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Posts posted by sfergson727

  1. Sure, because I've always felt that what this team is really lacking is a guy who fumbles every other time he touches the ball. Hey, maybe we can get Legarette Blount packaged in the deal and really starting giving the ball away.

    Say what you want about Richardson, at least his ball security is pretty good.



    I almost spit my coffee all over the screen when I read about the fumble happy RB in New England.  Let alone giving up a 1st round T-Rich for a third round pick....I also found it amusing that the author thought Trent desperately needed a scenery change considering he has only been here about ¾ of the season.


    I've been very vocal about T-Rich not running well.  I've said and still believe the deal was a bust, as we gave up too much for him.  That doesn't mean that sometime in the future, he won't prove me wrong.  I'm content to have him do so.  To trade him for Mr. Fumble would be an even worse (read dumb) move than giving up a first round pick for T-Rich in the first place.  (Talk about selling low, don't let the author of that article anywhere near your life savings)

  2. Short of gambling & intentionally sabotaging the integrity of the game through calling excessive penalties thereby altering the point spread, I don't see that happening in this case. It does make me wonder what constitutes a fire worthy event though. What is the rule/protocol on that? 

    When you consider the list of Triplette's errors, I am surprised he hasn't been tossed.  He is the one who hit the Steelers player in the eye with the flag, and the one who screwed up the down markers earlier this year during the Redskins game.  There are literally too many things he's screwed up to list here.  He has a long history of subpar officiating.  

  3. To me, down by contact meant he was just that, down by contact.  For the call to initially be that, they must have seen someone touch the ball carriers foot, which caused him to stumble.  If a defensive player makes contact with the running back, and he falls as a result and touches a knee, he is down.


    I really can't see how they could screw that up, but then I underestimated Triplette's stupidity.


    The call on the field was down by contact, and thus required irrefutable proof otherwise to overturn a ruling on the field.  Since the bone head only looked at the goal line....well, even a freakin' blind man could see that no contact occurred there, it was back at the line of scrimmage, where most contact usually occurs.

  4. 1) I'm not sure it does; and


    2) Regardless of #1, this isn't a free public message board.  It's paid for and operated by a private entity who has the ability and right to control its contents.

    Unless you paid for entry, it is free.  The answer to the first question is yes, it does.


    The choice whether to read the thread, is of course yours, as is your right to disagree with it.  That does not mean that it should be censored just because a person doesn't like the message.  The mods do their jobs to control whether a thread or response is abusive.  (I know a little about this, if you look up Clubsearay.com you will see I am an Administrator on that little site, that has about 25,000 members.)

  5. Farley had a point that refs are calling taunting much more this year, not just on us.

    True, but ripping someone's helmet off and then head butting them was over the line. Yesterday, we had a player rip off a bengals player's helmet to draw a penalty also, but I'm still not sure that was intentional. I don't think you can deny we are not the squeaky clean team we used to be even if the refs are calling it more.

  6. For nearly a decade, the Colts were the standard in Class. We had players who were upstanding, and did not commit stupid personal fouls such that I have seen this season. Our players, for the most part, didn't embarrass the city in the off-season (except for our former crazy punter Vanderjagt) and I believe were looked upon by the rest of the NFL community with respect.

    I am disappointed to see that we are allowing are standards for conduct to slip. Do players reflect the coach? I once thought so under the Dungy years, but that seems to be passé in today's NFL.

  7. Well of course you send someone deep to clear out space underneath. Doesn`t mean you are dumb enough to throw to them unless  the receiver is clearly open. WE don`t throw it, he does. He doesn`t see the whole field that well, no doubt somewhat because he has gotten used to NO TIME, thank you Grigson.

    I could see sending someone deep with a four receiver set, but if I remember right, on that formation, we had two WR's, a TE and RB. I'd think a quick slant would be a much better call. (I can't remember the exact formation, so if I am mistaken, forgive me.) As for the rest, I agree.

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