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King Colt

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Posts posted by King Colt

  1. 4 hours ago, Gramz said:

    True. But Adam was perfect today. 

    Watching the CBS pre-game show one of the crew stated the reason the Colts are sticking with #4 is he is not missing in practice. Seems a little hard to believe that he is having game gitters at his age.

  2. The take on Kaepernick's "workout" is it changed nobody's mind. What did he do? He threw a football. Everyone knew he could do that. So he showed nothing new to attract a single team. By the way he stated yesterday he will await input from the 32 NFL teams? Why? Only eight showed up. What we are witnessing is a guy lying in the bed he made. He is still blaming the NFL for his actions as he proved with his comments after his exhibition. What he never learned is the old saying, "There's a time and place for everything."

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  3. On 11/11/2019 at 7:37 PM, esmort said:


    I won't even open that can of worms other than to say, if we get a similar set of circumstances as we did with the Chiefs sure than maybe it's a possibility and even than I wouldn't bet on it.  

    Three AFC South teams beat KC this year.

  4. On 11/11/2019 at 6:46 PM, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    9-7 could win the division but we need to sweep Jax and sweep Houston. Houston would have to go 3-4 the rest of the way to finish 9-7 as well.

    The Colts will not beat Houston in Houston unless there are a couple breaks they capitalize on which can happen. 

  5. 23 hours ago, lennymoore24 said:

    Brissett doesn't exactly press the field either.  He will look long then immediately dump the ball off.  Most of his TDs are from short throws.  Until the Colts get a QB who can challenge the secondary, they will never be better than mediocre.

    They had one but left him out in the cold to get beat up to the point where he could no longer heal.

  6. Every person who has ever lived gets older and with age comes physical and mental decline. It is not a pleasant fact but when some try desperately to deny it they only serve to harm themselves. Vinateri needs to clean out his locker now. 

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  7. We can't rely on Vinateri and we can't trust Ebron. I can't blame Hoyer because he has been on 8 teams for a reason. He plays at his skill level. Maybe Reich should have put JB in at the start of the second half for the sole reason the Colts can't afford to fall more than one game behind a Houston Texans team. Would he be risking JB by putting him in or the Colt's future by keeping him on the sideline? At this point in the schedule I wonder what the conversation on the QB position will be after this year.

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