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Posts posted by Myles

  1. Hell, a guy who Rex Ryan confirmed wasn't even involved in the process was yelling "no, no, no" in regards to the one challengable play.

    That is a problem with the system.   Who allows a guy on the sideline to yell "No, No, No at the head coach.  There is no way the upstairs guys told him not to challenge the play.   It was confirmed on the first replay that it was a bad call.   Either the upstairs guys are *s, they don't have the proper equipment, Rex doesn't listen to them or Rex doesn't trust them.  

  2. I agree. But when the challenge does not work there will be those who point the finger at the coach when it is a decision that there is more than one person determining on the call. IF the call works out it was a great call by the coach. If it don't it is all blamed on the coach. There is 40 comments covering this but less comments on the win. Sad.

    That is true.   The Colts challenges didn't bother me much.   I veered the topic a little to include all these challenges or lack of challenges we see each week which lead me to believe some teams don't have as good a process in place as others.  

  3. I can pretty much guarantee that every team has the best system possible that falls within any rules that may regulate what can and cannot be used (except the Pats *wink*). I didn't see the Bills plays you're speaking of, but it likely falls to human error (ie. the guys in the booth screwed up and/or Rex Ryan chose not to challenge).

    That doesn't go along with what we see each week.   Some teams are very good and some are not.  

    I find it hard to believe any head coach (even Rex Ryan) would decide not to challenge when the guys upstairs say "CHALLENGE".  

    Heck, a good system would also have a percentage coming over the head set too.   "CHALLENGE 90%" OR "DON'T CHALLENGE 60%".   something TO HELP THE HEAD COACH.


    From the Buffalo press:

    It wasn't just unsuccessfully challenging plays that Ryan had an issue with Sunday. In addition to Maclin's catch, he also failed to challenge two more plays that would have been reversed in the Bills' favor. Chiefs quarterback Alex Smith was a full yard short of a first down on a third-and-12 scramble on the final play of the third quarter, with so much time passing between plays that TV viewers were tweeting pictures of where his elbow landed before the fourth quarter started.

    Then, with 2:31 left in the game and the Bills down, 30-22, quarterback Tyrod Taylor appeared to complete a pass to Chris Hogan for a first down. Officials, however, ruled the pass incomplete – despite the Bills' receiver taking four steps after securing the ball.

    The TV broadcast showed James Trapp, the team chaplain/assistant director of player engagement, telling Ryan "no, no, no," seemingly conveying the answer on whether the play should have been challenged.

    Ryan said Monday that Trapp, who also serves as the Bills’ assistant director of player engagement, is "not in the process at all."

  4.  We know what both are capable of and we all know Andrew has the higher ceiling. 



    For future years I agree.    This year with this offensive line and these receivers, I would go with Matt.  We can all acknowledge that Luck digressed in 2015.   I think it was the personnel mostly.  

    This team seems to be geared to play a west coast type of offence.  Runs, short quick passes with the occasional mid to deep range pass.  

  5. It is a human issue. Mistakes happen on just about every play by someone. It's only an issue if you let it be or if your looking at something to be negative about.

    Much less a "human issue" with some teams.   If the call from upstairs is "DO NOT CHALLENGE", The human factor is removed.  

    The head coach should not be worrying about if the ball hit the ground on a catch on the other side of the field.   If he hears a "CHALLENGE" in his headphones, he should challenge the call.  

  6. Assuming it was the guys in the booth calling for the challenges, they should be on the hot seat. Last week they don't call down for a challenge on the AJ TD and this week one really bad and one questionable challenge. How do I get their job?


    It's not like these guys are specialists who can't be replaced/upgraded easily if they don't cut it.

    That is if the Colts use a solid system for replay challenges.  

    I am convinced it varies team to team.

  7. It is a human factor. Mistakes are made. All of us can make a mistake when you are under pressure. We are sitting at home kicked back and watching TV. Easy calls for us. We don't have cameras on us. We don't have a head set on trying to listen what is said. We don't have a player in our face telling you he made the play. We are not trying to see the reply with all that going on. All within 15 seconds or so. These are judgment calls To make such a critical issue out of this is nit picking. The was one play the Colts got by with when it was challenged by Tampa of a non catch that was obvious not a catch. It didn't go their way. Yesterday was a good win. Played kind of sloppy in the first half but made some fantastic adjustments and come out and performed very well in the second half. Now we are debating over this? Like I said before a couple of other times, tough crowd.

    Just to be clear, my comment was about how teams do this, not bashing the Colts from yesterday.

    With a correct system in place (as some teams seem to), most of your points are removed.  It should not be made by the HC who's looking at a grainy replay on a big screen.   If the guys upstairs say don't challenge, he shouldn't challenge.   If the guys don't tell him not to challenge, then it's up to him. 



    My original post:

    As a whole with the upstairs staff dictating what should and should not be challenged, I'm amazed at how inept some teams are.  Wouldn't you think you would have 2 guys in a room watching the game on monitors as well as the live TV feed?   They would have direct access to the head coaches headphone feed.  The Buffalo Bills had 2 cases yesterday where they would have won the challenge.   They didn't challenge either of them.   You see that way too often.    It's either they do not listen to their people or they don't have a system in place.   Since it would be very little money to have the system in place, that seems as unlikely as the coach ignoring the advice.   So if both are so unlikely, what is the deal?   I suppose the players opinion would factor into it some, but you wouldn't think that would override the upstairs advice.

  8. I want Andrew healthy to play the way he plays..

    It worked big time for 3 years.


    I don't think the team currently has the personnel to support Lucks style of play.   The offensive line isn't great and the receivers are not able to out jump the defenders for the ball.  However, if Luck learned from Matt's time in there that he needs to drop back and release quickly, he could be very successful.  

  9. They honestly need to just sit Luck the rest of the season. All we've got left is the Steelers and the division. Matt could probably win all of those games. Just let Luck get healthy for the playoffs.


    You wouldn't really replace Matt with Luck if Matt leads the team to a 10-6 record, would you?

  10.  Tackling Gore at his ankles and he goes down like a dead weight. Rashad was not much help. Where was Boom Herron?

    As do most guys when they are running.   Ankle tackles are more successful than most other tackles when a runner is in the open field.  

    Gore just couldn't quite get away.   Tamps was really getting penetration though.   Glad they didn't stop running Gore though.   

  11. Most of those types of calls come from upstairs. Pointing the finger at just the coach is nit picking when it is not all on the coach. The coach has a headset with someone talking to him, he is trying to look at a replay and also he has the player saying he made the play. All in a few seconds. This is a tough crowd to please.

    I agree.  However, I don't know if head coaches override the advice.  


    As a whole with the upstairs staff dictating what should and should not be challenged, I'm amazed at how inept some teams are.  Wouldn't you think you would have 2 guys in a room watching the game on monitors as well as the live TV feed?   They would have direct access to the head coaches headphone feed.  The Buffalo Bills had 2 cases yesterday where they would have won the challenge.   They didn't challenge either of them.   You see that way too often.    It's either they do not listen to their people or they don't have a system in place.   Since it would be very little money to have the system in place, that seems as unlikely as the coach ignoring the advice.   So if both are so unlikely, what is the deal?   I suppose the players opinion would factor into it some, but you wouldn't think that would override the upstairs advice.     

  12. I think at worse Hass can take us to 2-2


    I don't think that is "at worst".   Closer to at best.

    At Atlanta and at Pittsburg are very tough game for this team.  

    Tampa may be a toss up and the Jags play the Colts tough in Jacksonville.

    I hope we are not expecting too much from Matt.   I thought he looked great in his 2 games (both wins), but it was against poor teams.  


    I would say best case 3-1 and worst case 0-4.   The Denver game aside, this team has played pretty poorly all season.   

  13. I'm worried about the combination of a 40 year old QB and a bad pass protecting offensive line.

    I did like how Hasselbeck was able to drop 3 and get rid of the ball.   So maybe he brings it together.

    Hopefully the Colts also use these weeks to convince Luck that throwing the ball away is OK.   Living for another down is OK.  

    Ten, Jax and Houston have to be pumped at this.  

  14. I'm not. It's interesting that no one here was outraged about how much of a thug Talib was until this happened. Either people were ignorant of it, or they think on the field incidents are insanely bad, in which case I point to our own players. Not like we've never incited a fight.

    To be honest, I didn't look at his history until "THIS" happened.   After looking, I seen that he is a piece of crap.   But really the intentional eye poke itself tells me that.  


    Is he going to tell us next that he didn't realize how fragile eyes are?

  15. I love it. Waking up to football first thing on my Sunday morning is fantastic!


    I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the fact the NFL is playing games in other countries outside the U.S. My only problem with it is that each time they play in London, one team has to give up a home game and that's not entirely fair to the team or the fans who are season ticket holders.

    I'm with you.

    For selfish reasons, I love it.

    Fair and practical reason, I'm against it.

  16. And pretty much all of that boils down to 2 issues...the horrible luck the Colts had to start the season in terms of injuries to the secondary and the fact that the Colts have committed the 2nd most turnovers in the league.  The offense and special teams keep giving the ball back to opposing offenses, giving them more opportunities to be on the field that most teams get against other teams.  If you really want to do a fair comparison, compare the yards/points given up based on the number of drives opposing teams have had against them.  That will give you a more accurate measure of how the Colt defense compares to others around the league.

    I agree the turnovers have caused some of the issues, but this is not a good defense.  

    They played pretty well Monday though.   So maybe there is hope.

  17. The Colts don't have a crappy defense


    I disagree.  

    They allow the 4th most yards per game.

    They allow the 12th most points per game.

    They are number 1 in penalty yards.

    They are number 1 in time of possession allowed.

    They are number one in plays over 20 yards allowed.

    They are 5th in rushing yards allowed per game.

    They are 27 in sacks.



    This along with the eye test shows me that they are still a crappy defense. 

  18. No, thank you....he is a run-the-ball / play-good-D kind of coach.


    and that is bad?

    I know as Colts fans we are conditioned to have a lousy running game and an even worse defense.   Doesn't mean we should accept or embrace it.  

  19. I have heard the forum rumors about Grigson hiring and forcing Pep upon Chuck.  I have a question.


    Why would he do that?


    Why would he insist upon having an OC that is apparently underperforming in contrast to the HC's wishes.  What would be a greater reason for him to support Pep?


    I'll start my own forum rumor.  Grigson is doing what he is told.  Irsay forced Pep on everybody as to avoid any claims of the Colts being biased when they transitioned  away from Dungy and Caldwell and had to fill an important assistant coaching position after Arians left.


    That makes about as much sense as any reason why Grigson would force an OC on to an unwilling HC.


    I don't believe the media reports about Grigson being the lone supporter of the Pep hiring and an unyielding control freak.  To me, that smells like writing articles to appease an audience.

    I haven't seen any reliable reports confirming it either.    I say nonsense!


    Pagano wouldn't agree to coach a team if it were the case.  

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