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What Would I Do?



The first thing I would do is look at what works well on our team and what doesn't and then build or cut from there. Peyton is a great qb but as has been stated he can't win alone. Look at the players and support that are actively making a positive impact on the team overall and keep them and then build on from there. The Colts are a team and it takes a team of great players to get the championships. I believe working on a larger defensive line is a great place to start. We know that ours is not the biggest and we do have weaknesses there. As for the draft, to be honest, I don't really have enough knowledge to have an opinion on that. As a team our biggest concern should be how to work together cohesively to bring home the wins. 2012 brings a fresh start for us and we can use the draft to build on what we have...there are tough decisions to be made and the new staff will have to be able to make those decisions for the good of the team. We have some really awesome members on our team ...Dallas, Reggie, Peyton, Jeff S, Pierre, Dwight, Antoine ...I could go on for a while lol...but we need to capitalize on the strengths of our team and cut the ones that don't contribute to our success and then add new players that hopefully can fill the gaps and help lead our team to victory!!

I bleed blue and I will support our team no matter what! But it will be nice when I can cheer and yell and hoop it up when we bring home the WINS!!

This is my first ever blog so I hope that I have done it correctly. Please be patient with me :-)

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Perfect first blog!

thanks 065466!

Working together is something that's been on my mind since last season. We went to the playoffs but all season long I felt like there was something off you know?

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