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Posts posted by Rally5

  1. 28 minutes ago, Luca_Colts said:

    I thought Leonard was an ILB but all source list him as OLB, I might have confunded since we don’t blitz a lot. I just wanted to know what exact position does he play?

    OLB, W makes the majority of tackles in this defense.  He's not an ILB although in certain alignments (nickle) it may look like he's playing in the middle but that's due to personnel on the field, 5 DB's and 2 LB's.

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  2. 1 hour ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    As excited as I've been the last few games with Luck, the running game, the O-Line, and the TE play, the defense has been equally as bad. We started off the year well, got pressure on the QB at times, got to the QB, managed to get a fair amount of INTs, and were making stops at a reasonable pace. Now it seems the defense has regressed and is outmatched by any decent offense. We have been getting roasted by teams like the Raiders, Jets, and Jaguars in the air. There's not too much excuse for it either because these QB's have been shut down by other teams' defenses. Even Darius Leonard is starting to fall down to Earth a bit and the defense is becoming frustrating to watch as they ruin Luck and the offenses dominant work by allowing points on almost every drive it seems. 


    We have seen a lot of progress on offense this year from the 2018 draft and that doesn't even include two WR's who haven't played yet. Leonard was a huge piece on defense, and Hooker and Walker are nice, but there isn't much else besides depth and complimentary pieces otherwise. I believe this next year in the draft, we need to go after defense in a major way. Go D-Line early, attack the strength of the draft, then possibly grab two CBs in the 3rd and 4th rounds and a OLB that all fit our scheme. We need pressure on the QB, and we need playmakers in the secondary besides Hooker. I'm hoping we can win a SB with Andrew Luck before he retires. The Offense is good enough, but it needs help from the Defense, and I'm hoping next years draft and FA can be the things that kick it off into another gear. Hopefully what is happening with our offense can happen with the defense next year. We will need the help when facing top teams once we start making the playoffs. Offense wins in the regular season, but defense wins championships.

    When you play a lot of zone concepts you have to have push rush in order for it to work, otherwise, it's Madden football.  Early we were getting sacks and pressures, somehow that's gone away in recent weeks.  We're still doing reasonably well against the run and we seem to be getting a lot of negative plays in the run D, I don't have any stats on that, it just looks to be true to me.  I 100% agree we need to prioritize pass rush in the next draft along with some secondary talent.  Until then we have to roll with what we have and hope we catch some lightning.

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  3. On 11/1/2018 at 7:34 AM, Lawrence Owen said:

    Today, i thought to myself:"Lawrence, how good has Mack really been? Last year? Since he's gotten back?  Are his hands as bad as some would say?"  Then i looked at some highlight reels from last year.  Man he does have the ability to catch.  I think his recent drops were just concentration.  If you look at last years highlight reel there is a couple VERY good receptions that would not have been considered drops had he not caught them. Even 1 in the rain.

    In the Jets game, that bobble int/pick-6 was ALL concentration.  He was in the backfield surrounded by Jets players and was thinking of going before he secured the ball. Then he had a couple carries where there was no hole for him to go.  So he started to do a 'Gore' and squeeze through for anything he could get.  Once he saw daylight though, it was racing time. He did go out of bounds on one run where he could've gotten 7-10 more yards. I think it is where he hurt his ankle.

    The Buffalo game was a thing of beauty from the O-line.  At first, most of Mack's yards were like the Jets, He just spun, broke tackles, and carried people.  Then the Holes opened up like the red sea and Mack's speed looked like Pacman on a power pelet.  Eating up yards like he was racing time to get all the ghost's.

    Both of Macks TD runs against Oakland was 3rd down.  Make of that what you will, but seems to me Reich has faith in Mack's 3rd running ability.  He always is churning his legs, falling forward. He also has a knack to find a way to squirm in a pile and squeak out the other side. Again, O-line opened some impressive holes at times.  But a lot of his touches, he made yards after contact.

    Mack has speed and everyone knows, But he also has not been tentative at all to go between the tackles and go head to head with linemen Since his torn labrum has healed up.  His speed is a dual asset.  Not only does it get him those extra yards on that play, but it makes the defense chase after him, wearing them down every time Mack touches the ball.  The more he touches it, the bigger the chance he will end up breaking a big run because of the tiring of the defense.  He has good hands when he concentrates on catching the ball.  It's when he's more worried about after the catch is when he gets into trouble.  He's shown much better hands the past 2 weeks. Hopefully he's realized his issue and has worked on it.

    This was a GREAT pick in the 4th round by Ballard.

    Thanks for posting, I think a lot of people stopped watching games last year and didn't fully realize just how good this kid was, he may be the best pure runner we've had since ED. Hopefully he can do this for years to come!

  4. On 11/1/2018 at 4:20 PM, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    Yeah because of the way Mahomes and Goff are playing, he may be 6th right now. My obvious Top 3 are Brady, Rodgers, and Brees then you have Mahomes, Goff, and Luck. I think Luck should be at 4 only because he is more proven but the other 2 kids are playing Great and have the 2 best teams in the NFL.

    Everybody had Wentz as an MVP last year and #3 in the league.  We'll need to see at least three seasons from Goff and Mahomes before we can start anointing them 'best in the league.'  We need to see what happens when defenses adjust, talent goes away, injuries set in, that's when we'll know about these guys.  So be careful because the bandwagon can buck fast. Guys like Rogers, Luck, Brees stand the test of time and adversity, that's the measure of best in class.  Agreed, these younglings are white hot right now but so was Wentz, anyone remember a guy named RGIII?  How about Teddy Bridgewater or Nick Foles record season for that matter?  How about we give it three years and let's see who merits the designation.

  5. 9 hours ago, Superman said:


    You're only thinking about how you value the RB position, which is probably similar to the way I value the RB position; I'm not trying to justify paying a RB this kind of money. I'm talking about the fair use of the franchise tag, and how good faith negotiations go when players are tagged, or even when franchise level players get signed before the tag comes into play.


    Khalil Mack got tagged, and if the Raiders used the tag three times in a row, Mack would have made about $65m in three years. That was his starting point in negotiations. The Raiders traded him to the Bears, who gave him a contract that essentially guarantees him $73m in the first three years.


    Todd Gurley was two years away from being tagged. The Rams could have played out the fifth year option at $10m, and tagged him two more years for about $30m. The starting point in contract negotiations was $40m over the first three years. They gave him a deal that essentially guarantees him $48m over the first three years. (The Rams deal with Donald followed similar principles.)


    Bell's position is this: "You're tagging me, you obviously agree that I'm valuable, I'm asking you to commit to that value." And that's a fair stance; if the Steelers valued backs like you and I do, they probably wouldn't have tagged him in the first place, or would have traded him in 2017. Instead, they gave him 400 touches and let him pace their offense. Their intention was to tag him and run him into the ground, then let him walk. Their 2018 offer makes it clear that they had no intention to commit to him beyond this season (if reports about the structure are true). 


    You're presenting that offer as if it were an actual commitment, and we all know it wasn't. 


    The point of the tag is to allow teams to negotiate with their most valuable players without worrying about a free market bidding war. More often than not, teams use the tag to get another year out of a good player without making a long term commitment. And they use the July deadline as a bully negotiation tactic to get marginalized players to jump at a soft offer. 


    NFL players need to stop talking about guaranteed contracts and commissioner authority, and get united on majorly reforming the tag. I would say the exclusive tag should be worth 15% of the salary cap, or make the player the highest paid at his position by 5%, whichever is higher. And it can't be used in consecutive seasons on the same player. Also allow a non-exclusive tag with matching rights (and the ability for the matching team to restructure to avoid poison pills) worth the average of the five highest paid players at the position.

    Well written, great points.  It will be interesting in the next CBA if the union spends negotiating capital on this 1% of their workforce.  It's fair to say the franchise tag is no longer being used as intended.  I would like to see the league enable teams to keep the players they draft without impacting their earning opportunities.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    For what little it's worth,  I've never been in the Bell camp.    And I like him.   But not THAT MUCH.


    I just think there's a difference between showing flashes,  whch he did,  and being a stud.   I'm sorry,  I don't mean to split hairs, or give you a hard time over a single word.    But that word has meaning here,  so I wanted to be clear about why we disagreed.


    Again,  I'm in the Mack-camp.    I'm on the bandwagon.    I just think the mark of a really talented back is the ability to perform at a high level over multiple years.    I hope to see that from Mack.


    All good brother, semantics, not worth it! Go Colts!!!!!

    • Thanks 1
  7. 5 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    Marlon Mack was "a stud last year"....?????     On what planet?


    Less than 100 carries.      Less than a 4.0 average per carry.      Let's not get carried away here.   Those are NOT the numbers of a stud.    He's put up stud numbers the last three games.    That's it.


    And here are his official stats:



    My fault, I wasn't speaking statistically. He was explosive and showed real promise.  I identified his burst, vision, and playmaking ability as a stud, not the stat box, that wasn't my measure.  I'm not going to respond to this anymore.  Let's say you win.  Cheers.

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  8. 5 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:




    I've answered this in your previous post.


    You being right is like saying,  "hey, I predicted it would be 12 o'clock!"     Hey,  you're right twice a day.    But not because you knew something the rest of us didn't.     The numbers I posted in response to your other post showed you were wrong about Mack being a stud last year.


    If you know what you're looking at he showed tons of promise, a few people saw it clearly.  I had people telling me he was only "a scat back," "we need a true plow horse", "dude is injury prone," most recently "go spend a fortune on  L Bell."  All of that is wrong. Now, if 'stud' means filling a stat box last year then you would be correct he's not a stud.    And I'm no clock... 

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, MikeCurtis said:

    Unfortunately,  what we need isnt readily available......


    Pass rush?   Who is really available?


    From rest of defense maybe:

    Collins (NY) ?  - NY is DONE...... maybe a 3rd would pry him away

    Conley (Oak) ? - What would we give?


    I dont see ANY movements from the Colts.... (could be wrong)


    I think we get a bit better on defense when Hooker comes back


    I also think that once TY gets 100%, this offense could get cooking


    We just better hope that we never punt, when we play the better teams

    What we need is to be healthy.  Teams that win late are healthy and play with momentum, the Colts are getting healthy at the right time, fingers crossed. We aren't going on some feeding frenzy of free agents.

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  10. On 10/22/2018 at 10:17 AM, WarGhost21 said:

    It seems that us, the fans, are our harshest critics, as I have seen many posts saying we look really good this season for a 2-5 team. For example:






    Lots of positive notes, especially seeing as we aren't seen as definitive underdogs in any of our remaining games. Could this team continue its dominance this past week and push for 10 wins and a playoff berth?


    Of course they could...we'll see.

    2 hours ago, MikeCurtis said:


    Isn't this played out?  

  11. 41 minutes ago, NewColtsFan said:


    Look....   all I’m saying is that as recently as 22 days ago no one here knew what Mack could do.


    No one was calling Mack the answer to our prayers.


    The poster I was responding to was asking all the doubters to “eat crow”.   Like he knew something no one else did.   Like he’s the leader imof the Marlon Mack fan club since we drafted the kid.    


    The vastly improved OL and the improved performance of Luck has something to do with Mack’s success.  I love the kid.   Always have.   But I’d like to see more success before proclaiming him as The Answer...    really, that’s all..



    Umm, somebody was....

  12. 1 hour ago, NewColtsFan said:


    Ahhhh.....   uhhhhh.....


    I’d slow that roll a bit...


    Maybe you’re right.   But Mack has been hit fir three weeks.   That’s it.


    Can he do it the rest of the season?   Maybe.


    Can he do it again in 2019?   Maybe.


    That was the issue for many if us with Mack.    Can he do it year after year.   It’s a little too early to know....



    He was a stud last year, this is not an instant surprise, he jumps off the screen.  He showed burst and ability all last season stuck behind Gore.  How else would I have been on his bandwagon all season?   Just because the guy pulls his hamstring doesn't make him injury prone.  I don't get this narrative.  Are we saying this stuff about Nelson, or Leonard? No. Mack is legit and every running back is a play away from being injured like anyone else.  Bottom line, this kid can flat out play and who knows what fate may hold.  So let's stop with the 'ya but' stuff on this kid and enjoy the show!  

    • Thanks 1
  13. On 10/24/2018 at 6:57 PM, Matabix said:

    How many different plays do you think Reich can come up with out of a 4 TE set. Doyle, Ebron, Swoope, Hewitt or Cox with a RB.

     Make it 50/50 run/pass. 

    Good or Bad idea or who the hell knows lets just try it!

    As long as we call it 'the stampede' and we run out of it as well....I'm game for giving it a whirl! Someone has to innovate!  ;)



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  14. 17 hours ago, Superman said:

    If you haven't read this already, you should. It's a really good inside look at how the tram prepares for each opponent's pass rush. This is the kind of stuff I've been hoping to see from local guys for a while. Glad to see Holder put out something like this.




    This takes you to The Athletic, which is a pay site, but this article is offered for free. It's worth jumping through a couple hoops to get to, IMO. 



    The SOP continues on Mondays, when Brady hunkers down and watches the next opponent’s most recent game, identifying all the blitzes and defensive fronts that were shown. Offensive line coach Dave DeGuglielmo and running backs coach Tom Rathman are intimately involved throughout as well.


    On Tuesday, a comprehensive package of possible blitzes is compiled and shared with the entire offensive staff. The level of detail is remarkable.


    “They methodically go through every blitz that the defensive coordinator has shown for the past year, year and a half,” offensive coordinator Nick Sirianni said.


    The compilation will even include blitzes the coordinator in question has used against Reich’s offenses during his stints with his former teams, in San Diego and Philadelphia. Clearly, Brady doesn’t sleep much during the season. Remember, there’s too much at stake.

    Good share!

  15. 2 hours ago, Luck 4 president said:

    Nah. I was never against Nelson. I just expected him to be playing better since a premium pick was used on a non premium position. You and others flamed me because I said he should be playing at a high level right away.

    How do you like one sack in 3 games...sometimes you have to see the forest through the trees!

    7 hours ago, DaveA1102 said:


    Over 2 minutes of analysis for you all to enjoy.


    Love Baldy's twitter and even better when it's one of our own in focus.  He has done a few on Leonard too.

    Hulk Smash!

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