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Posts posted by SanAntonioColt

  1. I think you may be over-exaggerating. Or do you mean that our roster, as it exists today, contain nothing of value?

    Very little. Peyton has been carrying the Colts for years. Maybe that's what caused his neck problems. Better hope Luck has a strong neck and back and that he can get rid of the ball very quickly.

  2. This is a fantasy. The Colts would never get as much as the Rams, because there was only one team willing to overpay for that pick. The Redskins made a mistake. A good front office would never have made that trade. Teams are not "more desperate", the Colts are stuck with Luck. Too bad the Colts don't have more draft picks to rebuild sooner. This is a very deep draft.

    90% of what's posted on here is fantasy. This forum is a gathering of people who love FB and like to play coach, GM, and/or owner. Having said that, the Colts should have traded the #1 pick for a boatload of lower, but quality, picks. If the Colts could have got the extra picks and RGIII that would have been great. The ideal would have been a healthy Peyton, the draft picks and three more years of runs at a championship. I've noticed that a lot of people are downplaying RGIII as just an athlete. He is a QB who happens to be a great athlete. He's smart (has his degree--listen to him speak), is an accurate passer, plays well under pressure, and throws a better deep pass than Luck. The guy from USC will also be available in the 2013 draft. Lot's of options by trading the Luck pick. If there was a team willing to overpay for the RGIII pick, even more teams would overpay for the Luck pick.

  3. Rams got a king's ransom for the second pick. (Three firsts and a second). Think of what the Colts could have gotten for the first pick. Wouldn't be easier to rebuild with 5 first round picks and 4 second round picks in the next three years? Trust me, Andrew Luck will not be the last great QB to play football.

    You sir, are 100% correct. In response to MLaw. A 1st rounder in 2014 would help Peyton and the Colts in 2014 as the 2012 and 2013 picks have matured.

  4. Heck man, how can somebody touted as perhaps the greatest of all time, and who has broken Unitas' records, not be considered the greatest Colt? Okay, I will give you this: he and Johnny U tied for greatest Colt. I will give you that.

    No contest. Unitas played a weaker schedule with fewer games and no playoffs. Plus, Unitas had a great collection of talent around him on offense and defense unlike the slugs Peyton had to carry.

  5. Right then lets be brutal, Colts need to cut Manning whatever and start Luck. Andrew Luck does'nt need to sit a year or 2 it will not be of any any benefit to him. Yes Rodgers blah blah blah but he was not as ready as Luck is now. If you sit Luck for a couple of years it will be a total waste! Didn't Manning himself say that the best way to learn is to play. Sorry but its time to move on

    Cut Manning and the Colts are out of Luck. As a Peyton fan, I say cut him so he has the opportunity to play for a good team.

  6. I guess I am just shocked at the number of people who won't let go of the past ...

    I guess you are insinuating Peyton is the past and has to go. The last time he played, he carried a subpar team with a lot of injuries to the playoffs. I think he is much more likely than Luck to get the Colts back into contention. If the Colts are smart, he is the past, present, and the future for several more seasons. Since Luck's perceived value is so high, the Colts should trade the pick and give Peyton some talent to win another SB or two in the next few years.

  7. Petyon Manning has more $$$$ than GOD... He will be an OWNER... of a team soon. He will not coach, he will not be a talking head....

    All money is God's and we are allowed to use some of it. Peyton will be an analyst on TV with the possibility of becoming an owner down the road. He will positively, absolutely, beyond a shadow of doubt, with 100% certainty be a football commentator after he retires..

  8. What if Irsay requested that Manning keep things in house and Manning didn't get that memo? Is it possible that Manning too is to blame?

    Irsay isn't a crazy, out of control owner, Rather, he's fighting through the media to control damage that was and is being caused by the media.

    Manning is to blame for making a team with little talent a winner.

  9. You might ultimately prove to be right in your opinion of Griffin. Only time will tell for sure. However I seriously doubt that "he slips to the 2nd round easy". Too many teams in need of a quarterback this year for that to even come close to happening. I don't see it short of him getting injured or bombing the combine.

    RG3 is smart, accurate, throws a great deep pass, and moves very well; he is being underestimated by many on this forum. However, you don't take him with the #1 overall pick. You trade down for multiple picks and hopefully take care of multiple needs and if you can pick up RG3, you have the QB for the future.

  10. As a long-time fan and supporter of BOTH men, I'm getting fed up with the spitting contest. This week isn't about Peyton, Irsay or the Colts. It's time for BOTH of you to be MEN, and knock off this childishness for the rest of the week. You are ruining the celebration for all of the fans that have supported you for years.

    My two cents' worth.

    Peyton is obviously to blame. Irsay should release him for being disloyal. Maybe he would be picked up by a good team. Then Luck could try to take this sorry team to the playoffs year-after-year.

  11. if a single person says peyton. you are a peyton fan and not a colt fan

    You're right, I'm a Peyton fan, not a Colts fan, but I cheered with as much vigor for the Colts and suffered just as much as any of you after the losses when Peyton was playing. I just hope he goes to a team that can run the ball and play defense. It would also be nice to have some receivers who aren't smurfs and can run faster and jump higher than my Aunt Minnie.

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