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Posts posted by Andy

  1. Andy Andy Andy

    Where to begin?

    You have proven, repeatedly to have some of the more off the wall thoughts on the Colts and the league. Saying that you know what you are talking about is debatable at best. Take this post about McElroy for instance. McElroy is, by any definition, not yet a great back up. There is simply no way to make that statement based on the evidence of one preseason game, especially one in which his performance was uneven at best.

    And your determination that Rucker will only have 2 snaps and not help the team is based on what exactly? There is sentiment that he was an early round talent that fell only due to off the field issues. That is the perfect desription of a low-risk, high reward draft pick. And certainly one that has the potential to be far more valuable than McElroy ever would have.

    And lastly, you telling someone else to do research before you post is kind of funny. This is coming from a guy whose depth chart included players not currently on the Colts roster. Not only that some of your players are not just free agents, but some were on other teams rosters.

    My turn...

    I do know what I'm talking about, whether you like it or not. I have said some ridiculous things, but you make it sound like I say it all the time.

    I'm basing this off the fact that Rucker is a 3rd stringer who may not even make the roster, but probably will. I'm just saying unless the CBs get injured, he is not getting that much playing time.

    Now let's go to my depth chart, the preseason isn't over, so when it's over let's compare my chart; and the thing about the free agents, 2 of the players are free agents, and Dawson is playing for another team... that's 3 players. I'm not perfect, but I did a pretty good job.

    Now if you want to further discuss this, please just PM me.

  2. What in the world? Years past we've had the Keith and Hart fan club make it seem like these guys were Hall of Famers in waiting now we have one for McElroy? At least the other two were on the roster. McElroy looked decent against the Texans' sorry pass defense's back ups in a pre-season game. Call me when McElroy rips up the Ravens or Steelers starters in December.

    Sure you can make that point, but he also got pressured almost every play he played. Shows he's calm under pressure... Point is, he's better than Painter and Orlovsky.

  3. lmao mcelroy? please close this thread t/s does NOT know what he's talking about

    I do know what I'm talking about. McElroy is a great backup with a tone of potential. He is better than Painter, and Orlovsky, not to mention that he's cheaper than both of those guys, b/c of the rookie contract. All we had to give up was that 6th round pick which went to Rucker, who will have only 2 snaps and not make a difference on our team. Do some research before writing what you said.

  4. The preseason shouldn't be the place to show Donald off. He's playing against a bunch of backups most of the time, so obviously he's going to look better. Just let Donald finish the season under the Colts, and if he does well, give the man a deal, if he doesn't... let him walk.

  5. I think they're not good commentators, but not because they're homers, because they're stupid. After the Taj Smith TD, they blamed it on the cornerbacks being inexperience and undrafted so that means they're not good cornerbacks... you'll never see that from Bob Lamey, he's the best radio voice in all of the NFL, and I'm not just saying that b/c he's a Colt commentator, it's because his voice and uniqueness makes him different and better from the competetion. The only other guy who comes close is that guy in San Fran. Anyways, I don't mind homers, but I hate homers you don't know anything about football but they're own team. Lamey knows the Colts extremely well, and knows all the other 31 teams very well also. The Rams homers only know the Rams, they knew nothing about the Colts.

  6. They should let him try several kicks, but at the end of a game, losing by 1, I would rather have the most clutch kicker of all time vs a punter. Plus during those kicks he was wearing no equipment making it easier to get more power and speed behind the ball.

  7. true, but everything else about his game reminds me of peyton and i think this is gonna be his best year with another threat now on the outside besides white.

    I have a feeling that Julio Jones goes down with an injury, and doesn't live up to the hype. Plus Tony Gonzalez is getting older, and their line isn't that good anymore. I don't see him having as good a year.

  8. For Week 1 (yes I know it already happened) and Week 2, they should get their 2nd 3rd and 4th stringers and UDFAs to play most of the game. We have 80 or so players on the roster, start cutting the useless ones after Week 2. This should leaves us with about 70 players going into Week 3. During Week 3, we should start warming up our starters for the regular season, making them play the full first half, and even some of the 3rd quarter. During the 2nd half, you then start playing 2nd stringers and 3rd stringers. After Week 3, we do some more cutting, cutting around 4 to 7 guys, leaving us with around 63 to 66, 67 players. Then in Week 4, we play most of our starters for the first half, and most of the 3rd. We can't play PM, Reggie Wayne, Dallas Clark, Joseph Addai, Frathis for that long, so they play the 1st half. Leave the 2nd half to the backups. By doing this, we give our starters a good warmup before Week 1 vs Houston, and we get to see which backups and emergencies we keep or get rid of. After Week 4, we make difficult cuts that bring our team down to 55 or so, and if I'm not mistaken we have a practice after our Week 4 game, and we get rid of the 2 or so other players. By doing what I said, we cut the useless players early, and warmup our key starters so that they're ready for our showdown against Houston. If it were against a weaker team, we could less regiment.

    So what do you guys think? Please, there's no need to insult :) !

  9. Well both of the QBs first passes were touchdowns, but no he is not the next Peyton Manning. He could be as good as Brees, but that's it. Andrew Luck could be the next Peyton Manning, but that's a stretch. It's extremely hard to find a Peyton Manning, and Matt Ryan has not put up Peyton Manning numbers.

  10. how thick are you? he had one opportunity and made a great catch for 41 yards. playing what 8 plays? in what way is that not a good game?? Did you expect him to put up 100 yards and 3 tds in 2 drives? How did reggie play? do you wanna cut him he played soo bad? what about collie?

    garcon made a great play, he looked really good for what he played in the game, therefore he had a great game.

    I'm saying he played great... for one drive. One drive is not a whole game. Reggie WAyne and Austin Collie did not have good games, but they did not have bad games, mostly because they barely played. I never said that we should cut Garcon b/c of this game, so I don't know where you're getting that from. So to answer your question, i'm about 6'1, 190 pounds, so im pretty thin. :)

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