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Jackie Daytona

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Posts posted by Jackie Daytona

  1. 6 minutes ago, Restinpeacesweetchloe said:

    Let’s pretend he is still hurt. It was a dumb lone for his agent to think he could be traded or extended while still injured. He would of been better off getting healthy and proving he was healthy first. Then colts could of traded him or extended him.  



    Also, Maybe his agent knows other teams were smart enough to see through any injury charade.... Have you ever considered that that might be the case, rather than the admittedly tempting to ponder thought that he's a complete *?

  2. Now.... I want some answers on the "Injury" like Superman said.....among others.... THAT is the real story here.  Dude had a routine scope to clean up tissue....in JANUARY..... did he get a staff infection?


    What in the world is still up with it, and if anything.... Does that explain the sudden change of heart by JT realizing, uh oh....something's not good I gotta get paid NOW!?! ??....


    If not for this injury, I doubt we are having this soap opera AT ALL.  It makes sense, the team can't just come out and spout off about his medical info even if they wanted to, unless he is ok with it... And it explains JT staying around the team, traveling with the team (other than avoiding fines) and explains JT never substantiating the claims that he was "Done being a Colt no matter what"..... at e He didn't say anything cause he's got a bizarre complication....and he wouldn't let the team say anything about it either, because he wants his value kept up?  


    I'm assuming JT could keep other teams from releasing his health info as well if he wanted....but they could just announce that he "failed a physical" without violating HIPPA.....


    I dunno.....but some things just don't add up even remotely close.

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  3. Just now, Jackie Daytona said:

    You really don't think Ballard would claim he has his hands tied at any point in negotiations?  Huh, guess we'll just have to disagree on that one.  Interesting.

    Man, the over stating the roster talent level and readiness and ability to compete post Luck was really really big oversight.  I'm not sure I disagreed with Ballard at the time, but it sure hasn't played out in defense of that idea.

  4. Just now, Superman said:


    I doubt that conversation has been had, not sure if you're serious there.


    But my point is that this is what some people outside of the organization are saying. I don't think it's totally legit, but those comments from Irsay are an example of things that would be better left unsaid.

    You really don't think Ballard would claim he has his hands tied at any point in negotiations?  Huh, guess we'll just have to disagree on that one.  Interesting.

  5. 6 minutes ago, Superman said:


    I disagree. His comment about bad faith agents was, at the least, poorly timed. And now knowing that there was likely an acrimonious relationship between the Colts and Taylor's agent prior to that comment from Irsay, it makes it even more ill-advised. And neither Irsay nor the Colts stood to gain anything from him making that comment.


    And his live comment about 'he and I could die tomorrow and the league will continue on' was poorly articulated, and again, poorly timed.


    That said, I don't think either of these comments had any material impact on the negotiations, or the eventual outcome. But they didn't help. And they give more ammo to the 'Irsay talks too much' crowd, which works against the Colts in the court of public opinion.


    If you think I'm overreacting, you should read the anonymous agent feedback piece on The Athletic. Plenty of 'Ballard is a good GM, but Irsay makes it hard for him to do his job' comments, some specific to the Taylor situation. And even though I think that's overblown, those comments serve as evidence that Irsay's reputation is a factor in the opinion of people around the league.

    Eh, I'd be more apt to believe the "Irsay makes it hard for Ballard to do his job" line from anonymous agents, if it didn't line up perfectly with my perception of Ballard as exactly the type to deflect and use someone of Irsay's I'll and specific position to feed agents a line of bull when Ballard is negotiating with said agents. "Geez, I reaaaaallly like your client, and man, I reaaallly want to sign him to that contract at the numbers we discussed, but gosh darn it, that Wily old coot Irsay just won't agree to those numbers"....  I'm almost positive that's a conversation that's been had more than once lol.

    4 minutes ago, BeanDiasucci said:

    This was dumb and counterproductive.


    Not if you are able to separate emotion from business.  I guess some people get really angered and hurt by facts of life?  JT might not love the thought, but do you really think he is offended by the idea that he's as replaceable as everyone else?

  6. 11 minutes ago, luv_pony_express said:


    While I put about 100% of the blame in this fiasco on Malki Kawa (and, of course, JT for following his bad advice), I do have to say that I really wish Irsay would've kept out of it.  I've gathered that he has a really hard time keeping his thoughts from making their way to his vocal chords -- especially when there's a microphone nearby.


    This is a situation where it would've been far better for him to just say some nice things about Taylor and defer everything regarding his contract situation to Ballard.

    I don't think that's a fair statement at all.  Irsay didn't say anything poorly, and if an intelligent, thoughtful, and introspective person, like we are led to believe JT is.... Is the intended recipient, then Irsay did even less wrong.  


    I get that it's hard to fathom for many, but Irsay is and has been, well regarded by people who matter in his industry.

  7. 37 minutes ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    In a perfect world he should play out his contract. It is a rookie contract though at 4.6 million. The league has changed a lot compared to 15 years ago where players almost always played out any contract they have. If Taylor was in the middle of a great 5 year deal and it was year 2 and he was complaining wanting more money, that would be way different. I would then say Taylor is dead wrong and being greedy. 

    Rookies held out before they ever played a snap back then....

    Hello Edge.....

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  8. 42 minutes ago, RollerColt said:

    I agree. Shoot just give him the Jacobs deal and shake hands and get to work. 


    At this point it looks like:


    1. Taylor wants a new deal done yesterday. 

    2. The Colts say, show us your healthy and then we'll talk. 

    3. Taylor doesn't want to show us he's healthy until he has a deal.


    And so the wheel continues to spin round and round...

    This.  I still don't understand totally why he (JT and his reps) would think that NOT taking physical exams or proving his health, would be a positive for Taylor..... Why not prove you are good to go? You can still holdout..... But the team most likely to pay you (Indy) would be a heck of a lot more willing to deal with the health ? Taken off the board.....

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  9. 1 hour ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

    I knew people would say that but if he wanted traded or was that unhappy, he would have said so. A lot of players have done so in the past. Hell, I remember in basketball years ago Kobe Bryant in an interview said he wanted traded from the Lakers unless they get him help, that was after Shaq left.

    He actually said he wanted traded if the Lakers didn't get RID OF Shaq.....

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