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Posts posted by nburgmei

  1. Sanu can't miss.

    Benjamin is the #1

    Watkins is a sure thing if he plays

    If he doesn't then you have your answer. TB right now is like the worst in pass defense so it won't be that bad of a play if you have to play him.

    Apparently Sanu can miss when his QB plays as poorly as he did last night!


    I'm going to try to test your trade genius. My team is incredibly weak once I get past my starters. I've got Wilson, Murray, Bradshaw, Antonio Brown, G. Olsen, and Beckham Jr. So the top of my order is typically pretty solid. Past that though...it's dismal. I have no other decent WR to speak of (i.e. the disappointment that is Michael Crabtree) and am loaded down with RB prospects (Charles Sims, Tre Mason, Ben Tate, Carlos Hyde). Can you concoct a trade that could land me a decent WR2/RB2? I've considered packaging Olsen with one of those rookie RBs or Crabtree, but that would leave me utterly destitute at TE. 

  2. I would say Olsen. He's been doing well.


    I would probably go Greg Olsen. The Panthers will have to pass to keep up with the Packers this game as Aaron Rodgers will put up a few tds and go down the field a lot. I do like Jordan Reed and I remember that Kirk Cousins relies on his TE's a lot. The problem is that Niles Paul is a good TE that he had chemistry with also and he may throw to him a decent amount of the time. There's also other options like Jackson, Garcon and Roberts that will get targets. I'd go with Olsen as he and Benjamin are the only real pass options for the Panthers and Olsen should have a solid stat line. 

    As for your 2nd question, the Jags are a mixed bag right now at WR. I trust Allen Robinson and Allen Hurns the most at WR with Cecil 3rd. He's definitely droppable for a possible big play threat like Harvin. Harvin won't start this week though, so make sure to have another option ready. Also monitor how the Jets use him in week 8.

    Thank you both. The Harvin issue is moot now. Someone much higher on the waiver wire got him.

  3. The overreaction to and defensiveness about the fine is both ridiculous and amusing. 


    You all are really mad about him being fined for violating the uniform rules? I for one support strict uniform rules. It's like the PED policy: black and white and doesn't allow for subjective interpretation. Without the strict rules, players would be pushing the limit constantly and it would turn into subjectively stating this is OK, this is not. They already push the limits but under the current rules, there is a clear line that draws a fine. 

    I somewhat disagree with this. I'm not typically a fan of black and white, no tolerance policies. They're lazy and often times over applied. Case in point...on one side of the coin we have an important issue in PED use. PEDs are cheating. Players using PEDs are not setting a good example to those that look up to them. Use them without approval, even without nefarious reasoning (e.g. Robert Mathis), and you get punished. This makes sense. This is a good use of a no tolerance policy. However, then we get no tolerance "your pants are too short" policies. This is obviously some pencil pusher sitting around either trying to find ways to make a little extra money for the league and/or professionalize a sport where guys smash their bodies into each other and end up tearing their uniforms anyway. Good use vs bad use.


    However, rules are rules and Reggie broke them so show them the money. 


    P.S. No disrespect for pencil pushers. Their jobs are important too.

  4. Funny, I wonder if those were real reactions.

    I'm glad someone else asked. Some of these seemed like legitimate reactions and others definitely seemed staged...I generally just assume they're all staged.


    These videos brought up an interesting question though. What would I do if a recognized star athlete walked up to me and rubbed his/her sweat on my face with a hug?

  5. Just because a drug is off label doesn't mean it isn't effective at doing something else.  See more info on my post here-




    Either way, actually trying to have more kids, or recovery from a steroid cycle, trying to increase muscle mass, or whatever other reason folks can conjure up, the substance is banned by the NFL and he was caught with it in his system.  the Steroid (PED) policy is different in that 1st positive results in 4 game suspension.

    This is definitely true. I'm currently prescribed a drug for off-label use. Sometimes doctors do what they need to do.


    I'd like to address another issue that keeps popping up. People keep mentioning Mathis' intelligence. I don't mean this as player bashing, I love Mathis, but to be completely honest I've never gotten the impression through interviews that he was the most intelligent of the bunch. I could be completely off base, maybe he's a poorly spoken genius, but I know I've seen several interviews that made me wonder. Intelligence also doesn't necessarily equate to common sense. I know some really smart people that do some really dumb things. 


    For now though, I've seen enough for me to give him the benefit of the doubt. 

  6. First, Timmy Tebow is out of football because he's an awful QB. End of that discussion.

    Second, the reason Timmy was lambasted about his religion is because of all his zealot fans, who can't see how awful he is because he's religious. Plus he grandstands about his religion in the exact same way people are complaining about Sam grandstanding about his sexual preference.

    Third, the only agenda you need to worry about is the heterosexual agenda. Those people are crazy.

    This is pretty close to what I was thinking. Sam and Tebow can't be compared quite yet. If Sam shows us he's not good enough for his job and starts invoking his homosexuality in every answer to every question he's asked...then we can compare the two. Right now they're just vaguely similar situations because they're both headliners because of non-football related issues.

  7. If Mathis did not play for the Colts, we would all be saying how big of a cheater he is not matter what excuse he gave...........

    If the hypothetical non-Colts Mathis had the same amount of evidence that's been presented in his favor thus far, I don't think too many here would indict him on anything more than making a bad decision. There's blind homerism and then there's recognizing that he did something dumb. So far this seems like a clear case of dumb rather than cheating.

  8. If that's true, that really sucks. Might also be that Mathis was trying to get one over and hope that he wouldn't be tested in that window. But you have to consider the source. His agent is going to present a version of the story that is sympathetic to Mathis.

    I have zero functional knowledge of PEDs. Would taking Clomid for ten days be worth "trying to get one over"? Would ten days of PEDs make a difference?

  9. "Dear Robert,


    Congratulations on your wife's pregnancy. I have already gotten you a gift. It's a shiny new 4-game suspension courtesy of sticking my fingers in my ears and archaic, zero-tolerance policies! I hope you enjoy it.




    Commissioner Goodell


    P.S. If you have a boy, I'll go ahead and give you an additional 4-games off for his violating future safety rules by grabbing the QB's flag a little too close to his belt."

  10. Is normal having to pretend like you're not gay when you are?

    No...and I honestly went to edit the word normal and hit a few wrong buttons and didn't.


    It seems strange to preemptively announce to everyone your sexual orientation without being asked. It does not seem at all strange to me to answer the question honestly if someone asks. It also wouldn't seem strange to me if the first we'd heard about it was the video of him hugging his boyfriend after his draft.


    Maybe getting ahead of it was a potential strategy to bypass all of the rumor-mongering and paparazzi nonsense. Either way, I don't particularly care. At this point my biggest hopes are that: A) his teammates treat him like a teammate and are respectful, B) he does the same, C) he has a nice career, and D) the media are capable of actually discussing his football talents at some point and not just that he happens to be gay. I'd think he probably wants the same things.

  11. Sam did a sit down interview with ESPN before the combine to come out.  Why that matters to you, I have no idea.  

    Pure curiosity. I wondered if it was just a casual interview that went in that direction or if was solely an interview to announce his sexual orientation. Which seems strange to me if you truly do want to keep things normal.

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