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Posts posted by sb2001

  1. I really feel everyone's opinion may change when they compare RG3's arm strength to Luck's during each other's pro day. I don't think Luck is as good as the overwhelming hype. Trade the pick. The Ravens won the Super Bowl with Dilfer. The Colts should not repeat the same mistake of building the team around one player as they did with Peyton. If the Colts had even a decent defense for the last 14 years, they would have several Super Bowls. Trading the pick will give the Colts an opportunity to have some balance. I canot imagine now how we will fill so many holes. Luck's arm strength is average, and anyway, there is no way to predict how any college player will make the transition to the NFL. Trade the pick. Get some balance. If they don't trade the pick, unlike Luck, RG3 has the arm strength to prevent NFL DBs from disastrous interceptions.

    The Colts didnt build squat aroud PM. The team just plain sucked without him. We had leads this year and the D blew it. It wasnt designed for a lead, it was designed to lose. PM made every reciever look like randy moss in his prime too.

  2. http://sports.yahoo...._colts_rams0309

    I wanted to wait before this is all over before I said anything concrete on what has happened lately, but I hope the colts front office, namely Jim Irsay, sees what the St. Louis Rams reportedly will get for trading the #2 pick to the Washington Redskins:

    2012 - #6 overall pick and their 2nd round pick

    2013 - 1st round pick

    2014 - 1st round pick

    I'm sure most people on here will just say that I'm wrong, but the damage in Indianapolis is not permanent yet. We've released Peyton Manning, Dallas Clark, Joseph Addai and a few other good veterans. That doesn't mean that we can't

    That's 3 first round picks and a 2nd rounder, for just moving down 4 spots from #2 to #6 in this years draft. That's incredible.

    While the senario you suggest could never happen, it makes me wonder what we could have got if we kept manning and traded the picks to the skins. Jeeeeez. There is no way Luck can be this valuable, no way. You cant get struck by lightning twice. no way, no how. We could have gotten someother QB from one of the future skins picks, probably a first pick cause even with luck, they would suck.

  3. WOW! As much as I hate to see 3 of my favorite players go, it was a very good business move. All 3 had off years or were injured and with a completely new team going forward, I couldn't see them staying around longer anyways. Im not happy to see them go, but Irsay proved to me he has some balls, and he can make some moves. Bad move if you're a casual fan, but for me and the other hardcore fans, it's a very good move. Donald Brown will replace Addai and Angerer and Conner will be the ILBs with Wheeler as a possible backup (if he stays). Great moves, but I will be see sad to see them go.

    Wow is an understatement, but I totally agree with you. WOW!

  4. We all know what happens to a city and fanbase when a team loses, and it obviously gets worse with sustained losing. More room for me in the stands, smaller lines getting a beer, and some personal satiisfaction I don't chase the teams that make the playoffs that year, or are always there. I'm not getting into the definition of what makes a fan, but I can't just turn it off. It isn't a light switch to me. When my teams stink, I search for the bright spots, play couch GM, and actually have lots more to discuss. I agree the boards will be a ghost town, but the conversation will be better, the issues more relevant and important. Like right now for us Colts fans. I read these boards for years, never feeling the need to participate. Debating who will be a backup guard, or who plays on SP when the team is winning 12 games a year didn't seem important to me frankly. This year...... well, there's lots to discuss amongst those with common interests, isn't there?

    Yes, you are spot on here. Reality is for me is that I'm very shallow. lol

  5. That's the test, isn't it? I love the Orioles, and they are as irrelevant as any team in pro sports. Yet I cheer, I root, I hope. For years of horrible decisions, results, and little hope for future success. You like who you like, you root for who you root for. I also think, having tasted success, Irsay understands the formula he believes necessary to get there again, and we'll see if it works. If it doesn't, I'll survive until it does. I watched and rooted as the Colts stunk through the 80s too.

    Orioles fan too, BUT I hardly ever watch a game. Winning truly cures alot. This one though is really tough on alot of fans.

    Alot of pain all around for a while, but if we become like those other teams there will be fans, but these boards will be like a ghost town.

  6. Right now, I have Irsay just under Brady and Belichick. He's beyond stupid IF this is his true decision and they don't have a reworked contract to hand to Peyton when the new league contract year starts in a few days. Despite knowing it was a possibility this is truly devastating to me.

    Love this post. This is the biggest mistake this franchise will/has ever made.

  7. Without Manning/Polian how many playoff appearances have the Indianapolis Colts had? What's the reason to think we won't return to those days? How many free agents are going to really want to come to Indy to play now (for Luck)? This could set off a chain of many average/worse seasons.

    Thats the feeling I have. Really hope we are wrong.

  8. I disagree. According to some posters, there are franchise QBs available in every draft.

    Thats true, but i have a feeling that this draft is more hype than substance, but i'm just a regular guy with an eye on this game. I dont even come close to the knowledge of some of the posters here including yourself. I have zero to back up my assertions, just a gut feeling. Besides IF luck or whoever we take is as good as promised it looks like a large part of the roster and schemes are going to change. Thats alot for any plate!

  9. I'm not seeing how this doesn't affect our team negatively for many years to come

    This reminds me of the Movie Gladiator. Peyton is Maximus and Irsay is Jauquin phoniex's character.

    post of the year! you nailed it my friend.

    peyton yelling at the colts fans after destroying us 99,000 to 3. "are you not entertained?". and throwing the football into irsays owners box almost killing him. then he shows his back to irsay, totally offending him!

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