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Posts posted by coltsfanmilyman

  1. I can't believe Wayne didn't get more love, not that there is really a bad choice.  Wayne would be my guy though, but I'd wanna kick it in his hometown of miami!  You know he probably get into some fun stuff out there.  


    Irsay would be cool, just so I could hear the stories of him reminiscing about years and games past.  Getting his take on NFL, the media and just life in general.  I can so totally picture Irsay with long hair and a joint hanging out the side of his mouth listenin to Dylan.

  2. Plus he cures kids at the children's hospital!


    My son's middle name is because of the hospital that Manning built a wing on.  Saved my life as an infant.


    I hate that the "rings argument" outweighs all of the his amazing stats and individual accomplishments.  I hope he wins another one, just so the critics will have one less thing to try and nitpick about.  Yes; Ugg may have more rings but that's a team accomplishment.  That's a FRANCHISE accomplishment.

  3. Here's a good read on Peyton's legacy







    Watching sports is supposed to be fun, and the greatest fun of it is watching tremendous athletes stretch our definition of what's possible. Manning delivers that for us -- all of the time and on myriad levels. He's the third quarterback to go to the Super Bowl with two different teams, and if he wins, he'll be the first to win it with two different teams. If that's not a Super Bowl-specific example of individual greatness in a team sport, it's hard to imagine what is.


    But the point is that the Super Bowl isn't the be-all, end-all of legacy definition. If he loses this game, that won't lessen anything about Manning. It won't change the fact he elevated the Indianapolis Colts into one of the league's elite franchises, set countless records, came back from four neck surgeries to break a lot of those same records, is in the playoffs every season and gives whatever team he's on the chance to call itself the best in the league, every week and every season.



    Mods: if this is a thread already my mistake and please delete.

  4. You guys really didn't get what he was doing??  He said basically the same things Sherman said but he changed it up as if he was saying them as a poster.  Reading comprehension is a valued skill guys...    :facepalm:

    Again, I said I didn't read through the whole thread and basically read his 1 comment and questioned it.  My reading comprehension is just fine thank you.


    Regardless, thanks for "clearing" it up. :thmup:

  5. Is that the same Luck who just threw 7 INTs in two playoff games? Russell Wilson is now 3-1 in the postseason, has thrown just one INT in those four games and is on his way to the Super Bowl. Wilson is the better QB at this point in their careers.



    The Seahawks were 7-9 prior to Wilson joining the team and whether or not the Seahawks have better personnel is irrelevant. Claiming that Luck would have more success than Wilson if their teams were reversed is simply unfounded speculation based on an imaginary scenario. It's impossible to prove or disprove so its a worthless argument. The only reason to make it is because real world QB stats simply don't support Luck as the better QB to this point in their careers.

    Besides, every starting QB in the league plays with different schemes and personnel, yet we still use QB stats to compare them. Using some of the logic I've seen here, you can't make the case that Luck is better than Brandon Weeden since Luck is surrounded by more talent than Weeden. That's ridiculous, of course.

    Wilson has been a much more efficient passer than Luck to this point in their careers and their comparative stats bear that out.

    Since you obviously came here to pick a fight, i'm game.  


    With your first quote, all you did is try and rub our noses in the fact that the Seahawks are going to the SB.  Good for them. 


    So Luck has thrown 7 picks to Wilson's 1.  Well, hmmm I wonder why....  Oh wait I know.  Luck threw it 87 times between his two games, and Wilson on the other hand, had a staggering 43 pass attempts.  Luck threw it literally twice as much.  Hmmm I wonder why Wilson didn't have to throw as much????????  Oh wait maybe, just maybe it was because Lynch ran for 249 yards, while our vaunted backfield here in Indy produced a whopping 118 yards.  Guess what?! Lynch ran twice as many yards as our backfield....Gee i'm sensing a correlation here.  When you run the ball effectively (like Lynch has done) you can get away with throwing 18 passes in a game (like Wilson did.)  Now hang on here buddy, this might come as a shock to you... but when you can't run the ball....you have to throw it!!!!! Can you believe that??????  And guess what happens when you have to throw the ball more.....Anyone?  Anyone? rsrobinson?  you know what happens??  THATS RIGHT!  Good job buddy and way to keep up!  You have the chance to throw more picks.



    Now onto your second quote:



    The Seahawks were 7-9 prior to Wilson joining the team and whether or not the Seahawks have better personnel is irrelevant.


    Please see my above passage on how having better players around your star qb is relevant.  oh and psssst....btw the same goes for defense too.



    Sarcasm off :sarcasm:




  6. He's not the first player to read this forum.  Hell, we used to have at least one active player posting on here.

    What? Really? Who?!?


    I remember when Polian used to post here.

    What? When?


    Are we sure that is not a bogus twitter account? I bet it's informative, it is informing him that a lot a fans are just plain nuts.

    The blue little checkmark(on twitter) means its legit.

  7. I am the most intelligent poster on here. Your posts are trash. But what do you expect reading anything from you? I suggest all posters put you on ignore....[and finish with a little image of someone hanging....]

    Now Mods, take a breath.......

    Indytrav, if I posted this out the blue, on any selection of your posts, how would you react?

    1. Get all fiery, and blast me back, and call me some unkind things. (probably)

    2. Ignore me. (unlikely).

    3. Say, "very well said BHC, we need this kind of response on here, it shows you have what it takes to be a fabulous poster, and I think your are great for this Forum. I, for one, am very pleased you took a shot at me". (not a chance).


    I didn't read through this whole thread so I don't know if you and IndyTrav have "issues" but the your post seems a little on the classless side there bub.  Claiming your the most intelligent and someone else is trash doesn't seem very. . . well intelligent.  Conversely if your comments were dripping with sarcasm, my bad.  Unfortunately, like I always tell my wife, no tone in text.



    Regarding Sherman, he's a polarizing player; you either love him or hate him.  I would love for him to have a horseshoe on his helmet.  Yes, eventually all the smack talk will come back to haunt him but as of now his play backs up his attitude, especially considering he literally saved the game for the Seahawks.  To the people who are attacking his intellect, you can't be serious?!? He went to Stanford and graduated.  I don't care what his degree is in, he graduated from Stanford!!!!!  


    As far as his antics and "bush league" taunts, he's gonna pay for them, literally.  He will get fined very heavily.  As for the people saying something about his character.  His character played a big part in him chastising his own fans for dumping popcorn on Bowman.  Send prayers for him(Bowman) and sending him tweets/messages.  



    EVERY Colts fan would love to have a guy of his talent on our team.  You are lying if you say you wouldn't 

  8. Tell me why it HAD to be done.

    Because as we see Peyton is playing better than ever. So injury can't be the reason.

    Was it cap issues? Well cutting Freeney would have cleared the same cap space as Manning. So cap space couldn't have been the issue.

    Maybe it was lack of talent. Gee I wonder if there could have been a way to get an entire draft class for one pick. Oh wait there was.....

    But hey you can't miss on those guaranteed 1st rounders. It was sure nice to see all those number one picks square off yesterday. Oh there was only one? Yea....

    You act like it was just Freeney who had a bloated contract.  We were in cap hell while he was here and even the first year when he went to Denver we were still cash strapped.  So please don't make it seem like it was no big deal.  We wouldn't have been able to field a team around the guy.  



    Be happy for Manning and realize that his time here is done and nothing can be done about it.  He will become a Colt(again) when he hangs them up.  

  9. If you can run the ball, you can run the ball.  You don't need three quarters of practice to be able to run it in the 4th if you need to.

    If you have the ability to run the ball, you are going to beat down and wear down the defense.  This is gonna make them bite so much harder when it is a fake, which then will lead into opportunities down the field with Hilton.   

  10. While I still think Grigson is a good GM.... If I was Irsay I might be a little gun shy if Grigson came up to me with some trade ideas. I think Grigs should be concentrating on his draft board, because he needs to knock it out of the park this year. 


    Trades of the top of my head: 


    Sheppard for Hughes 

    Richardson for a 1st round pick  

    Havili for Geathers 

    What was so bad about the Havili trade.  I thought he played really well this season.  Granted he was hurt a couple of games but still think he was a good acquisition


    man Lamey is awesome, after the game I actually wondered how Lamey handled the game without having a heart attack!!!!

    That had me crackin up.  He lives and dies with the colts.  I love him as an announcer.  HIs passion and energy  are amazing. 


    gives me goosebumps :)

    I know whenever I hear him scream "Marlin's got it!! Marlin's got it!!" the hair on my arm stands up.

  12. If true, I've lost all respect for RG3.  I used to like him, but now he just annoys me.  The thing with these reports is that you never know how credible they are.  But apparently (as the article says), the reporter who broke the story is usually credible.  I wonder what Skip Bayless would have to say about Luck vs. RG3 given their current situations

    Bayless is crying at home with his Tebow jersey in 1 hand and RGIII in the other.


    wow C'mon man! Atleast have some respect. What if the next head coach brings the Redskins down even worst....

    When your below 5 wins, does it really even matter?


    Those teammates that supposedly hate him voted him the team's Ed Block award winner too. Surely he just lobbied Dan until they stuffed the ballot.

    Not saying he doesn't have a lot of work/growing up to do but Sally Jenkins is known as a huge hack in DC. She's been known for her agenda against the team and Dan. I think that while some of these stories may be true, a lot of them are just media sensationalism.

    Griffin needs to learn how to coach speak and not let his feelings be so easily read. However, the local papers have PLENTY of stories of how well liked he is by his teammates that don't make national rounds. Dude will be okay once he has a few more years under his belt.

    Btw I loved Luck even before he was a Colt and still do, so don't take me as one of those dumb Skins fans that remains convinced that Griffin and Luck are comparable. They aren't. Still doesn't mean Griff is a bad person or can't be a successful QB.

    Just my two cents, guys.

    Some guys can handle when the flame gets turned on them though.


    There are three sides to every story.  We all know this.  You have to take into context what slant the writer has, what really happened and how its going to be portrayed.  When it all blows over Shanny will be the scapegoat for the lost season and if they win a few more games next year they will be "on the right path" or "contenders"

  13. Kravitz isn't exactly the voice of Indianapolis either.  He's hit or miss.  Sometimes, he has a good point, but most the time, he's annoying.

    That is very true but I don't think Kravitz is this bad.  Like alot of our resident pats fans have said he's the oddball of the bunch


    Yeah, HOF writer Bob Ryan is a joke.

    So is HOF writer Jackie McMullen.

    As is HOF writer Peter Gammons.

    Shaughnesst, on the other hand, IS a joke.


    All three of those are very good writerss, although I tend to leave Peter Gammons off that list (when talking football) because he's a baseball guy no doubt.  Football not so much.  Although his blurb about arod and the marathon writers wasn't a great comment.  


    Anyway, I don't remember seeing it posted in the thread but in response to The boston Globe article by Mr. Shaunnesy there was a rebuttal article written: http://thebluemare.com/

  14. Here's the thing guys, the "E" in ESPN stands for entertainment.  That's what they are about.  The pacers and colts are workman and blue collar and not as entertaining as the big markets so everything involved with us, a small market team is thrown to the way side.  Plus the second anything complimentary that is said or happens is instantly disparaged or squashed because larger markets win.



    Sucks I know but thats why we as colts fans have to bleed blue and not care about the major media.



    Thankfully our beat writers for the most part rock.


    BTW how long has Stephen Holder been with the IndyStar?

  15. One minute the D looks like they never played pro football and the next they look like the greatest D ever, why?

    I don't see how you can say the D.  Its the whole team.  Offense and defense.  Not just the D


    Sane is true of the offense....Has been for 2 years..


    I don't have any answers


    I think Coffeedrinker may have hit the nail on the head (look below)

    Because Manusky (the Colts' coaching staff in general) is terrible at developing a game plan but they are good at making adjustments.

    I think this is the best explanation right here.

  16. I'm with you.  He's not the greatest, but I don't really get why people dislike him so much.  He's far better than a majority of the others.  Honestly I wish Mayock would team up with Jim Nantz, and get rid of Simms.  Or replace Collinsworth.  Mike already works some for NBC doing Notre Dame games.


    Yeah Mike is better than alot of other announcers out there.  I also like the way he breaks down plays as well.




    I'm not a fan. Seems like a cross breed of a Bayless type. 

    Bayless is a tool, at least Mayock has talent.  He may not be the best announcer but he's not that bad

  17. Freeny overrated. Mathis is a beast.



    Freeney was not much of an impact player.  He got his sacks via Mathis at the other end.

    I look at these two comments and can only shake my head.  How as a colts fan you can call Freeney overrated is beyond me, or that he wasn't an impact player.  Freeney in his prime was who the other team game-planned against.  Freeney's spin move was a thing of beauty and his speed and athleticism were phenomenal.  As for impact please see my previous statement.


    I can only hope that either you two are trying to be contrarian or have been under a rock for awhile because both of the two quoted statements are completely false.   :facepalm:

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