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Captain Americolt

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Posts posted by Captain Americolt

  1. Serious trouble, he is the wind beneath his wings, he is the dark knight that rises. He is Mario and Luigi, his abs glisten in the rain like a waterfall drifting over giant perfectly carved rocks on top of a mountain. He is the Richard to his Simmons, The Best of the Best 3.

    Tim Tebow was bit by a thousand King Cobras, two hours later in excruciating pain, those King Cobras died.

    Yes, it would be over. It would be over for the NFL with Tebow and Blackmon. Mutiple superbowl titles in a row with ease as they steamroll their opponents by triple digit victories.

    Not only should the NFL be taken by storm, cowering in fear that Tebow joined the Jags, but so should the entire world.


    Just my two cents

    beat me to it
  2. Shoot, I don't meant to overload you but I have to respond! :)

    Yes, the throw to Decker was just gorgeous. Decker plays better when he is angry. He and the corner (forgot his name) were jawing each other a lot. It must have been fun for Decker to torch him all day. He's never looked better.

    And the Knowshon's rushing TD play, Peyton audibled that. I don't think Knowshon was touched. It was another great moment.


    Bailey has been such a great leader for our defense. Now our offense has one, too. I heard Peyton really likes this team about a month and a half go. I think now we are seeing why.


    The last time we had a winning streak like this was 1998. You know what happened then ;)

    I'm praying to God that if it's not us, it's you guys that win the SB. Because that man deserves more than just one.
  3. Sorry, I don't think moving a center/guard, with no experience and little knowledge of tackle, to tackle is the right move. Link is a backup, and Justice is back next week. 


    You know what I've noticed about you Gavin? I know you watch the games, but you only use stats to back up your info. That's good, but it's no where near enough to fully prove your point. Ballard has fumbled twice this year, he's also gotten 200 yards in the last 2 games. He's a better receiving back than Brown, as Brown has a surprising amount of drops, whereas Ballard only has 1. Ballard is also patient, whereas Brown isn't, and a lot of the times, you notice he runs into areas where there is no hole.


    Ballard is here to stay, and I'm not going to start Brown over him because of 2 fumbles on 164 carries. 


    You'd think a guy who watches alot of film would know a thing or two about talent and who should be the starter.

  4. eh you guys are right I quit lets stick with Linkenbach at RT he is a much better fit because he has played so much better 

    as for Ballard hey I like him but he wasn't playing better then Brown pre injury and the stats showed it. Now that we have a decent blocker at Center in Shipley and with Ballard getting most of the carries what did ya expect? Brown is a very capable running behind Shipley. I like the guy that has not fumbled since his rookie year

    Brown started hot, then totally cooled down. No factor whatsoever.

    Ballard started slow (actually 2.0 ypc in his first 4 games) and then caught fire. Huge factore in our run game.

    Get over Brown. You're just really bias and against Ballard for some reason.

    Also, why do you keep bringing that fumble thing up? He's only fumbled twice. Not bad at all. Thats you're biggest argument really.

  5. depends on how ya look at it, Browns injured, whos to say Ballard would have these kinds of yards the last two weeks if he had to share the load. whos to say Brown would not have these kinds of yards? He was averaging 3.9, which is not great but not bad. Before this game Ballard was averaging 3.8ypc.. They both make a good 1-2 punch and both can carry the load if ya ask me. Personally I start Brown, Ballard has played good but I get nervous he is gonna fumble every time he touches the ball. There has been no reason to get that with Brown
    Brown has done nothing this year. And Ballard has fumbled twice, in his rookie year. And only lost one. Get over your fear of that, and you'll see why Ballard is the better back.
  6. You have every right to decide what you think is worthy of a thread - for yourself. I'm not comparing his topics to anyone's. And I'm certainly not rating them, so don't try to make this about me.

    I happen to think it's a legitimate comment. Apparently you don't. It's as simple as that, right? Peace.

    In no way was I trying to make this about you. Far from it. You quoted me first, so I just replied to you. We all have our own opinions. yours obviously was this thread is as good as any other. I very much disagreed.

  7. Why not? This topic is as good as any. It's a legitimate suggestion. Players do like to show their stuff to their home town friends and family. They talk about it all the time.

    "This topic is as good as any". Please. I know my comment seemed very harsh now that I am reading it again, but he doesn't need to create a thread for every little though that comes into his head. I know you mean well, but you're telling me his topics are as good as Andy's write-ups? Or Warhorse's "10 things I think I think" and recent "Standing up and Believing" topics? I know he has the right to post whatever he wants. And I have the right to speak my opinion, which is every thought that pops into his head is not worthy of a thread.
  8. Oh. If we are talking about the offense, yes, you did score more than we did. Belichick is a mastermind, I don't know how he did it.

    They don't call him the best coach in the NFL for nothing. Lol I thought it was quite funny how they used paddles to prepare for JJ Watt. I heard his hands are still bigger than those things!
  9. Your defense gave up 59. 35 point differential, as opposed to 28, the latter belonging to the Texans.

    Hey........ Hey.......

    Speaking entirely about offense here. Not defense.

    Did the Pats score on a return and two pick sixes? Thats a 21 point swing there the Colts had without the Pats offense even touching the ball.

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