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King Colt

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Posts posted by King Colt

  1. One could say the Colts got lucky getting Brissett in view of Luck's retiring but it could be they saw more than just a Brady backup. Either way it's nice to know the Colts won't have to scrounge and gamble on a starting QB any time in the future. As a Houston resident I rejoice in saying the tears are flowing here today but Houston is used to flooding. At least they have the Astros!!

  2. I'll never understand the idea of a team not being as good as some say because they have not played any good teams. Are they supposed to lose to bad teams? All teams plan their game according to the coming opposition. If NE beats a winless team do they suck? Teams don't make their schedules. I get why it is said but to grade a team as questionable because they have beaten lesser teams is stupid. So a team goes undefeated for the season but no one can they are the best because half of their victories were against teams with below .500 records. Dumb.

  3. 14 hours ago, aaron11 said:

    thats not right, the spread is colts by 1 on most books


    i saw one at .5, and some dont like to list a spread of zero and dont have it.  have not seen any that favor the texans 

    ESPN had the Texans a slight favorite

  4. One point I heard said so far today on rulings was now with replay reviews some officials make calls saying to themselves,"no matter if I'm wrong because the replay will reverse the call." That is not what the NFL needs. Between bad calls like the two last night and the PI calls and helmet-to-helmet calls things are getting messy. As for the facemask calls it was said today, "How do you call something you did not see?"  I thought that was the best thing said.

  5. If you look close on the plays you see the official is about 4 yards away. How does one miss a call that close to the players? Also, Flowers's fingers are inside the shoulder pads meaning they are not visible so how can they be in the mask? John Parry a retired official and an officiating expert said on Golic & Wingo this morning with the new deal just signed the officials received a nicer package in retirement so more will retire sooner. That leaves more openings for younger officials. Not good. The "they're only human" excuse is starting to wear. On the flip side of that excuse is the possibility the "only human" official might have a grudge against a player and judge accordingly. However, ratings are up 5% this year according to G&W this morning so all else is secondary. :(

  6. Just finished watching the Pack/Lions to ight and the officials cost the Lions the game. Two calls against the Lions DE #90 for hands to the face showed clearly his hands were on the opponents pads. So obvious were both calls one would think the games was rigged. I'm sure you will see this on the sports shows tomorrow. These two calls could cost the Lions a run for the SB. "Not reviewable" now is like "diplomatic immunity". The NFL is a joke.

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  7. 30 minutes ago, Chloe6124 said:

    I am actually tired of people being afraid of the patriots. This team will not be scared of they meet in the playoffs.

    Pats ARE showing signs of weakness. Maybe Buffalo will drop a loogie on them.

  8. On 10/10/2019 at 6:10 PM, King Colt said:

    I think Houston squeaks this out in a O/U 55 points game. But I'm pulling for the Chiefs

    Well I did call this one! 10/13/19

    I don't understand Andy Reed coaching  team with so many penalties.

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