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  1. Anthony Castonzo se unió a Indianápolis el pasado abril como la selección 22 global en el draft. El tackle izquierdo de Boston College fue multado por participación temprano y Castonzo respondió con 12 comienzos. Castonzo se sorprende de que una temporada ha pasado volando, a él le gusta que le rodea y se está preparando para su segunda temporada.

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  2. Anthony Castonzo joined Indianapolis last April as the 22nd overall choice in the draft. The left tackle from Boston College was ticketed for early participation, and Castonzo responded with 12 starts. Castonzo is amazed a season has flown by, he likes his surroundings and he is preparing for his second season.

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  3. Chuck Pagano helped construct some outstanding defenses in four seasons at Baltimore. Pagano and the Colts have reached toward the east in unrestricted free agency to grab defensive end Cory Redding, who played 2010-11 with the Ravens. Redding has played nine seasons, also with Detroit and Seattle.

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  4. The new NFL year that started on Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. yielded the return of one of the most beloved Colts players in the club’s Indianapolis era. Wide receiver Reggie Wayne has agreed to terms with the club, continuing a career that has provided outstanding memories for Colts fans since 2001.

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