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    <p>Sports Fan....'nuff said</p>

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  1. So disheartened about football right now.. considering not watching..it's just not fun with all the stops of play while the scab zebras decide which crappy call they want to name their flag.

    1. HungarianColtsFan


      Get over it MI!!! It was yesterday, we're looking to the future.

    2. MIColtsFan


      it's making me cranky.. good thing the Colts have a bye.. I may not dvr a single game this coming weekend. :)

    3. southwest1


      I hear Ya MCF. It's disheartening, pathetic, and glaringly horrible to say the least. I'm disgusted with the NFL right now. What integrity does the NFL right now? None...Just ask the GB Packers right now or the NE Patriots. Oh wait, here comes the car full of clowns now. Be careful NFL. A Natl. Joke is no laughing matter. Save your dignity as a professional sport please...I beg you.

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