eliminated from the playoffs about how Luck had 7 interceptions in his two playoff appearances. I made the comment can we at least acknowledge that Luck isn't a top 5 quarterback yet and doesn't belong in the same group as Manning and Brady. I was laughed at. I was told no one actually believes Luck is a top 5 quarterback. Thank you for proving my point that people here in this very forum consider him not top 5 but better than Brady and Manning and in fact the best. I don't agree with the assessment that he is a top 5 but its nice to see that I wasn't crazy and all those who criticized me and said no one believes Luck is a top 5 quarterback were all wrong.

    listen man i truly believe that luck is the best QB in the game... take any other QB in the game and put him on the colts during our regular season/playoff run and they won't even come close to performing as good as luck was able to with what he had. I dont care if its peyton or brady if you put them behind our o-line they will get sacked or have to through the ball away almost every single play...now if you cant picture that.. just imagine A luck on the seahawks or any other team in the game. Will he not boost them?...heck yeah he would and it would not even be fair to the rest of the nfl!.
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