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Posts posted by corgi

  1. 2 minutes ago, Fisticuffs111 said:

    I think locking the other threads has a lot to do with saving people from having the same discussion in several different threads.

    That and it devolved into me talking about Brad Dourif and the Chikd's Play series. 

  2. 5 minutes ago, \m/COLTS\m/ said:

    Here's the thing....he didn't exactly say there wouldn't be any changes, this is from the interview he gave before we were trounced from playoff contention.....


    "“Right now, I’m not anticipating making any changes,’’ he told USA Today. “That can always change. It always can when we’re sitting down at the end of the year and evaluate things."






    So going by his statement changes could happen, especially since we didn't make playoffs again. I would love to see some changes but whatever happens I won't sleep over it.

    There's a reason the song was titled "I will always love you" and not "I will most likely always love you."

  3. Just now, OffensivelyPC said:

    That's the thing.  It's not a mess.  There is no mess.  It's us on the outside saying something and the people on the inside turning a deaf ear to it.  It's like when you're in high school or at work and people are talking "rumors this and rumors that about Offensively PC."  I can't control (nor do I even care) what other people say about me.  I'm going to do what I want to do and if I want to share anything with anyone, I will.  But their saying anything about me doesn't influence what I do or say.

    You're right but at the same time it takes no effort to say "We're all cool and the gang over here." Im okay with the rumors and silence, it's like trying to figure or if the girl you're crushing on "likes you" or is "in like with you". I haven't been in high school for 14 years, I don't remember the proper wording for that situation.

  4. 14 minutes ago, OffensivelyPC said:

    I'm not even counting on that.  I'm really indifferent as to whether any of these guys stay or go.  I just think it's silly (a) expecting change when Irsay said already he expects no chagne (b) to conflagrate an issue that, for the time being should be a non-issue until further notice and (c) make child-like demands for a response to said conflagrated issue when Irsay has no obligation to discuss anything about it in the first place.  


    It's no wonder Irsay has said nothing on the topic, because if anyone's paid attention ot the Colts media and these forums over the past month and a half, it doesn't matter hwat Irsay says, there's a loud and obnoxious group of people that won't take him at his word anyway.  So why the hell would he say anything at all?

    You know what would've made all of this stop before it started. Irsay saying "Pagano and Grigson WILL be back for the 2017 season, and their jobs are absolutely safe." Don't use a sequence of words that give you an out if you are certain. He created this mess, it's no ones fault but his own.

  5. 3 hours ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


    After following Wells on Twitter for awhile now, I've noticed that when he stands by a big story and is referencing his sources, he's been right WAY more than wrong. And I HATED him at first. Honestly jury's still out on whether I actually "like" him or not, just saying, he still has his sources. And keep in mind, he's not trying to generate clicks like back in the day when he was writing for Stampede Blue.

    He's entertaining when he does his podcast, I will give him that. I've listened to a lot of bad podcasts during my morning jogs.

  6. Here's a list of people I trust more than Brad Wells (I stole this from George Carlin)


    An airline pilot who has on two different shoes.

    A proctologist with poor depth perception.

    A pimp who drives a Toyota Corolla.

    Guys with a lot of small pins on their hats. 

    A dentist with blood in his hair.

    A man with only one lip.

    Any lawyer who refers to the police as the "Federalies." 

    A brain surgeon with "Born to Lose" tattooed on his hands.

    A man in a hospital gown directing traffic.

    A waitress with a visible infection on her serving hand.

    People who have large gums and small teeth.

    Guys who wear the same underwear until it begins to cut off the circulation to their feet.

    And any man whose arm hair completely covers his wristwatch.

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