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coming on strong

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Posts posted by coming on strong

  1. Just now, Moosejawcolt said:

    But....but....remember.......Ballard drafts for character and we don't want any divas on this team. I could use a diva or two to maybe inspire these supposed lunch box high character guys. Oh and Ballard's drafting of the trenches is really paying dividends!!!

    every coach or gm will be praised by colts fans until the wheels fall off .  i was here early in the grigson years people were defending him like crazy  .   its just how fans are they defend the team no matter what

  2. 4 minutes ago, Catloaf said:

    I still think Ballard is good but Frank no longer has any excuses after this.  Irsay needs to cut Frank if we lose next week too.

    i think ballard is solid but way over hyped on here .   since he took over the colts never had a pass rush ,  and had a below average wr core .    even his beloved offense line that he sunk 80 million into has been overrated in pass protection

    • Thanks 2
  3. 1 minute ago, EastStreet said:

    Thank you Frank (and Irsay) lol.....


    Indy Passing        10/14     109         7.8   0/1       0-0         64.3

    WA Passing         12/17      127        7.5   2/0       0-0         131.3



    honestly if the colts have a bad year i think irsay cleans house .   ballard had 6 years and frank had 5 with nothing to show except one playoff win with luck

  4. 4 hours ago, John Hammonds said:

    Colts Fans:  If Ballard doesn't address the pass rush, I'm gonna lose it!

    Ballard trades for Ngakue

    Colts Fans: If Ballard doesn't address the quarterback, I'm gonna lose it!

    Ballard acquires Ryan

    Colts Fans:  If Ballard doesn't add a wide receiver, I'm gonna lose it!


    Let the man work.  We can complain about the team he's built after he's built it.

    the problem is salary cap after saving for draft picks there is around 19 million left its gonna be hard to fill left tackle , wr , corner right guard and tight end .

  5. there is just way to many holes to fill right now colts are in a terrible spot .  the team as it was last year was not even good enough to make the playoffs .  now the team is gutted out and even worse .   people will ride the ballard train until the wheels fall off , its the same thing as the grigson train .   if the colts miss the playoffs again next year i dont know how you keep a gm with a losing record after 6 years of rebuilding .  right now ballard is around .500 a losing season puts him below .500 after 6 years . WE have to go through the afc west next year the titans twice  and the patriots plus the jags who will win one game . its gonna be a brutal year.

    • Like 3
  6. 4 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Jimmy was up 17-7 in the NFC Title Game, was it his fault the D couldn't hold it or get an easy INT to seal the game. Of course Jimmy played bad against the Titans so did Wentz along with the Raiders and the Jags. Brady got shut out by the Saints, it happens but Wentz has laid so many eggs that I have lost count.

    its a passing league you cant put up 232 yards in a championship game and go 16-30 that is around 50 percent completion . he cant win games without a strong run game and elite defense .  he averaged 178 yards per game in the playoffs this year only threw  two touchdowns and 3 picks in both playoff games combined  .   in 2019 during his superbowl run he averaged 142 yards per game two touchdowns and 3 picks the whole playoff run .   in three playoff games he threw two touchdowns with 3 picks that is horrible same with 2021 he puts up jacoby stats .     there is a reason the 49ers are trading him when trey lance hasnt really impressed them .  he is a one year stop gap at best so trading anything over one 4th round pick wold backfire

  7. 10 minutes ago, throwing BBZ said:


     Jimmy IS more an opposite of Carson.

     Jimmy is more like Rivers.

     Carson more like Jay Cutler.

       Is interesting that Kurt Warners video appeared showing Carson was an *, couldn't read a D, had no clue how to properly look off safeties, and didn't bother taking those FB 101 plays, and others say it is a Irsay hissy fit.

     I saw plenty of evidence that there is something wrong in his head, and THAT makes Reich look very bad, apology accepted, so far.

    Jimmy g can’t even compare to rivers . Jimmy g overthrows everything from the super bowl to the titans game . It was like watching paint dry as soon as the running gane is stop he shrinks .   I rather Sam play and draft a Qb next year . 

    • Like 1
  8. 20 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Jimmy G is better, sorry. He plays smarter is why.

    I honestly don’t see that they both overthrow everything. People will be disappointed in Jimmy g he puts up the sane stats as wentz with much better weapons .  Watching him play against the colts he stunk after the first drive .  Watch the titans gave he handed them the game .  The draft is the only way to fix this issue long term .

  9. 3 hours ago, danlhart87 said:

    Pinter can step in at RG and Reed could still be brought back 


    It's obvious Ballard is waiting to see if Garoppolo value lowers. They could have traded for him a week ago when his value was most like a 2nd. His value the more this goes on goes down and will probably be traded for a 5th by tomorrow. There's also the chance the 49ers keep messing around and keep him.


    Plenty of gap solutions like Winston and Mariota right now. I think eventually whoever they bring in I hope they draft rookie soon. 

    Jimmy g Is the same thing as Carson . Why not just keep wentz one more year than draft a Qb ? . Some of these moves make no sense to me plus Pinter is a great backup center . I rather have depth at oline

  10. Just now, EastStreet said:

    You can't win without a good OL or play makers / pass catchers either.

    that is on ballard 100 percent fisher is below average . ballard passed up a younger healthy leno who has been amazing for a guy who is coming off a major injury and paid him more !!!!  un real !!   he failed to upgrade the wrs signing a washed up hilton and rolling with average pascal and injury prone cambell .     5 years of rebuilding the colts have zero pass rush or weapons  no left tackle and a QB that stinks who he traded a 1st and a third for .

    • Like 1
  11. 1 minute ago, EastStreet said:

    Has nothing to do with letting the worst O in the league (the absolute worst) throw for a 110+ passer rating lol... 

    its all of it combined but you cant win without a QB  .  without the pick the defense would of held them to under 20 points .  the offense failing on 4th down lead to points also .    you cant win without a franchise QB we are the broncos right now . 

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