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Posts posted by nburgmei

  1. I'm pretty similar. I've always been relatively small, but my freshmen year of college I worked out frequently and gained about 17 lbs of muscle. Stopped working out...gone. All of it. I changed no other habit than my exercise routine. Some people stop and lose muscle and others stop and gain fat. I have to eat...and eat...and eat to keep my weight at or above 150 lbs. 

  2. Russell screwed up his first go around by getting lazy and overweight, potentially as a result from personal issues. A lot of other players have gotten second and third chances after much worse. I'd like to see him succeed. We can all use a feel good story.

  3. I always thought Mack Strong was a pretty good football name. It makes me think of a big truck waiting to run over something. As far as all around awesome names are concerned though, we did use to have Jim Bob Cooter. Can you really get much better than Jim Bob Cooter? He's got two first names followed by either slang for female genitalia or a general term for several species of turtles all wrapped into a nice, neat little package that rolls right off the tongue.

  4. I personally don't understand "coming out," especially as it pertains to the sports or entertainment world. I think your sexuality is your business. I don't think there needs to be an event to publicize what your sexual orientation is. I understand telling the people closest to you, and I don't think anyone necessarily needs to hide what they are. But I don't care whether you're gay, straight, asexual, celibate, a hermaphrodite, whatever. It's not my business. Just live your life.

    I think that's the problem. Even if a gay player just wanted to go about his business living with his partner, quietly and privately, it would still end up becoming a circus because people still make such a big deal about it. It hasn't reached the point yet, for most people, where they can see a gay couple and not think twice about it. It's still "news." Hopefully some day sooner than later people will stop caring about it so much.


    As far as football is concerned...I couldn't care less what the players do in their lives aside from obviously immoral things (i.e. Vick + dogs). I do find it "funny" that being in a locker room with a homosexual could potentially be more off-putting than being in a locker room with someone that fought dogs or has children from umpteen different women.  

  5. This is how my Raider fan friend describes DHB: "Good character, hard working, fast, poor hands. I like him a lot. He just ain't worth the 10 million a year we were paying him. He has plenty of potential. He just has inconsistent hands."

    I'm glad to hear about his character, but all I can manage to picture in my mind is the dropped Pierre Garcon SB pass. Garcon had a lot of attributes to make up for his sub-par hands...I'm not sure DHB has that.

  6. Saturday spoke at a charity fund raiser I attended on Wednesday night. He said, "I will retire as a Colt."


    He also said that Peyton Manning is the best example of a leader he's ever been around in his life. He finished adding that he thinks Luck is going to be a great player. He said something else about Luck too, but I missed it.

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