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Dr. Guildo

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Status Updates posted by Dr. Guildo

  1. If there was such a thing as a coffee IV I'd run straight into the room & be like hook me up doc.

  2. I thought I'd stop in to say I have nothing to say. Enjoy your day or night.

    1. southwest1


      If I leave a response with nothing to say either does that make 2 insignificant replies "worthwhile?" You know that 2 penalties on the same NFL play offset or cancel 1 another out . Translation: 2 nothing to say statements = a lively conversation? Okay, maybe not. Just kidding!

  3. Q: Why didn’t the skeleton dance at the Halloween party? A: He had no body to dance with. Hahahaha.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. alawai


      As I walked past the cemetery a coffin started following me, I ran and turned the corner but it kept following me. I ran home and into the house but the coffin broke the door and kept following me. I locked myself in the bathroom but the coffin broke the door and came after me! I grabbed whatever I could and threw it at the coffin! The last thing that was left was the cough drops and I threw that at the coffin! It worked as the coffin stopped!

    3. HungarianColtsFan


      Q: Why zombie leaves the party early?

      A: Because he's dead tired.

    4. southwest1


      Good jokes there Skelly & HCF. 100GFB: Your coughing coffin joke was clever too. LOL!

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