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Johnny, Johnny, Johnny... ANDREW!



Being a native of the Cleveland area it has become hard to enjoy our football team. Not necessarily because they're bad all the time, but because the fans make it worse than it really is. Yes Johnny Manziel got blown out in his starting debut. But so did the rest of the offense and defense. But al that blame over such a bad game is being placed on the QB position by the fans. Common sense tells you need a team to win. This is what has led me to follow the Indianapolis Colts a little more each week this season and have finally switch over to a full time Colts fan.

Yes I put all my browns attire at the bottom of my dresser, changed the background on my phone, and put a blue and white handkerchief on my australian cattle dog (Yes a BLUE heeler). Yes i've already received flack from family members and friends seeing as i made this move as the Colts clinched the AFCS title and the browns fall out of the play off picture. But i keep telling myself every fan has to start somewhere and hope to learn more about the team and the Colts culture from being this website. Thats all for now


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Welcome aboard I'm sure you will not be disappointed with the team and the fans are great.  I been to two Colts games and the fans in Indianapolis treated us like family there.  I even got my wife to cheer for the Colts and she was a die hard Panthers fan.  GO COLTS!!!!!

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