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Posts posted by tony1287

  1. It's simple, your wearing Colt's gear/jersey/hat etc, etc. The name on the jersey doesn't matter. The color and NFL logo on it does not a players name.

    And that's fine but not when we are actually playing him and he is trying to beat us...
  2. Being a fan doesn't always make sense, now does it? I think what it comes down to is that the fan experience is different for different people. And with the Manning situation being so unique, it's not surprising to me that people plan to express themselves in different ways, ways that some of us don't understand.


    I really don't see what's wrong with that.

    If you want your team to win you cheer for them, not another player on the opposing team just because we have a ton of great memories. The game isn't about what he did for us. We are playing the manning led broncos and trying to beat them, not reminiscing old memories
  3. I don't see a issue on wearing a blue Manning jersey to the game sunday..


    now if you wore a broncos manning jersey and rooting for the Colts then it might be different

    Ok so what happens when peyton throws a touchdown while you're wearing your blue manning jersey??? Do you boo him? Cheer him on while also wanting the colts to win? Please make it make sense for me somehow...
  4. I don't see the problem with wearing a Manning Colts jersey.  It still shows loyalty to the team.  That's like saying you can't wear a Jeff Saturday jersey anymore because Samson Satele is the center now.  That's just a bunch a bull.


    I'd wear a Harbaugh Colts jersey if I had one!


    And I'd like remind y'all that not everybody has a $100 to throw down on a jersey every time a player leaves!

    That's not the same at all actually. Harbaugh and saturday are retired and peyton is still playing, and for the opposing team I might add...
  5. Wait so we can't wear our Manning Jerseys without being against the colts? Right....

    You seriously don't see the problem with wearing the opposing teams qb's jersey but rooting for your team??? He is a bronco for God's sake!!! This game isn't about what he did as s colt. He certainly won't let up on us when it comes to winning the game just because he played many years for us...
  6. peoples love for Manning is more than just about what he did on the field. It is only a part of what he means to the city of Indianapolis

    I 100% agree with this but we shouldn't let our love for a previous player get in the way of cheering for our team to win when playing against them. This shouldn't even be considered when it comes to him playing the colts. How will it make luck feel come sunday night when he sees blue peyton jerseys... that screams "We still want peyton and you don't matter"... Yea that will never happen from me and come sunday I hope we beat the broncos and peyton.
  7. People are free to cheer for whoever they want.  I don't like the Panthers, but I really like Kuechly.  I cheer for Kuechly to do well and some people will cheer for Peyton to do well.  It's their own choice

    If we played the Panthers here would you wear a Kuechly Jersey to the game??? Peyton doesn't care about us and I'm sure he wants us to lose every game so he looks better....That's what kills me about it...They act like he cares about them, he wants the Colts to go down in flames trust me...

    Yea I guess I'll wear a Robert Quinn jersey to the colts game when the rams come to town this year. Gonna cheer for my team but I love Quinn too so it's a toss up... I was just saying it's weird to cheer for a previous player that's trying to beat our team that's all. Players come and go, it just so happens the one that went is one of the best all time. Once again, go colts... I've gladly moved on from peyton and luck has a lot to do with easing that transition. Insert mark sanchez instead and I might be agreeing...
  8. I just want to say that I think it is ridiculous to still have people mad and griping about the peyton release. And some will wear his jersey to the game at LOS on sunday but say they are colts fans. This is absolutely absurd and drives me crazy!! This is ANDREW LUCK'S team now and true colts fans would not even consider this. I understand the love for peyton and what he did for this team and city, but it's time to move on and look forward to the bright future we have. I hope he is cheered when he takes the field sunday but when the ball is kicked off we need to understand that peyton is no longer a colt people!! Cheer for your team!! Not peyton! Go colts, FOREVER

  9. That's how fan bases are unfortunately. No tolerance for negative plays. Always want to win. But that's never the case which is the reason for forums, to discuss and point out the details. Not everyone is going to be happy

  10. I understand where you're coming from but from what I can see everyone is basing this off of one game..wonder what'll be said if he returns a deep kick for a TD..it'll be a GLAD TO HAVE DAVID REED thread! lol

    Yea I understand your point too. I do want to see him succeed and make our team better. In the end, him improving our team and helping us win games is all that matters
  11. Thank you, he has plenty of time to show his true return ability (if he remains on the team through the year)....its crazy how people are writing him off already, smh.

    When he repeatedly made the same mistake over and over again and not letting us at least start at the 20, yeah people are going to want to make a change.
  12. It would be nice and a big momentum boost if we could just get a big return every now and then. Not even a touchdown just a start at the 40 or midfield would help tremendously. It gives the offense a way better oppurtunity to get things rolling and building momentum

  13. I liked Deji Karim over Reed.

    I never understood why we didn't bring karim back... He didn't even return many kicks for us since he signed late in the season, but he clearly made an impact. Oh and he actually ran one back against houston. We complain when we don't have an explosive returner but we get rid of the one that showed potential and actually produced...
  14. He had one return that went past the 20 but there was a hold. I was at the game and everyone cheered when he finally took a knee on a kickoff.

    It's funny you say that because I remember hearing the crowd cheering through the tv when he took a knee lol. I couldn't believe he kept taking them out from 8-9 yards deep. Then again he doesn't see any playing time so he just wants to shine anytime he touches the ball.
  15. Could we possibly see what brazill could do returning kicks this week? David Reed has been putrid to say the least and I know brazill has speed to take it to the house. I know he had fumbling problems back there last year but it has to be better than what reed has done. We can't keep starting our drives inside our own 20... very easy to get backed up in a hurry. Just wondered if this was a realistic possibility

  16. We have significant CAP space next year, but some big names to re-sign (Ex. Bethea). You will also have Vontae Davis, A. Franklin, DHB, Connor, Angerer (won't be re-signed), Vinny, and Boomstick, Brown are the main ones......you also have to plan for Luck and Castanzo. I think next year will put heavy focus on re-signing our own. 


    That being said, we better have a new starting center next year (one way or another).

    I agree with a new starting center. Satele is pathetic and way overpaid. Honestly I see us letting dhb, connor, vinny, and franklin walk. This was a prove yourself year for dhb and he has not done that so far. It seems as if connor is in the doghouse with the coaching staff since he doesn't get enough playing time. Vinny is getting older and we could possibly look to the draft for his replacement. Franklin is a stop gap for chap so b I don't see him on our roster either. We will resign patty mac and extend vontae hopefully. I would also love to see bethea retire as a colt. One of my favorite colts, would hate to see him go
  17. Just being curious, does anyone know our cap situation next year and also who do you think we will and should target in free agency?? Obviously I think we should invest in more o-lineman but I don't know who will be available at any position. Thoughts??

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