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Posts posted by Iancolts

  1. Can we cut Toler and use that money to bring in grimes after we resign Davis? I'm pretty much asking cause I'm don't know how Toler contract works. I think I read that his money was front loaded so we won't get hurt cap wise if we cut him after year 1 someone please correct me if I'm wrong

  2. Well we need a new something this game against the pats is gonna be stuck in my head for a whole!! That 4th N 1 punt is probably worst then all those turnovers. I honestly thought we could make it to NY this year because of a banged up NE offense and defense and Denver without a defense.

  3. Great season no doubt we advance in second year rebuild mode! But you guys have to agree that the 4th N 1 punt was so bad it's beyond bad can't even make an excuse to back pagano up on that one. We was down by 21 points. I don't mind losing to a better team but to pretty much give up is bad!

  4. As a head coach you can't just call timeout to get the ball back before halftime then just give up and run the clock out. If that was your goal then why even bother with getting the ball back. And the the 4n1 you punt down by 21 points really? Before the half running out the clock I can let that go. But that 4n1 punt was wow!! It was 4th and 1 not 3 2 6 etc...

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