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Posts posted by Devildog

  1. I don't think one year is going to define Nelson's career.  He could be a Pro-Bowler next year or the year after.  Perhaps McGlinchey or Hernandez could suck next year so who knows.  Just because Nelson has been outperformed by others who were drafted after him doesn't mean he's a bust.


    Sometimes, I just don't understand people's thinking.  Why compare him when so far he's done an excellent job protecting Luck?  Perhaps people think we could've traded back and gotten more picks but seriously, how many of those do you think will actually pan out? 


    We got a quality player that filled a position need and that is all that matters.   

    • Like 1
  2. 1 hour ago, gspdx said:


    Hey - I'm 57, 6 feet tall, 20 lbs over weight ( I really like beer), can jog a good route,  and can still catch without wearing my glasses.


    Do you think I have a shot?!


    58 minutes ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    You can catch a ball? I think you have a shot! :thmup:


    You still have a shot even if you can't catch a ball.  Just ask #80, lol.

  3. 2 hours ago, DaveA1102 said:


    I heard Stephen Holder talk about this the other day, saying Fountain has been playing really well at practice and coaches have been talking him up. 


    Seems odd for him to remain on the practice squad based on Ballard's "play them young " philosophy that we have seen this year.


    They are saving him for the playoffs, lol.


  4. 1 minute ago, krunk said:

    Yeah geathers is done


    Yeah, I doubt he'll ever be the same.  Even if he managed to come back healthy, the question would be how long.  I think his career is done.  I for sure done with him.  As much as I like him, it's time to move on.

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  5. Just now, csmopar said:

    I gotta be honest, I'm really starting to warm up to the idea of trading for Bell... something I've been BIG time against. 

    I agree with you 100% but he won't be effective unless the OL is fixed. I too was against bringing him in but at this point I don't mind entertaining the idea. 

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  6. 1 hour ago, Jared Cisneros said:

    The only reason I watch the Broncos is A.) My parents are Broncos fans and it lets us spend time together now that I'm an adult, and B.) I don't get the Colts game in Colorado, so unless my friends are available to watch the game with or it's on TV that week, I can't watch them. Like I said, it becomes a chore to hope Luck gets better. My fandom is based on effort, I support Ballard because he is giving 100%. I support the team and this defense because they give 100%. I don't believe Luck is giving 100% or is 100% into football. He is smart enough not to make simple mistakes at 29 anymore. 


    Manning put his blood, sweat and tears into football. He lived it. I don't believe Luck does, and it makes me not care about him.

    I feel sorry for the team because Luck and the offense don't give their 100%.  I'm just confused because pre-Luck injury, I think he carried the whole team on his back.  Probably the main reason why he got injured the first place because he was doing it all.  Sorry that you hate watching the Colts but I watch them because I support them no matter what.


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