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Posts posted by indy1888


    8 minutes ago, BCoop said:



    It's also not the coaching staff's responsibility to make sure they inform the media and fans of practice plans exactly when they want to hear it. They made the announcement about Luck being limited on the 2nd day of practice in week 1. They addressed it almost immediately after the plan went into effect.


    Ask yourself, what team/coach in the league would have come out before the first week of practice to warn fans that Luck will be limited each week this season? I can't think of a single one because any coaching staff worth their weight isn't going to care what fans/media think. They're going to run their team the way they see fit.




    Never said it was there responsibility, simply said they did not address this from the get go or day 1 like you and the other guy implied. Day 1 is in camp, not days before there first game. Have they even admitted that there is an issue at all? Clearly, there is. 


    12 minutes ago, Steamboat_Shaun said:


    He feels like the Colts aren't being transparent about this, when in reality, they said from the get-go that they had a plan in place, and they're sticking to it. He wants there to be more to it because his job is to break stories.


    Except, they didn't say from the get go they had a plan in place. They said it 3 days before the start of the regular season.  The get go would have been day 1 of camp, and it would have easily erased much of the questions the Colts are getting.   But, the Colts wait until he starts missing practices before they say anything and then wonder why people are questioning them.  The same team who hid things about Lucks condition last year. And Holder up until now has acted as if this was a non issue so i don't believe him wanting there to be more to it is an accurate statement.

  3. Interesting that Holder is now starting to question the situation.  Up until now he has acted as if this was a non issue. Wonder why the sudden change?


    And yeah he has been limited every Thursday i believe, of course, those weeks he did not miss a Wednesday practice either.  

  4. 23 minutes ago, ColtsFanMikeC said:

    Andrew Luck was held out of yesterday's practice due to 'shoulder soreness', though both he and Chud are adamant he'll be our starter come Sunday.


    I thought Luck hurt his shoulder last year in pre-season and he didn't seem right throwing the ball most of last year.  He looked very sharp week 1, but last week there were a few throws that were high or just off target (including the pick 6 by Talib).  He was on the injury report with a shoulder....


    Is anyone else concerned about this?


    To me, there could be a number of reasons for his high throws -- one being the amount of pressure he faces, he might be throwing high in hopes of avoiding tipped/batted down balls and two being arm fatigue/soreness.


    It sounds like he will start, and I hope I'm overreacting, but to me it seemed like he had shoulder issues last year (and to my knowledge, never had any sort of medical procedures done to correct it).  With >1/2 the year off to rest last year, plus a full off-season, I am a bit worried that he is sitting out of practices with shoulder soreness prior to week 3 of his 5th season.  If he were a 12 year vet or if this was week 14, I would be less worried.



    *I didn't see any other posts about this, which was surprising, so mods, please merge if a thread already exists on this topic.


    I was concerned as soon as they started limiting him in  practice out of the blue and then said it was part of a plan, which i don't buy. The fact that a young QB like Luck needs to be on a pitch count at all is a cause for concern.  That is not normal.  The fact that he has now missed a practice entirely due to the shoulder is concerning. It's only week 3.  I'm concerned more long term then short at this point.  If he's still having issues after an offseason of rest in week 3 then whats the future looking like? Makes me nervous for sure.

  5. 2 hours ago, csmopar said:

    Dakich asked Grigson on this and Grigson adamantly denied this and said Luck is fully healthy, he stressed the fully healthy thing. Grigson flat out said No when asked, no cliche' etc. it was a flat NO 


    Certainly hope that is correct, but hard for me to fully believe the Colts when it comes to injuries.  Especially when it's Luck.  They weren't honest about the situation just last year.  Also seems odd to me that he would be practicing without limitation for so long and now all the sudden is limited and we are told it's part of the "plan".  So the plan only started a few days before the regular season?  I'm not worried about him missing the game, but will admit i do have some concern that there is still some issue with the shoulder that could perhaps affect his performance.

  6. 2 hours ago, jet1968 said:

    I keep coming back to this thread hoping they fired the Offensive line coach. No such luck.


    Saw a tweet earlier from Mike Garafolo that said the O line coach may have an expiring contract and likely won't be back. Not sure how true that is, but if it is that could explain why he wasn't fired. Either way, he made it sound like a change may be coming there so stay tuned.

  7. I don't understand this. What changed?  Why not make this decision last year after the team went to the AFC title game?   I feel like Irsay basically destroyed this season by leaving Pagano in the position that he was in. It added a lot of unecessary distraction.  And i thought Irsay wanted more from the D this year and less of the blowout losses. We didn't improve in either area.  This is stunning to me.  And there are way too many reports of friction between Grigs and Pagano for it not to be true. So now there going to make up and start talking again and function together?  Did Irsay lay the law down?

  8. If true, the problem is Irsay, not Grigson.   I have always loved Jim Irsay as an owner but i do have my concerns with him right now and where this organization may be headed.  In regards to his daughters having a strong relationship with Grigson, i have heard that it's the complete opposite with Pagano.   So it doesn't surprise me that his job is safe while Pagano's was pretty much toast before the season even started.  And i agree about finding a good coach to come here, good luck with that if Grigson is allowed to control everything.

  9. i am not saying Luck was good because out side of the rally he was bad. Doesn't change that big play WRs couldn't get open most of the night.


    Been that way most of the year and honestly has been a problem for a few years now against the good defenses. Luck getting a lot of the criticism but our receivers have been trash most of the year too.  Hilton especially. He's making big boy money now but has not played like a big boy for most of this season. Maybe if more corners simply fall down like in the Saints game the Colts will get there money worth this year.

  10. He's struggling and IMO is playing through an injury. He's not been good but half a season doesn't wipe out the 3 solid years he has had carrying a flawed football team.  Manning had rough patches along the way in his career as well, including a 6 INT game.  He also had a several game stretch in 2010 where he was awful with 11 picks in 3 games and Bob Lamey called for his benching on the radio not knowing he was live lol.  It happens, and i don't care who you are if you are a QB playing with a significant injury it can affect your play.  Just look at Manning in the playoffs last year.

  11. Larry, sorry that you take issue with my wording. I can see where some would have an issue but most get it. My source was not Brad Wells who has no sources. It was Mike Wells and I guess I should have specified. Mike has sources. Somethings not quite right with Luck.


    Bob Holtzman from ESPN also said the same thing Thursday night after the game, to go along with Wells.  In fact, there was a thread on here Thursday night about it and it apparently was deleted for some reason.

  12. I can't imagine a colts staffer putting a percentage on this.  Holtzman got that out of thin-air IMO.  If it's true and the Colts did say that, then Luck's shoulder is A LOT WORSE than outsiders can even imagine and Andrew is doing a good job of hiding it.  To not play in the PATS game would be devastating.  Completely devastating.  National audience, important game (extremely important), important for the advancement of this franchise to the next level., important for the psyche of Luck and all the other players who have had to endure the embarrassment that the Patriots have leveled against the Colts.


    I think it's already obvious that the shoulder is worse then they are saying.  Pagano was asked if he was confident Luck would be ready for the Pats and he answered "supremely" and then laughed. Obviously making a joke to when he said the same thing the week of the Jags game in which Luck missed.  He never did give an actual answer thought when pressed further, just said they look out for the player first.

  13. You missed the point badly.

    Schefter said neither QB threw passes, which is false. Which is what we've been trying to explain to you. Nobody is saying a ton of passes were thrown, but that there were indeed passes thrown.


    No, i didn't.  Luck didn't throw.  Go read some of the twitter comments from the guys who actually watched practice.


    Here, i'll give you one just for example.  There are many more. If you want to equate tosses to throwing the football then go ahead.


    Stephen Holder Retweeted Mrs. O'Leary

    The passes that media saw in practice were more like tosses. As we wrote. Was more or less a dog and pony show IMO

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