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Posts posted by Iancolts

  1. Peyton got a pretty stacked team on both sides of the ball before he even got there. Plus you gotta understand a guy like peyton can mask a lot of weak links on offense. Even though he ate the same cap space as with the colts he got signed to a team that was missing only one position from being great/good.

  2. Sherman can talk they won the game. He didn't cuss or use bad words and that choking thingie he did means the other team chokes that's all. Yeah not everyone can be like peyton. I laughed really hard during the interview. Crabtree believe it or not is a trash talker also. Crabtree reminds me of Dion Sanders. They both play that good guy role and try to act like they never ever say it do anything wrong. Sherman was really hyped after the game yeah maybe what he said wasn't politically correct but at least dude is honest and real about it that I can respect. Unlike Crabtree who is gonna play the victim role.

  3. I'll take Peyton aka broncos. Any defense that likes to plan man bump and cover defense manning will pick apart. I expect a lot pick plays or rub plays whatever they are called and Wr screens etc... To soften up that man coverage and once seattle gets out of it peyton will really expose the sherminator and I hope peyton does one hella of an interview afterwards. He probably won't he will probably sneak in a line like going to Disneyland and order papa john pizza lol

  4. Seattle did not dominate similiar to when they played the rams came down to one last play that was in the end zone. Peyton will tear apart LOB because the way they play man coverage all the time with that nascar package of theirs. Manning is gonna be calling pick plays and go fast I mean Ricky bobby fast no huddle so seattle can't substitute players and manning will have his way mark my words!

  5. I agree with RevRichard I love my colts but peyton help made us who we are today so if the colts are not in the Super Bowl race anymore. We as colts fan should be able to cheer for the broncos since peyton is the QB for that team without people saying we are bandwagon fans etc..

  6. I was so mad and depress all week long but peyton just brought happiness to my life. Brady is going fishing and peyton continues his quest to be The Lord of the ring! I can't wait till peyton wins his second ring and all these espn crap head talkers can go somewhere with the Brady manning comparison using super wins as an excuse

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