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Posts posted by Iancolts

  1. Can't blame everything on defense I would say 70 percent in offense 30 on defense. Can't do much with 2 quarters worth of 3 and out! Need a new OC even when we win games still don't like the no coast offense!

  2. NE had no WR even mentioning and they still kept games close and they did t have Gronk for a long time and D Allen is a good TE but no where near Gronk yet! And they had bunch of rookies play DB against peyton and won. They also lost their main guy on defense Wilfork. I hate NE just as much as the next die hard colts fan but they have good coaches and that's why they are contenders. And please don't say Tom Brady dude is a system/scheme QB NE proved it when Cassel stepped in. I'm just saying we have tons and tons tons of talent just need the right coaches to utilize thier skills

  3. We can't blame the losses so far on injuries. Look at the patriots they have a ton of injuries on defense and offense yet they still gameplan to where they can keep the game close. I think it's our coaches that can't adjust during the game. Love pagano but he needs to make changes with the OC and DC next year. We are a SB conteders this year and at least until Luck gets the huge pay day and he will! Then we won't have money to pay other free agents and then we get back to the manning era.

  4. Yup I agree Tknight I'm a due hard colts fan but I know this year or next year we won't be close to Super Bowl year 4 though of luck career is where we will be Super Bowl contenders

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