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Spook Hollow



blog-0355612001351606956.jpgAs some of you know, I am somewhat involved with the "Special Needs" kids/young adults in my community. Several times a year Ron and I perform for them at dances, and I help with the Special Olympics Track Practices and Events in the Spring. This past weekend was the Annual Halloween Party for several of them.

Good Friends of ours, with a Beautiful Home, host a Halloween Event Every Year. They go "all out" decorating both the inside and outside of their home, complete with a Haunted Trail in the few wooded acres out back of their home. Ron normally helps on the Haunted Trail, and I am in charge of the kitchen for the evening.

This year, however, I was elected to be the voice of the skeleton. They have this skeleton that sits in a cage (I will attempt to attach a photo) it is connected to a wireless microphone and when you talk into the mic the skeleton's mouth moves and your voice is projected.... They had the skelton positioned near the front door entrance and had me hidden upstairs in one of the bedrooms where I could see out the window as the Guests were arriving. Since I am very well aquainted with most of these guests, I could have personal conversations with them, it was a HOOT to say the least. Some of them were a little scared of him (me) but you'd be amazed how many stopped and had a conversation. haha One kid in particular stood there for a good 15 or 20 minutes telling me jokes and so on... it was a riot.

Of course, my husband had the best line of the night when he arrived... He said, well you look like you've lost some weight. Smart Aleck. haha

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