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coming on strong

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Posts posted by coming on strong

  1. 2 minutes ago, bluebombers87 said:

    An elite back and good O line need to be able to get one yard when everyone knows it’s coming. 

    Credit to Tenn they played well.

    i dont think tenn is really that good of a team .   they have a good pass rush and henry thats about it .   

    • Like 1
  2. Just now, tvturner said:

    Being a Dan Dakich fan tells me everything I need to know

    balllard has built a house of sand dan saw past ballards charm 3 years ago .   he has a losing record cant blame luck anymore its going into the 4th season without him .

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, bluephantom87 said:

    BALLARD!!!! but Frank is subpar also

    ballard picked him   and whats worse is he really wanted josh mcdaniels who is horrible .  imagine josh with this team it would be worse .  the raiders looked horrible josh cant win without brady

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  4. Just now, a06cc said:

    Enough trying to blame Reich. I started the season doing such, however this all falls on the offensive players. They’re the ones trusted to execute on offense. If they would block and take care of the football this would be a whole different story. However the offensive skills players are holding this team back 

    its not reiches fault the offensive line is getting dominated every single play .   all the turnovers have zero to do with frank  .   there is a serious lack of talent with this team .    ballard had 6 years to fix the offense line pass rushers and wrs and nothing happened . its the same problems that grigson had

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