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Posts posted by Mitch

  1. The only player I'm really upset to see leaving is Bullitt, I always enjoyed watching for him and will miss him. But Gary/Dallas/Addai were gone the minute Peyton was...Saturday will be gone soon too.

    I love to see us going all-in on starting fresh, it may not be a great winning year next year or the year after, but just imagine the future of this team. A full team built around our new QB, I love it, we did it with Peyt, now we are doing it with Luck. I'm not mad about Freeney either, I think Mathis is better and will fit better in our new 3-4 hybrid defense.

    Can't wait to see all the new faces wearing the Horseshoe next year, Go Colts.

  2. Luck all day...every day 24/7 lol. But seriously RG3 wouldn't be half-bad. As a Colts fan with the #1 pick, I am pumped for this draft/offseason. Luck reminds me a ton of Peyton especially when he's changing the play at the line, calling audibles, this is easily his most underrated attribute.

    Probably should've added a poll to this post :P

  3. If you are correct in the assumption that our fans are the classiest in the NFL, I expect them to burn these shirts before the Colts draft Luck:


    That shirt needs to be banned in Indianapolis...(NOT THE JERSEY, The shirt next to it that says "Who needs Luck when you got Manning?") I'm saying it should be banned because it's already putting down our future QB. I have Luck's back 100%, Go Colts!

  4. First of all, I will always be a fan of Peyton Manning, he is a hero of mine and has played for my team since I can remember(I'm 20 now) but this is what is best. I believe the decision was mutual and that Peyton and Irsay both sincerely wish things went differently, but it's just not how it went. This is the NFL, decisions are made for business and what is best for the organization as a whole. I had some tears during the press conference today, especially when he looked in the camera and told us all how he was "honored" to play for the Colts, classy. I think a lot of us feel we lost a family member today, but times have to come to an end, whether it's now or it's when he retires we would have to say goodbye. A lot of star QBs leave their teams but will always be remembered for their majority/prime years, and Peyton Manning will always be a Colt, but look at Montana, Favre, Namath, Unitas, and even Archie, they all went through the same.

    This decision was not about the money, well not exactly. There were few outcomes to this situation. Peyton stays and plays as a Colt for the rest of his career and we trade first pick for a plethora of picks(What if he didn't come back, or wasn't the same Laser Rocket Arm), Peyton Stays and we draft Luck and spend 30% of our cap on QBs alone(and if Peyton didn't perform like he used to...would fans start chanting for Luck to come in? Do you want to see that?) or what did/will happen is we release Peyton, and pick Luck with first pick and continue our complete rebuild of the franchise. This also gives Peyton the best chance to win a super bowl, though I believe he could win one with any team in the NFL(well maybe not the Rams or Vikings lol). I also believe Peyton did not want a rookie qb sitting behind him, salivating over their chance to finally play and I believe Irsay didn't want to pass on one of the best qb prospects to come in more than a decade or look like he made this decision based purely on emotions.

    Our organization will look completely new next year and we have a very exciting offseason ahead of us. Embrace the future, don't hold onto the past thinking "What if"s. I cannot wait for the draft/next season and see our new defense(bye bye Tampa 2) and our new offensive leader.

    This is a sad day, but also a happy one no matter how cliche that sounds. It's the end of one Era and the beginning of the other. I'm excited about the future and see great things with our new QB at lead. We will see a completely new and fresh Colts team next year and we will continue to get better, I just hope fans are patient and don't expect perfection out of Luck on day 1. I expect our fans, being the classiest in the NFL to welcome Luck to Indy and start looking for that :lombardi: again soon.

    GO :coltslogo: (and Peyton, just not when he's playing against the Colts :P)

  5. why does every colt fan gloss over the fact manning had 4 neck surgeries and health is the reason Irsay is moving on? I feel like people are under the assuption that Manning is 100% healthy and ready to throw 45 TD's this year

    EXACTLY my thoughts...Just because of a video shot at Duke or speculations everyone is acting like Peyton is 100%...he is far from 100 and we will not know how he'll play till we see his first game(with a new team it looks like).

    No matter how much we all love Peyton, this was the right decision. It isn't worth the risk of paying 28Million to an injured Peyt in hopes he will recover to the old PM we all know him as. Just imagine if we paid 28 million to Peyton and he wasn't able to play at the start of next season? Or if he was mediocre or just doesn't have the Laser Rocket Arm we know him by or maybe get hurt early in the season? We would be a franchise in ^chiz^, at least this way we can start rebuilding completely and have a completely new office/coaches/players/and especially QB. I can't wait for the future of the Colts and see good times coming. I just hope the fans are not too hard on Luck and expect a 10-win season. It will take a couple years to completely rebuild but this is a great beginning with one of the best QB prospects of all time looking to light it up in LOS, I can't wait! Go Colts!

  6. What does Irsay do now? This is the worst situation to be in. Possibilities:

    1) Keep Peyton Manning and Draft Luck(bench him) and have a big hit to the salary cap.

    2) Keep Peyton Manning and Trade first pick for a bunch of picks and have PM and some new studs and We go win a Super Bowl next year in Eli's Stadium with the PM we all remember.

    3) Keep Peyton Manning and Trade first pick and Peyton not be the same PM we remember and Irsay looks like he is dumb for not drafting Luck.

    4) Cut Peyton Manning and Draft Andrew Luck as our future QB and continue to succeed and begin our strive to dominance again.(Luck could be a bust and make Irsay look terrible, especially if we let PM go and he played elsewhere or Luck could be the next PM and we'd have a very bright future for a decade or more.)

    The hardest thing about this whole situation is we don't know if Peyton will be the same PM we remember. I'm a huge Peyton fan, but a bigger Colts fan. I don't know what I would do if I was Irsay, the safest bet is to Keep PM and draft Luck, unfortunately the cap would be our biggest problem. These next few weeks will be very interesting, I just hope we are back to dominance next year, this year was dreadful.

  7. I have recently gotten a lot more respect for Jim Irsay. People say he tweets too often or talks too much, but I'm glad he is talking to us fans and the NFL. He is under a lot of stress, rebuilding a whole staff, the Peyton decision, and hosting a super bowl all at once. I think he is handling himself very well and he wants nothing but to win. He wouldn't of fired/reorganized as much as we did if he wasn't serious about changing after an embarassing 2-14 season. He doesn't want the reputation of a loser and seems to be doing all he can to make sure we don't have another season like this one.

  8. i sadly agree :(

    But i wouldnt mind having tebow as our backup behind peyton for 4 more years. he could become a great passer possibly and then would be unstopable.

    you are nuts if you believe he would become a great passer. His form is terrible and most of his throws are way off target. He didn't play a great game, once again their defense won the game. If we had their Defense we would've won a few games too. Von Miller, Elvis Dumervil, Champ Bailey just to name a few. If we had some real pass coverage we would also be a lot better. Our corners are embarrassing.

    But Luck for Tebow? I'd lose all faith in the Colts organization if this happened. But John Elway would do it in a second.

  9. I live in Charlotte, NC but I'm originally from Carmel, IN, born in Indianapolis. Been to 3 games. (I was at the Colts/Peytons most recent win, vs Tenn, week 17 in Indianapolis last year. I also went to 2 games this year, vs Browns @ ind, and @ Bengals.)

  10. I don't see anything wrong with it. I actually like seeing he's talking to his fans. And yeah just because he is "tweeting" doesn't mean he isn't doing his job(even though we are 0-9 >.>. I can't wait till some staff is fired either, hopefully I see a "best wishes to Caldwell and the rest of our coaching staff" lol.

  11. Yeah, I'm sick and tired of seeing these fans with Luck jerseys or signs(example I saw said "Luck-next best thing to Manning". It's disrespectful and wrong to already have given up faith on our QB, our leader. He's brought us a SB win and 2 appearances with an obviously TERRIBLE team. We have already disrespected him enough by not giving him a team around him. PM saved our franchise...If he never came, I'm pretty sure we would be next in line to move to LA.

  12. I want to see Dan O start at least 4 games this season, We have nothing to lose...other than more games haha. We see what Painter has done, and he just doesn't cut it. I thought he'd get better but he's only gotten worse. His first 2 games he had 4 tds and zero picks. Since then, 1 td and 5 picks. I don't know if we have given up or if it's Painter that's making this so bad. No matter how many points we put up, I don't see the other team putting up less...

  13. 1-15 or 2-14 at best, I hate saying it but even that is hopeful thinking. We are playing the worst football I have ever seen an NFL team play. We are beat physically and mentally, we have given up and it's flat out embarrassing. Somehow I still wake up on Monday mornings loving the Colts and putting a jersey/colts shirt on and represent, even though we are 0-9... :cuss: this is bad.

  14. I don't want to see Peyton in another uniform ever

    My thoughts exactly. I don't know what I'd do if I saw PM in a different uniform. This is PM's team, I don't care if we get Luck or not, if Manning is healthy, he is a Colt...at least that's how I see it. In my opinion the best option for the franchise if Peyton Manning is back to his old self is IF we have the first pick, trade it and get some veteran players(defense preferred) and let's give PM the best chance we can to win a couple SBs before he retires, pull an Elway. I would rather have 4 more years with a healthy PM than 10 years with a rookie that we don't know will fit in...I mean he could be another Ryan Leaf.

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