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Posts posted by Nostrils

  1. 8 hours ago, krunk said:

    I'm excited to see more as well.  I think he's got a lot of talent and could turn into a big receiving threat if we incorporate him more.   He's the fastest tight end on this team.  His athleticism is obvious.  I'm expecting him to get better with the run blocking.  You can tell the guy really wants to be a great player

    He looks so natural catching the ball.  Makes it look easy.  Now let's see how they use him.  

  2. On 10/17/2016 at 7:00 PM, CyberTwin said:

    I don't know why there isn't anyone talking about Swoope. He had a good game last night and looked good. With this injury we will see more of Doyle (which is a beast) and see what Swoope can do. He seems to be developing in his position very well and look forward to seeing if he can keep it up in the time he is given to play.


    I'm excited to see him do more.  That play he had up the sideline Sunday night was real nice.  Nice catch, nice balance to turn it up and stay inbounds... I just would love to see him once lower a shoulder or even step out of bounds instead of just running upright and being hit low, and sent flying through the air and crashing down, but he's definitely a tough dude and fires me up to see if he can take advantage of an opportunity.

  3. 13 minutes ago, pgt_rob said:


    Maybe I should change my comment to... I don't think Melvin is any good but I don't think he is bad either. We haven't seen enough of him to even talk much about him I guess. If he starts a few games in a row and stays out there, I think that will merit some grading on his play. But for now, I just think he's a filler type guy because Robinson can't seem to play an entire game without getting injured. I just view him as depth but that's my opinion. However if Robinson can't make it back, then he will probably get beat out by somebody, who knows.


    lol there's a fine line between good and bad... I definitely understand.


    But that's a good thing right? (Not hearing or even seeing too much of his name, as of yet..) He's obviously playing extended time and we haven't heard much or seen much, and that's good, as opposed to being picked on and being beat up on.  I did LOVE the play he defended going towards the corner of the end zone (I think in the first half).. I want to see more of Robinson, and I'm not too hyped on Melvin so I hope it doesn't come off like I'm his #1 fan or anything, but I do like the way he plays and handles himself.. especially for his specific circumstance...and like that he seems to have confidence and will go tackle.

  4. 20 minutes ago, pgt_rob said:


    Ok? I didn't think he was outstanding, forgive me if that's a sin. I was asking if anyone had any plays that he defended well because I couldn't remember any off the top of my head. Was just asking. Since you know everything about Rahsaan Melvin, provide some plays that he's been outstanding on? The only one I know of is that he forced a fumble this year.


    Didnt think he was any good is what you said... if you would have said outstanding I'd def agree.  It just seems like everyone thinks our players are supposed to make EVERY play, all the time, so I just don't get the scale on which a lot of these guys are being graded on from the fan perspective.


    I don't know of many plays specifically, but i don't see him getting picked on all the the time or hear his name very often for being beat.. and it's hard as hell to be an outstanding CB in the league, especially in today's league.. so as a young UDFA player, and I like that he seems to be a pretty solid tackler, I think he's exceeded expectations so far.   Definitely like him over Morris.


    i think I'm just irritated too.. 

  5. 55 minutes ago, pgt_rob said:

    I never thought Melvin was any good. Probably because I'm just irritated that Robinson can't stay on the field. What other plays has he defended well?


    Of course not, can't please the high and mighty around here... 

  6. 1 hour ago, krunk said:

    "You usually know within 2 years if a guy can play"  Yet it's game 6 and Ridgeway is trending towards Zach Kerr?  Ridgeway has made plays in every single game we've played.  Nobody expects them to come into the league setting things on fire.     This is what I'm talking about with extreme evaluation.    Good hasn't been getting worked by anybody.  He played very well against Houston, very well against Detroit, So So against Denver.  Actually played okay against the Bears for the most part other than 2 sacks later on in the game which isn't a good thing but correctable.   We expect mistakes out of young players and the coaching staff does too.  Grigson called him out for it and he corrected it in the Houston game.  I see you've left Joe Haeg off your list for some reason.  Hasn't he given up sacks and pressures as well?  Why is he not trending towards Joe Reitz level like Ridgeway is with Zach Kerr?  LOL.


    LOL have to love the Couch GM / HC / QB / etc


    and the way it's said with so much conviction like he knows it all, but sounds so stupid... blows my mind 



  7. 2 minutes ago, 21isSuperman said:

    The NFL is so lucky that football is a great sport.  They've made so many stupid decisions with how they handle player punishments and fines that most other companies would have gone bankrupt due to lack of support.  But they're so lucky football is great and people continue to watch and support it


    Love this!


    ... & the rules!!!! Always changing the rules!  


    Its a physical game.. I hate that they've taken that aspect out of it. And from someone who has so much pain in my body at 29 years old FROM FOOTBALL (I don't want to come off like I'm trying to sound like a macho man because it truly feels like it's wrecking my life and driving me insane from the nagging pains... and I don't want to see anyone hurt or laid out like collie) i just don't get it anymore.  


  8. 1 minute ago, dgambill said:

    Yet it's two of the worst teams in the NFL. Ratings are probably still poor.

    Never thought I'd ever say this...


    i hope the ratings keep falling.  Horrible product they have right now.  I literally feel like watching College &  Pro ball that football IQ is at an all time low.  the mistakes I see over and over and over again, coaches to players, is pathetic.

  9. ... and all these people that think they know it all, that think the Colts should win every down in every game, that always have something to say so passionately about players or the team and act like it's just sooooooo easy to win...


    i would love to see a picture of them, watch them run, watch them throw a ball & watch them catch, and I feel like that would answer so much for me as to why they think and act like they do.

  10. 3 hours ago, King Colt said:

    Since James the Colts have not had a running game so the question is, why not? Please, no one reply with an Adai argument as he sucked as well. Go back years and try to find a defense, there is not one. So the GM nd owner must not give a ####. How else would anyone explain this very long drought?



    Addai definitely didn't suck, Couch QB

  11. 2 hours ago, BlueShoe said:


    Yeah I get that. I even agree. BUT a person should also know better than to go messing with a bipolar person. It is not like bipolarism is something a person can easily hide from everyone. It is pretty easy to pick up on.


    Let's say you and I are sitting in a bar and I am sporting my Luck jersey, and you have on a Brady jersey. If I make a comment directly at you about the Patriots cheating, and you turn to look at me with some bipolar eyes, then I will quickly understand the situation. I will do as any other sane person should do, and measure the outcomes. Do I keep poking this bear or do I just let it be?




    A bully will keep poking. A smart person will just let that dude roll up on out of his life.



    Lol bi polar eyes.. This whole thing is amazing but this has me dying 

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