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Posts posted by RockThatBlue

  1. Yep, I've felt that the Steelers have been pretty over-rated all year. Even their win on Monday was pretty marred. Basically, it was 72 seconds of domination by the Steelers, and over 58 minutes in which Houston was pretty much kicking butt. Pitt loses that game 95% of the time that the two teams play as they did - this was the one time in twenty that Pitt somehow pulls out a win. That being said, this is the NFL and Pitt has some talent, so there is easily the potential that they win this game. I'm not fool enough to believe the Colts win just by showing up...

    Yep. They were lucky to beat Houston.

  2. True. But I wonder how long he has been using PED's.. Unless he just cycles on and off of them, but no matter the answer he's still a liability in pass coverage and even his tackling skills I remain skeptical of.

    Hes one of the worst tackling safties I've ever seen.

    It amazes me that a guy as big as him with all those muscles, can't complete a simple arm tackle more often than not.

  3. Definitely, I hope you are right. I'd love to see the Colts just hulk smash face bash the Steelers.

    Darn right.

    As long as we stop Brown and their running game, we could blow them out. But Heinz is a tough place to play. Blow out or not lets beat them suckers.

  4. I'm kind of worried about this game. If all sides continue to play well I still see it being a close one.

    It's never easy to go into Pitts and win.

    I'll say Colts 30-23.

    Yep, I was on the fence about this game. But I have a feeling they won't be able to handle us. We shall see.

  5. Moncrief, no doubt. He has a far higher ceiling, better physical tools, and is a bigger investment

    Moncrief is gonna be a heck of a player for us eventually.Hes big tall and fast. Hes pretty much gonna be what we were expecting Nicks to be for us.

  6. Just not true.

    I thought Gordy played well against Cincy. Don't recall him blowing any coverages nor don't remember his name coming up which is usually a good thing. He had trouble against Houston but I don't think hes been that bad. Could be a lot worse.
  7. I know people will rip me for this.... But I like the DQ Jackson signing

    I like it too. He has had his bad moments but hes a great tackler and pretty good in run support and in blitzing.

    He sucks at covering tight ends, but honestly lots of linebackers have trouble with that so its not like hes the only one. Tight ends are hard to cover these days.

  8. Thank you Luck is Awesome. I just went to my DVR tape Tom Moroney. 2nd QTR at 7:24 Adams just nailed Bernard[/i

    That collision got my juices flowing man. CB hits don't impress me at all, but I live for hard hitting safeties. :thmup:

    Both tackles were solid & a fan can't go wrong with admiring either the Davis or Adams collision. So, it's all good.

    Adams was a great find by Grigson. Great in coverage and a great hitter.
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