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Posts posted by Smoke317

  1. As a connoisseur, I appreciate the weed jokes.  You guys can keep your X-Files & tinfoil though.  I know what I saw on the sideline and heard what came out of 56th street the following week...  But why don't you geniuses answer my questions?


    Would Frank have put Luck back into the Steelers game if he said he wanted to go back in?  They never took JB's helmet until after halftime.  Never took him to the back for a more thorough examination.  Just let him stand there with his helmet & watch...  Also would Frank have let Luck take all the reps the next week but then bench him at the last moment and roll with a backup with such minimal preparation?  


    If your answer is yes to either then you're all smoking crack or crystal meth.  And I don't want any of either.  Though I hear tinfoil could be used with either.  :thmup:.  So enjoy.  I'll stick with the weed and I'll be waiting for those answers. 

  2. 15 minutes ago, zibby43 said:

    So, according to your theory, Reich sabotaged JB and the season (on his own) in order to run JB out of town?


    Is it April Fool's Day already?


    Jacoby's knee was hurt.  Period.


    The one incontrovertible fact that blows your theory out of the water: there are 3 QBs on the roster, and JB has been starting/playing. 

    No.  Reich sabotaged the season because he wanted another QB to play (like many on this board).  But he couldn't pull him with a 5-2 record.  The injury opened the door.  Then Hoyer played well.  So he gave him another shot. 


    Let's say Hoyer throws for 350 & 4td's vs the Dolphins.  I think Frank would have more of a case to say Hoyer provides us a better chance at winning because he executes the offense the way I like.  At the worst, he'd be able to have a very short leash on JB.  But Hoyer scuttled those plans.  And IMO Frank cost us this season by even entertaining the thought.  


    Would Frank have sat Luck the rest of that game & the next without even getting an x-ray or anything?

  3. 10 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    IMO there is no way in hell JB shouldn't have played vs Miami. We win that we are 6-3, that alone changes the season up to this point even. I think Reich thought Miami was so bad that he could gamble and play Hoyer and still win. That was a mistake.

    See I disagree.  The NFL is only 16 games.  No time to gamble.  If Luck was the QB he goes back in the Steelers game & plays the next week vs Miami especially if he took all the practice reps.  Frank did gamble though.  He gambled that Hoyer would put 2 great passing games together and he would be justified in moving on from JB mid season.


    It was so strange how little he seemed to care how JB was doing during the Steelers game.  I'm not saying he didn't care about Jacoby.  Just that he didn't care to hear anything that would lead to JB going back into the game...  Even gave Hoyer another week to steal the job. 


    You can't make a move like that with a QB that has you at 5-2.  I think Jim Harbaugh did it with Smith & Kap.  But you can't do that with a lifelong backup in Hoyer.  We would have been better off turning to Kelly.  At least with him we would have had some potential to hope for...



  4. I don't know if this topic should be merged with another but it's something I need to get off my chest.  I've been contemplating where everything went off track for us.  And I keep coming back to the Steelers game & JB's injury.  But the more and more I think about it, I think Frank's actions in that game & the following week have cost us this season.


    I came to this conclusion when I saw Justin Fields take a very similar shot to his knee in the OSU vs UM game.  OSU's coach put Fields back into the game.  The Buckeyes stabilized & Fields led them to victory that day & since to the playoffs.  I bring this up because it got me thinking about how our coach handled a similar situation.  JB came out & Hoyer threw a TD to Doyle (who was so wide open that JB could have made that throw but Hoyer did make some other good throws so I'm not disparaging his play that day) and Frank never looked back.


    They showed him on the sideline and he could truly care less how his starting QB was doing...  It was as if he had been waiting for the moment where he could yank JB & put in a QB that he preferred.  How he handled the next week was more proof.  JB apparently took all the reps because he was healthy enough to play and as the starter wanted to.  But Frank didn't truly want him as the QB. So what does he do? He starts Hoyer, supposedly with minimal practice reps, because he felt that even with minimal reps, Hoyer was better than JB.


    Unfortunately, it blew up in his and all Colts fans' faces when Hoyer laid an egg.  When Frank pulled JB for BH our season spiraled down the drain.  I believe that JB beats Pittsburgh and Miami and our season is looking very different despite the kicking woes & injuries & JB's limitations.  We were 5-2 at the time.  You don't make a boneheaded change like that.  You dance with the one that you brought...  The guy that lead us to 5-2 & 2nd in the AFC...


    So I've reached the conclusion that Frank doesn't truly want JB as his QB.  And in that case we must move on to another QB next season.  I defended JB because the guy won and his teammates loved him.  But his limitations have worn on me as things have spiraled down the drain.  But he isn't alone in getting the blame.  I'm putting a lot of it on Frank & his decision to not trust his QB that got him to 5-2.  


    So we'll get a QB in here that he prefers next year but he won't be getting any more free passes from me.  He better win with whomever it is because I just watched him sabotage this season when the AFC was open for the taking.  If Luck said he wanted to come back in the Steelers game would Frank have ignored him & kept JB or whomever was the backup in the game?  Not a chance.  Would he have let Luck take all the reps the following week and then went with the backup?  Not a chance.  He wanted JB out and leapt at the opportunity when it was there.  Unfortunately, all he did was sink our season...

  5. 2 minutes ago, GoColts8818 said:

    If they were going to do that you take Trevor Lawrence.

    Not me. I like Fields better.  I've liked him better since he beat Lawrence out at the Elite 11 competition for the best high school QB.  They'll get the chance to rematch in the national semifinals.  But I'm taking Fields over Lawrence every time.  Lawrence is my number 2. I only like Burrow in this year's draft. 

  6. Trade for Foles?  The guy who hasn't won a single game this year?  I repeat not a single win this season.  The guy that we ourselves & JB just destroyed & outplayed a week ago?  The guy who just got benched for a late round rookie QB?  As much money as Jax gave Foles, I'm shocked they don't even want to see if he can get into a groove.  Guess they've seen enough in just 4 games... 


    I'm not giving up anything but a 6th or 7th round pick for him.  If they'll take that then fine bring him in and let him compete with JB.  Or maybe even a straight up trade for Hoyer?  Anything more than that and it's a hard pass on Foles, who has always under performed when much is expected of him.


    As the backup he'll come in and look great because not much is expected of the backup.  Make him the starter and he craps the bed.  I think I'd rather have Tannehill but Titans will probably resign him.

  7. The way Milligan got roasted today, I guess Wilson figures he could have done that...  Tannehill missed him the first time but came back to it later on the last TD.  Clearly a practice issue & them rewarding Milligan for practicing better because I haven't seen much from him on game days that says he should be playing over Wilson. 

  8. I read (probably should listen to) what Frank Reich said & he sure didn’t sound (read) as super convinced about the ankle. Said this was the first time hearing about it. Did mention the preseason but sure didn’t read as he was confident (as in he saw this coming at all) in the injury & IR.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Ebron basically shut it down to get healthy for the offseason.  And I similarly wouldn’t be surprised if he’s not brought back. You guys think he feels like JB’s QB’ing & Frank’s play calling are costing him money & he’d be better off just getting healthy?

    I’d like to see us let him walk & go get OJ Howard from the Bucs.  

    • Like 1
  9. 8 hours ago, jskinnz said:


    You would take it personally?  Do you think your opinion influenced Ballard to sign him?


    The rest of your post has words.  Not many of them make sense but the words are there.

    Yep.  CB brought him in based on my suggestion. CB & I have player personnel meetings weekly...  You didn't know?  Somethings just go over some people's heads.  Maybe once you get a direct line to Ballard like me, things will begin to make more sense to you. 

  10. 20 minutes ago, jskinnz said:

    This feels like there is an “or else” sentiment to your post. As in he better not be making a business decision or else. 

    So what is the “or else?”

    As I stated in the post, I'm gonna be very disappointed.  I was one of the, if not the, first person(s) that said we were going to and should go after Funchess when last season ended.  Even more so than the receiver who went to the Raiders from the Chargers.  So I would take it kind of personally if the guy I clamored for, despite some stats suggesting he had drop issues and wasn't that good, being basically a waste of an acquisition. 


    Also, it would not look good on his resume.  To not attempt to come back (if it were at all possible) wouldn't be a good look.  Especially, being on a team that's contending for the division.  I actually feel for the guy though.  His behavior in camp seemed like that of a guy who felt very comfortable in this organization.  I'm sure he wants to leave his mark here and maybe even establish some roots. 


    I'm probably being unfairly hard on him because the team really could use him on the field down the stretch.  I hope he comes back and balls out and secures a respectable 2-3 year contract with us.

  11. 2 hours ago, Myles said:


    I know you guys aren't being "too" rough, but remember, some people come to this forum to get their Colts updates.   Like me, I don't do Twitter.  I don't live in Indy where there is always a radio station talking Colts football.   

    I'm guessing Smoke was just using this forum for some info.  

    Thanks Myles. Krunk did get a little Crunk there with me. Lol. I just hope he comes back. JB showed tremendous trust in him in game 1. I don't think it'll take them long to get their chemistry back.  Good to know we still have time.  Titans game may be questionable though. 

    • Like 1
  12. 8 minutes ago, krunk said:

    Have you not been reading the tweets and other info related on him?  He's got to be cleared by the docs.

    No hadn't heard that.  Not too big on Twitter.  So he's still injured.  Let's hope he makes it back.  We could use him down the stretch.  

    • Like 1
  13. Isn't he nearing the point where he has to be activated or placed on I.R. for the rest of the year?  Is he not healing properly?  I called for us to go get him after last season.  I'm gonna be very disappointed if he doesn't come back and try to play.  He better not be making "business decisions" while the team is out there competing for the division...

    • Like 1
  14. If Vinny makes his kicks & we're sitting at 8-2 or 9-1, would the stadium be more full? 


    I think yes.  In spite of that, I think this team is still building into something special.  This Thursday's game will be a great opportunity for us to re-establish our dominance in the division over Houston.  JB has never lost to the Texans. Let's keep the streak going. 


    After that I hope the fans come out strong for the Titans game because that's gonna be a tough one.  I think the Titans will be more dangerous with Tannehill.  Plus Nashville is close enough that I expect to see some of them in attendance.  Just hope not too many if you know what I mean... 


    The fans will be back for the Titans game. 

  15. 10 hours ago, EastStreet said:

    Let's be honest. There are many types of fans. The die hards will always be there. The other go for the entertainment, the overall experience (game, tailgating, etc, status, etc..), family outing, etc.. They are still fans, but go for the fun. If the fun factor and experience factor diminish, they'll still watch and cheer, they'll just do it from home. Then you have kids who are mostly fun based. The reality is, it's expensive to go, especially if you're taking the whole family. If the whole family is not enjoying the $$$ spent, even the die hard will stay home with the wife and kids who may not share the same enthusiasm any more. I"m a die hard and wish I could go to the games every week, but I have family back in Indy that are starting to question the expense, and I can understand where they are coming from.

    Good points. From that perspective, I can definitely understand. 

    • Thanks 1
  16. 3 hours ago, Defjamz26 said:

    That’s likely due to the fact that we don’t give up deep passes. But on the intermediate stuff we get shredded. If you watch the Broncos and Dolphins games, that’s what happened. Couldn’t get off the field on 3rd down because of short passes. It won’t show in the box score, but the pass D has struggled at times. They bounced back this week though.

    The Broncos scored 13 points & were 2 for 12 on 3rd down. Dolphins scored 16 (13 of those off of turnovers) & were 5 for 13 on 3rd down. You're being a little hard on our D.  They've been balling out in all phases recently.  Even the Steelers game: Gave up 26 (7 on a pick 6 & a free 3 on a penalty before halftime). Take those away & that's 16 points & 5 for 13 on 3rd down.  Not bad at all.

  17. 10 minutes ago, Scott Pennock said:

    At 10 games deep how many fans, even the most optimistic like myself, would believe the Colts would be leading the division and in the thick of the playoff race in spite of the following:


    Lucks surprise retirement.

    Brissett missing 85% of 1 game and another full game.

    Our All-Pro LB missing 3 games.

    Our #1 Speed Rusher missing 6 games and counting.

    Our Pro-Bowl WR missing 4 games (so far).

    Our #2 WR out for 9+ games and counting

    Our #3 WR out for 5+ games and counting for fluke injuries (hammy, abdominal, and fractured hand).

    Leading the league in drops.


    Every team can complain about injuries and drop off in play, etc., etc. Not a lot of locker rooms could endure the embarrassment of being left at the alter by a coach last year and then the sudden retirement of their Franchise QB the year after. We, as fans, should never doubt this teams resiliency or their heart - not to mention the organisational attitude from Ballard down and the coaching staffs reinforcement of said attitude.


    The positives we are seeing the rookie defensive players growing and developing into starter and/or valued depth pieces. Rock, Okereke, Willis, Tell, Taylor, Banogu. 


    Additionally, seeing the growth of other young guys on the defense like Turay, Stewart, Muhammad and the added dimension of Hooker playing in the box is what is making this defense click right now.


    On offense, with all the attrition at WR we've discovered a solid possession receiver in Pascal, and potentially a big bodied deep threat in Johnson that we thought we were getting in Cain. Should make the stretch run exciting with the potential of Funchess and T.Y. added back into the passing game. 


    Sadly, I think Mack is done for the year due to the fractured hand, so hopefully Hines, Wilkins and Williams pick up the slack (collectively).


    Just a bit of perspective in this (mostly) up and down season.

    They said Mack's injury isn't season ending. 

    • Like 1
  18. On the play where JB either ran it in or hit Johnson, he had Williams open on the flare/swing route for the TD.  Don't think JB trusted him yet.  Be interesting to see if we go back to him in similar situations.  I know he took that screen and got busy.  1 cut and explode into the 2nd level.  Dude was quite impressive.  

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