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Posts posted by sfergson727

  1. It could be just me ... But I was pretty happy with the passing game yesterday when comparing it to the last few games. I mean ... Yesterday Luck was 29 for 46 ... 326 yards for 4 TD passes. His QB rating was 113.1. Honestly I see nothing to complain about - Yes overall we lost the game, but this is a great improvement to the passing game we saw against both games against Tennessee or against Arizona.


    During the last quarter when we had some great hurry up offense going. There were a lot of short completions moving the chains that opened up a few longer passes. Again - aside from the fact that we lost that game, which isn't all the the fault of Luck or the receiver corps (See 42 points given up) I think we showed a great improvement from the last few games in the pass game. I for one am happy to see that progress.


    It's worth mentioning that Luck is on  pace to likely break his season total for TD passes last year, and throw MUCH less INT's. It doesn't seem like it because of some of the games we've seen, but Luck is improving with each game, and i'm ecstatic with his play throughout the first two years. I know he will continue to do well. He just needs more of years of experience and more consistency at the receiving corps. Who know's Luck and our receivers after building a better raport in the next few games could impress come playoff time.

    Look at his stats for the 1st half...that's where the disappointment lies. Not all of it is Luck's fault though, in fact, most of it falls on Pep, and the O-line.

  2. After reading Triplette's explanation, when they initially made the call a ref must have incorrectly ruled another player, not Chapman, as the player who touched The Lawfirm and ruled him down. Then when Triplette went to review the play he must have been specially looking for that player that was touching The Lawfirm to rule him down by contact.  He obviously did not see that player and in his mind that was the irrefutable proof that was needed to change the call on the field.  


    It is the only logical thing I can come up with.  If you are told X player touched Y player so he is down by contact and you review the play and see that X player did not touch Y player then in your mind he is not down by contact. I wonder how much this is due to NFL review policies.  I wonder what their procedures for cases like this.  Does it say they only look for the exact ruling that is on the field and not allow them to look at the entire play?


    This whole crew failed on that play because they probably did not even identify the correct player who initially contacted the Lawfirm.

    Even so, wouldn't you think that he would look and see why the ball carrier lost his footing? They should have looked at the play in it's entirety. By his explanation, he looked to see if any colt touched him after his knee hit the ground and he squirmed into the end zone.
  3. Why is there no coverage on the fact that Peyton is on the verge of breaking the record for most TD's in a season? Seems like him re-capturing the record from the evil Tom Brady would be news worthy, but instead all we hear is cricket's chirping.

    Perhaps the media just assumed that Peyton would naturally get the record and it's no big deal? I'd think after all he has been through and his age, he would be getting some recognition for this unlikely feat.


    Number of surgeries he's had

    His age

    His arm is weaker than his prime, so his completions come from ball placement.

    Playing outside, all the time...

    Come on media, give Peyton his due credit, the guy is phenomenal.

  4. We weren't facing a prevent until the end of the game. The changes on offense actually came on the FG drive in the first half. And then in the second half, the first touchdowns to Rogers and Brazill were both short concepts that had nothing to do with the coverage. It was about shaking a man free underneath and getting him the ball, and those two guys made the play with the ball in their hands. I think Pep deserves credit for those play calls, and Luck deserves credit for making the throws.

    While I agree to a point, they were in a prevent defense definitely for the last 8 minutes of the game, but no matter. Luck found the right receivers with his TD passes, but I think what Rogers and especially Brazill did after the catch was the exceptional part. Brazill blowing through 6 defenders to get that score was a thing of beauty. Luck got the ball to LaVon, but LaVon made it happen.

    This is no way diminishes Luck, I still think he has the ability to be as good as Peyton....but probably not better, Peyton is Peyton after all.

  5. I don't miss Arians. I don't think Pep "gets it," but that doesn't mean BA got it either. I'd rather have Pep Hamilton from yesterday in the second half (he called traps, screens, zone plays, slants, quick ins, etc., everything I've been asking for except stretch plays and bootlegs) than Arians. 


    I wish we'd gotten Whisenhunt, to be honest.

    It's too bad Pep doesn't face a prevent defense all the time, he was awesome then! But I agree that he needs to call those same plays all game long, rather than when we are hopelessly behind.
  6. No disagreement here. There was a definite difference last year in the games that Pagano coached and the games that Arians coached. The team was electric under Arians, and I don't think it was all due to Chuck-Strong, Bruce is a far superior coach.

  7. I'm not sure how any one could say that call didn't effect the outcome of the game. They had a free 7 points spotted to them. If that 7 isn't there, we tied the game at one point.

    Totally different equation being tied than being down 7.

    I meant simply by the final score. There is no question that the mental aspect of being raped by the ref played mind games with the players during halftime.

  8. My concern is that because his huge goof did not affect the outcome of the game, it will be ignored by the NFL. I've been watching NFL Network off and on throughout the morning, and have not heard one word about it.

    To me, considering how badly Triplette has screwed up this season, let alone his history, this story should be leading the discussion on what needs to be done to improve the officials in the NFL.

    Personally, I feel justice will not be served until Triplette is out of the league.

  9. Their third and short passing routes are abysmal. How many times this year have we seen them launch a 20 yard pass only to go three and out, because it was 3 and a few. When you only need 3 yards, why are we sending guys deep?

    Conversely, we were facing a 3 and 9, and we elect to do a screen pass, that already failed once in the same drive, for a gain of 2. If that is not the definition of incompetence, I don't know what is.

  10. Every time we have rested our players in the past, they come back flat. Seeing as we are already flat, I'm not sure we want to be "flat Stanley" flat. Besides, they obviously need the reps.

  11. I tend to agree, after watching Cincy complete passes for first downs on uncontested on third and long. Zero pressure on the QB and no coverage = first down every time, even when you aren't particularly playing good football.

    I haven't looked, but the average QB rating against our defense has to be around 120 or better. We make even the most average offense look awesome.

  12. Agree with all the above, except I am more certain with Pep. He needs to go elsewhere. I think if Rogers can keep his head on straight, he's going to be a real asset.

    We definitely benefitted from being in the AFC South. Had Houston not imploded, and we didn't win the South, we would have a tough time making it in as a wildcard team based on recent play. Fortunately for us, the AFC South sucks.

  13. I don't see the Colts changing head coach. I must say, I don't nearly have as much heartburn about Pags as I do with Pep. I do think Pep needs to be let go and bring in someone with more experience. Pagano has made some questionable decisions and is not as good of a coach as Arians (IMHO), but too soon to fire him.

  14. yea but 7 of those points were given to the bengals..so really we only lost by 7 and maybe a field goal

    I suppose, but they would not have gone into a soft defense had the game been closer, so who's to say? (In other words, we may not have gotten that last TD)

    A better measurement would be to ask, was the game ever in doubt for Cincy? Perhaps for a brief second after we scored two TD's in quick succession, it was. Once they answered with a TD of their own, the game was over at that point.

  15. First drive, 3 and 3 and we throw it deep - incomplete. (and don't forget the time out just prior to that wonderful play) then we punted.

    Second drive, 3 & 9 we throw a screen pass for 2 yards. The same exact play that they ran earlier in the series when DB fell down. Then we punted.

    How many punts in a row did we have, four I think?

    I'd like to think that the logic of the first two series came from the coaches, because if Luck is making that bad of decisions, then we are really in trouble. (coaches can be fired, but finding a franchise quarterback and providing an environment for him to flourish is not so simple.)

  16. The Texans are worse on defense and special teams, and are dead beyond the firsr quarter. So yes.

    Also youre back to lots of reasons I guess. The way you flip around, I think Ima call you pancake.

    Are you really going to argue with me all night about a prediction son? Don't you have homework to do?
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