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Posts posted by SanAntonioColt

  1. Is it lonely up there on your pedestal doogan?

    I think sanctimonious or holier-than-thou might be a better description. The fact is that a loss is in the best long-term interests of the Colts, particularly if PM comes back and they trade down.

    However, as a Manning fan, beginning with Archie while he was at Ole Miss, who has cheered for the Colts since Peyton arrived, I hope Peyton is traded or released and he goes to a team with some talent to finish his career.

  2. Every thread is about Luck... Impossible not to talk about it

    You are correct. With playoff hopes dashed a long time ago, the draft is more significant and interesting to the Colts' fans in December than it has been in many years. Even more so since the Colts have a real shot at the #1 pick. With a guy available who is considered to be the best QB prospect in a decade or more, interest is intensified. With the great Peyton Manning on the roster, naturally there will be discussion as to what the Colts should do with the pick. For those who are tired of the discussion and don't want to discuss it -- don't.

  3. Sadly that would be too easy - I'm 100% sure they'd trade it away.

    OP: Several people (SilentHill in particular) were flamed very strongly for saying that, but I agree entirely. However priorities straight - first thing to do is cheer your heart out for Vikings, Rams and 49ers (so they rest starters vs Rams week 17) tomorrow.

    You are correct. If the Vikings or Rams don't take Luck, they will tradedown to a team that will take him. The Colts will not get him with anything later than the first pick.

  4. Obviously you haven't been following what Polian has stated. He said that trading the pick isn't something he would likely consider. He said(and im paraphrasing) don't make financial sense.

    Its also getting very annoying hearing from those who don't want Luck, say that they can't co-exist. Those who are saying that have no idea what you're talking about so just quit making stuff up.

    I'm giving my opinion of what I think makes sense for the Colts and not what Polian is thinking and Peyton and Luck would not coexist for long. Your post is nonsensical. Obviously I was giving an opinion and not stating something that will not be determined for a long time as factual. Therefore, as most things posted on this forum, what I said is made up (an opinion).

    If you are annoyed---GOOD. I sincerely hope I can continue to annoy you.

  5. With the release of the transcript from Polian's radio program, it seemed as if Polian intends to take Luck #1 and has no intention of trading down, as some of us (myself included) would have wanted. Polian also seemed to have doubts about Peyton being a Colt let alone playing football next year? Here is my question to you where will Peyton be next year? A Colt? Another team? Retired?

    As I have been saying on many threads and I stand by this, I don't think Manning and Luck can coexist, I don't think it's advantageous to either one, their careers, or the Colts organization...Personally I think Manning will be a San Francisco 49er next year.. They have $17 Million free in cap space next year, and are only a QB away from being a DOMINANT football team... so if the Colts take Luck and Manning is back next year healthy.. Peyton Manning will be a :49ers:

    You are correct. The Colts have too many needs to keep Peyton and Luck. The best option would be to trade down and hopefully Peyton will be healthy and the 4 or 5 draft picks gained from trading down will pay off in a big way. The second option would be to trade PM, but he would not bring as much in return due to age.

    As a Peyton fan first, I would like to see him go to SF, a good team in need of a SB-caliber QB.

  6. People who think the Colts should have won more SBs probably overestimate the level of talent they have had during the PM-era. The Cols have been a small, soft team with a handful of good players and a great QB. The small, not very fast, receivers would have been mediocre at best performers on other teams and Betty White could have pushed the OLine back in 3rd/4th and 1 situations.

  7. If the Ravens win it all this year which I think is likely I dont see them taking Manning. Romo isn't bad and is quietly having a very good season. I could see Manning in SF or NY.

    Romo can look very good, then break your heart (if you are a Cowboy fan) when it's time to step up. I think Jerry is still sold on Romo, but Peyton would be great with big, fast receivers like Bryant and Austin and a great Vol, Whitten, at TE.

  8. From what I remember he also has embellished a few of his injuries, some in fact which his coach has offered a countering opinion on the seriousness of a couple of those injuries.

    Kind of like the late Steve McNair who was injured on every play even handoffs to his RBs. Some guys just seem to crave the "warrior" label. Some guys take a real ding and just "rub some dirt on it" and go about their business.

  9. I've never been to Indianapolis, but I have a feeling it's not the greatest city in the world (no offense to ppl living in Indy).

    I was thinking along the same line Andy. Indy might be full of great folks, but I've never heard of it being a tourist mecca.
  10. Peyton currently is not playing, our quarterback right now is Dan Orlovsky, which is scary to think. Because if we don't pick Luck in the draft and the worst case scenario is Peyton has to retire due to his injury we blow a pick on some some defensive linemen or receiver or something and once again go 0-16 next season with the same stable of poor, embarrassing quarterbacks.

    And then you look back on the 2012 draft 15 years from now and shake your head knowing you could have had the highest rated QB since Elway, but you chose not too for some completely asinine reason. That's how people lose jobs and lose a fan base.

    If the Colts pass on Luck, it will be in a trade for multiple picks, not one blown pick. They probably will take Luck unless there are strong indications PM is close to 100%. 15 years from now, you may be shaking your head that the Colts gave up on the greatest QB of all time, for an overhyped bust who has been out of the league for 12 years while Peyton has gone on to win 2 more titles with his new team. The Colts will lose much of their out-of-state fan base if Peyton leaves. My scenario is just as likely as yours.

  11. So you are a Peyton Manning fan not a Colt fan?

    I have been a Manning fan since Archie was at Ole Miss. I was and am a Saints fan, but i wanted the Colts to win the SB because that's the team Peyton plays for. This year I have no interest in the Colts other than what's going to happen to Peyton. I was born and raised in TN as a Vol fan. My only connection to Indy is that I passed through once. There are a lot of people around the country who have cheered the Colts on during the Manning-era, not only because of his ability, but also because of his character. If Peyton goes, many people like me will no longer care what the Colts do. Someone posted that when (a big if) Luck brings the Colts back to glory, everyone will jump back on the bandwagon. Maybe the pre-Peyton Colts fans will, but there are thousands who could not care less what the Colts do without PM, regardless of what happens with Luck.

  12. NO! Neckbeard will save us all. Dump Manning! Draft Neckbeard! Manning is practically a senior citizen. Let him take his money and pick out a nice nursing home. Plus, I heard he can't even turn his head and his throwing arm is completely numb.

    You don't pass on the best pro prospect to come along in several millenia. You just don't. Long live Neckbeard!

    Yes, trade Peyton to a team that is a QB short of winning a championship, e.g., San Fran. See if Andrew can duplicate Peyton's success with a talent-challenged team.

  13. why is it so difficult for people to believe that luck will sit for a couple years

    I don't think teams use the overall #1 to sit the bench for more than 1 year (if that long). All teams have immediate needs and expect the first man taken to have an impact. The exception could be if the overall #1 is not making progress or stinks like the QB from LSU that Oakland drafted (i can't remember his name right now).

  14. At the end of the SEC Championship game, there were LSU fans chanting "we want Green Bay"....ok we all know the difference between the NFL and college...and we all know GB would smoke LSU...(cocky Tigers fans, I hope they lose the BCS Title game)

    That said, could LSU hang with this year's Colts?? (I hate to say it, but we've been THAT BAD at times). Or what about the 0-16 Lions from a few years back? It seems blasphemous to even ask...I personally think that even the worst NFL team would steamroll even the best college team every time. The NFL is made up of about the top 1% of all college players, and even though the Colts have been terrible (as have other teams in the past...Bengals, Bucs, Lions) they are still pros. Even the best college teams in recent memory that were loaded with NFL talent (2005 USC for example) still don't have the collection of talent that even a bad pro team has. Combine that with the experience of seasoned NFL players, the speed of the game, etc, and I think you have your answer. BUT.....

    Please don't kill me on this one...just bored and wanted to get some thoughts on this one...could it ever happen?

    Are LSU fans cocky? Sure, just like fans of any other college team when they win. It's like when you see a team with a 5-5 record leading in a game against a 7-3 team and all their fans are chanting we're #1 with their finger pointing upward. It's what college kids do; it's just that right now LSU has a lot to be cocky about. On the other hand, I think Bama can beat them.

  15. Do you really want a qb with a run first mentality?

    I think its much better to get a true, pass first QB who can run if needed. Do you really want a QB who has obvious holes in his game rather than a guy that has no holes?

    RG III has a throw-first mentalty with great accuracy, but can run when the protection breaks down or he has a clear path to the first down marker. He can pass and pass well. Luck is not going to be on the Colts bench for two years unless he is not living up to expectations (i.e., not ready for primetime). If he is on the Colts' bench in year 2, he will be playing behind a Curtis Painter-quality QB, not PM.

  16. no way the colts trade manning. they already said they have the cap to keep manning and sign a first round qb and still be competitive

    That thinking might go out the window if that QB is the overall #1 and considered the best QB prospect in a decade or more. My prediction is if they both sign with the Colts for 2012, one of them will be gone before the 2013 season starts. I really doubt that both would be on the roster by 2012 opening day. You might be right about the trading Peyton part. I would definitely keep him if he's healthy and trade the Luck pick for the 3-5 picks he would fetch.

  17. You are right of course, aside from the highlighted portion.

    I've lived in the NY market my entire life. PERHAPS the Daily News or the NY Post would tolerate an article like this - they both feature some "down to earth" writers who often mimic the general public's basest emotions. But accusing your team of cheating on the basis of your rude personal opinion of their backup quarterback would be severely over the top even by their standards. The NY Times, on the other hand, would likely FIRE someone FOR writing drivel such as this. But you wouldn't know it because it wouldn't have a chance of ever making the paper. Many other papers (Star Ledger, etc) would also have a default standard which is MUCH higher than this.

    The News/Post are commonly referred to as sensationalist tabloids, and that's being kind. The Post is owned by Rupert Murdoch for Gods sake. They compete with each other in aiming low, and most people who enjoy them (I've gotten them for their sports opinions and information many many times) consider them a vice the equivalent having too much sugar in your diet. It's easy going down, but has no substance or long-term benefit what-so-ever.

    Is that what you want from the only sports opinion columnist in the region? He just isn't very good, and he enjoy's his little fiefdom way too much.

    What a load? The loony lefties, at the paper that prints all the news that's fit to line the birdcage, just make up their stories, e.g., Jason Blair. Lupica is a dunderhead.

  18. There are those who think Luck will not want to come here because you never really want to be the person who replaced the Legend, but the person who replaced the person who replaced the Legend. Well that may be true and it does take a special type of player to do that, but it has happen before..

    Steve Young had to come in and replace someone who took a laughing stock franchise to greatness and multple SB victories and he did okay

    As good as Montana was, I think the 49'ers success had more to do with Bill Walsh's coaching. Even Elvis Grbac had success with the Niners when Young was out with injuries. The way Walsh used FBs like Craig and Rathman was magic. I didn't like Walsh, but I have to give him credit for implementing the West Coast Offense so successfully.

  19. and how do you know this are you psychic? do you have a crystal to see in the future? i dont know if you know this or not but peyton and andrew have known each other since luck went to peyton's passing camp

    No, I'm not psychic. My wife may have some crystal dinnerware, but I' not a fortuneteller. Like everybody else on this forum, I give my opinion. I believe a player of Peyton's stature and pride is not going to stand on the sidelines in meaningful games while another QB takes the snaps. I think the same could be said of Luck although he has not earned the acclaim Peyton has. If they are both Colts after the draft, it will not last for more trhan one season. That's my opinion. If it comes to pass that Luck is a Colt, we will see.

  20. no one seems to like the example of rodgers replacing favre or young replacing montana so how about rivers replacing brees. rivers is drafted in 2004 pretty much 1st overall since the chargers picked first and sat behind brees for two years. i know people are gonna poke holes in this, but still rivers didnt get to be the full time starter til 06 luck can do the same

    Rivers was not pretty much #1 overall; the Giants gave up #3 pick and other concessions to get Eli. Rivers didn't have close to the hype of Luck and was not considered nearly as NFL ready. At the time Rivers was drafted, Brees was considered an OK QB, but nothing like Peyton except they were both dealing with an injury. Luck and Peyton will not coexist for long if the Colts draft Luck. One will have to go and Luck has the best trade value.

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