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Posts posted by JPFolks

  1. I ripped the author a new one.  Look under Brian Whitney in the responses.  I seem to have hit the right nerve for many others there.  


    ESPN HATES all things Indianapolis and always has, even when Manning was here.  Now they love him of course in Denver and have switched to hating Luck.  They assigned us a total Colts HATER in Mike Wells, and then sent us this little love letter above after a year of TRASHING the Pacers up and down and likely causing some of their strife with bogus reporting.  


    Typical nonsense.  That's why I enjoy jawing with you guys for a breath of fresh air.  It is one thing to have a good natured rivalry with another teams fans, but the idiocy there gets old pretty quick and when they add their biased coverage I usually come here to decompress.  I wish there was legit competition for them across all sports but there really isn't.  Foxsports started off great but they took the NFL show off the air and now there's just the sports scoring shows and they focus on the NFC much of the time.  



  2. So are you just as hardcore on all the players and fans who smoke weed and drive? That's definitely impairment.  And for me, it's worse, the same as drinking recreationally and getting drunk... you have a willful choice and you do it to get off... an addict or alcoholic has a medical condition compelling them.  For a first offense, society doesn't throw the book at hardly ANYTHING these days.  They've let confessed multiple child rapists get off with a few months and probation.  Don't you watch the news?  If you are going to throw the book at him, make sure you support equally harsh punishment for anyone smoking weed and driving, or having more than one drink and driving or taking allergy medicines some of which make you drowsy... all that stuff makes you a dangerous driver.. the MOST dangerous these days are people texting or messing with phones.  At least a drunk sometimes swerves to tip you off, look to your left and right anytime you are in traffic and you'll see people texting, talking while holding the phone, playing with their music tracks, wearing headphones etc etc etc.   Are you for equally harsh punishment for anyone caught doing any of those things the first time as well?  Perhaps you are.  Just be careful what you preach as someone you know and care about is probably doing it tomorrow morning on their next drive.  And ALL those people are WORSE because they do it so casually and without reason.  Just like smoking weed for fun... it all makes you unfit to safely drive.  Build more prisons for them all right? Because everyday people ARE dying because of distracted or high driving.  Just be consistent.  And stop projecting crap about how "we'd" all be attacking a coach of a different team.  Lumping people together and attributing a negative attribute to them is bigotry of thought.  Perhaps you're just projecting a bit. "Like common street trash" --Who in the heck would THAT be? Care to elaborate? 


    It's a first offense.  The guy is very sick.  Hopefully these officers saved his life along with anyone he might have endangered.  I bet if he can pull himself out of this tailspin, he'll more than make up for his transgression.   Any kid texting while driving is a menace and could, at any moment, kill someone just as Irsay could have in his state.  Thankfully it didn't happen.  But rest assured in the next hour someone WILL kill someone doing something they shouldn't be doing while driving.  I wouldn't toss anyone in jail for a serious sentence for driving in a state they shouldn't have been in if they were lucky and did no harm to anyone else.   Should Irsay do this again, THEN by all means, light the torches. Until then, let's hope he gets some help and gets back to running a first class organization which is charitable and thrilling for so many of us.  

  3. Some of you couch potato justice seekers need to get a grip.  


    First time offenders of far more serious crimes often get off lightly or completely.   How about a thug who was robbing pharmacies at gunpoint getting off with probation?  Happens a lot in Indianapolis.  I know this first hand due to having victims of these crimes in my family.  There's a guy right now robbing pharmacies with a gun in his pocket (or the threat of it) and because he is only stealing one box of a particular drug treatment at a time, people feel sorry for him and though he's now robbed nearly a dozen pharmacies, no one expects him to do serious crime, based on previous situations where the criminal pleads desperation for drugs they were legally given and became addicted to.  Addiction is a disease, unless you want to tilt against that windmill.  If no actual physical harm comes to anyone, people get away with a wide array of drug crimes daily in Indy and all over the USA.  


    In the NFL, a first drug offense is nothing... nada...zip... a second is up to 4 games, sometimes reduced.  Hell, there's a psycho in San Fran with 3 gun chargers and multiple DUI's and a bomb threat who hasn't been kicked out of the league and to date still hasn't been punished, so why are you all so out for blood on Irsay?  Because he's successful and wealthy he should be punished more harshly than Joe Blow off the street?  You guys are arguing for special treatment, only you want special punishment verses special right of way.  


    Just hope you never suffer from chronic pain or have a loved one who does.  It ruins lives and makes people desperate to escape the pain by any means they can.  

  4. Yeah, I am playing on 360.  


    Think of it this way: Kentucky Basketball reloads with Freshmen every year and the oddball sophomore now and then,   If you had 25 new players, that means you still have a core of 28 veterans.  The entire Colts team short a tiny number of players has turned over in the 2 years that Pagano has been around, so the turnover itself wouldn't be an issue.  For example, if you had Luck, TY, Nicks, our two tight ends and our two tackles under contract, the rest could come and go without too much uproar on Offense and you could calculate the same on Defense.  


    Rather than say it's just IMPOSSIBLE, use a little creative thought and tell me how you would approach it.  This is just light conversation until Football starts right? 



  5. Hi Folks, 


    I've been playing around with Madden 25 in Franchise Owner mode and after about 20 years of seasons, I have amassed 25 First Round Picks going into next season.  It was mostly first a matter of building up long term players into monster stats (at all positions) and then trading them off methodically and then with the #1 picks I got, trading those during the draft until I maxed out the 25 pick limit you can have in a given year and continuing until going into the 2035 draft, I have a full 25 first round picks.  It was really just a puzzle game effort which I enjoyed completing.  But I wondered, let's say methodically over 20 years a team could amass something similar, putting most of your salary cap each year into the best QB/RB/WR/TE so that you could win consistently and magically get to 25 First Round picks.  (I know, it's just a silly gaming "what if"). 


    Once you had 25 #1 Round Picks, could the real NFL salary cap even support that? 


    If you had that much young talent on the team at once, could you make a winning or even Super Bowl Winning level team out of them, and in year 4 trade them away for another 25 #1 Round Picks and replenish it over and over? 


    Sure, it works in Madden 25 really well, but in the confines of reality, let's say IF you had those 25 1st Round picks to start with, could you do it? 


    Just a fun thought puzzle if you have a few minutes to ponder, I would love to hear your thoughts.  And again, I emphasize I KNOW IT IS JUST A GAME, so no lectures on the unrealistic premise to start. 


    So, you have 25 first round picks on a real NFL team: What could YOU do with that? 



  6. Funny... when I first played Madden 25, he became available on FA list and I added him as a back-up DE for 3 seasons.  Sure, just a game, but still funny to see this here in reality. 


    I think he'd be a solid back-up with the chance to be in the rotation... not sure why folks are so against him.  He'll land somewhere.  The beard alone is worth a  few tackles.  

  7. I agree with Yatz as a VERY affordable tasty cajun food place where they make the food in large batches at the start of the day and sell them until the pots are empty.  I also love going to the Claddagh Irish Pub and getting their GIGANTIC fish and chips, the best I have ever had in the USA other than Hawaii.   (I've travelled to all the US States and appx 30 other countries).  


    If you are here in August, definitely go to the Indiana State Fair which will give you an amazing midwestern USA experience.  For the Patriots game, the media and VIP's usually fill up St. Elmos very quickly so you better plan ahead and if reservations are not available, be ready to wait.  If you DO go there, the Shrimp Cocktail is world famous.  


    Enjoy to all those coming to Indy.  You'll likely get a warm welcome.  



  8. I am not surprised by the outcome.  First offenses usually with consideration for who the person is (are they employed (that is a big factor in most criminal prosecutions of this sort), do they acknowledge the problem with what they did (which clearly Irsay did by going straight to a rehab facility) etc.  Now if he was a repeat offender, or had hurt someone etc. I could see it not getting pled down, but this isn't a surprise.  A second offense and he'll get hammered with charges.  Meanwhile, regular folks may not always get breaks, but I know of two specific cases of regular nobodies that got pled down with no serious charges, minimal fines and no jail time of any kind and that was for DWI and another case of Drug Possession and large amounts of cash.  Fortunately both got off with probation and also fortunately both turned their lives around after it.  Find a legal professional and ask them if they know of similar case involving Joe Nobodies who got off the first time and they will in most cases confirm this.  


    Hopefully he'll have his license suspended, pay some fines, do additional community service (they guy gives back a LOT to the community already) and most importantly, I hope he's past this for health reasons.  By all accounts he's a good guy who has a sickness that started with a legit injury.  There are sadly a lot of people in the same boat.  Chronic pain is no joke and treating it properly is no small thing.  


    Hang in there Jim, we're supporting your return to good health ASAP no matter what happens with the rest of this stuff.  It was clear by your photo you aren't well and we need you big guy.   And Thank You for running such a first class quality company with a lot of amazingly giving and quality people onboard as well.   

  9. The difference between Lance's flop and Lebron's is simply practice.  If Lance flops a few thousand more times, he'll be better at not getting fined.   Plus, if he and Paul George can stick together and keep growing with Hibbert, they will all get calls in their favor eventually.  


    Whoever said above something about Lebron being marketed as a young MJ... well... he's already finishing his 9th season.. he's not young anymore really is he? 


    Skip Bayless does what he does.  I agree with him about 10% of the time and Stephen A. about 70% of the time.  Skip so wants to play to his far left wing politics any chance he gets that I find that more tiresome than his predictable going against the grain schtick.  He and Stephen A. spend way too much time on race politics as well when I think we get enough of that droning from our politicians.  I found it ironic that they asked for "understanding" from anyone in the NFL being homophobic, but they were the first to wave the lynching flags against that tool Donald Sterling.  'Nothing if not hypocritical' should be their slogan.  Selective moral outrage has more than run its course I think.  They don't care when an NFLer rapes a woman or beats a woman or breaks gun laws (though both are against guns, another irony) and ask that we have forgiveness and to give these thugs a second chance, but they want Sterling strung up and they want Irsay to be punished to the extreme and in a big hurry, because they are all for athletes using recreational or PE drugs and getting away with it, but not someone with an obvious addiction disease.   Hypocrits, both of them.  ESPN in general has been harshly against Jim Irsay (even trying to compare him to Sterling which is obscenely unfair and disconnected).  These guys are wrong on most of their predictions.  So why give them any credibility or let them ruffle too many feathers?  I know it's hard... they've snared me in their trap on many occasions I must admit.   

  10. It costs a FORTUNE just to submit a bid... not sure WHY it cost so much, perhaps just to keep everyone from trying for every game.  There was no congestion in Indy by the way.  We were down there several times including the night before and day of game and there was really no traffic at all.  Just one of the many reasons why Indy rocked it.  I bet MN uses a lot of our ideas on theirs.  

  11. Actually Indy IS a place where the media and NFL industry folks LOVE to go to and all the fans gave us a major thumbs up too.  We had the most universally praised SB ever.  They talked as much about how much they love our city as they talked about the game all week.  


    I doubt we will see a SB in Indy for another decade or more.  Sad but reality.  


    At least it wasn't New Orleans AGAIN.  Spread the wealth.  Congrats to MN.  

  12. Folks, 


    Indianapolis has gotten a LOT of unfortunate negative publicity over the past few weeks.  The Pacers(who I LOVE as a wonderfully respectable group of guys first and foremost from top to bottom) are getting bashed by everyone even after winning game one.  The Colts are getting hammered, with Mathis and Irsay, two beloved and major people behind our wonderful team who is also a model of decency in professional sport.  We got hammered over our draft (Kiper in particular) unfairly, they've been saying we have no chance to land SB 52 over New Orleans or Minneapolis.  Our ESPN assigned news guys (Wells) HATES the Colts, is perhaps the laziest writer for a major news source I have ever come across and is on a rampage about hammering our Owner, who has an ADDICTION which is supposed to be a disease, not recreational or an attempt to enhance performance which is why most players get punishment though he just doesn't get it, and ESPN also spent an entire day yesterday with Shady McCoy on every show all day lobbying for votes to beat Luck being egged on further by the likes of Skip Bayless who HATES Andrew Luck AND the Pacers (why Hibbert went on their show to plead his case is beyond me, they're his biggest critics).   No other player was on there pleading for votes and if anything, it is simply fixing the votes against Andrew.  I realize it is just a video game cover, but this relentless dislike of all things Indianapolis, (remember how they tortured Manning about winning a Super Bowl and then another while he was here, but have a new love affair with him now that he's in Denver and are cheering him on to win at least one more) is getting really really old.  


    Anyone else notice this stuff?  Ack!  -Brian 

  13. I played 3 sports in High School and College and I play several more in life after and I love all sorts of competitions, including nearly every Olympic event in the Summer and Winter games.  I have tried year after year to watch Soccer and I just can't maintain interest in games that can end 1-0 or 0-0 with a kick off type resolution.  Even the timing I find maddening in that no one knows what the "extra" time will be until it's added on.  For me it is like a super slow version of Hockey which I find close to unwatchable outside of the Olympics as well.  Golf seems exciting as does bowling compared to Soccer.  In fact, darts and poker are more enjoyable to watch.  I don't doubt that Soccer is a lot of fun to play and it is clearly a healthy sport for kids and adults alike and for poor countries with limited resources it is the perfect sport where a ball is about all that is needed.  But playing and watching are very different experiences and if I can find pleasure in watching Curling (which goes on for eternity sometimes) during the Olympics, I can't understand why I just can't bring myself to watch more than a match or two a year at most.  My older nephew played it as do all my younger nieces and nephews currently and with shorter time spans, those games can be fun.  And knowing a player/family member is in there makes it a bit more interesting, but it doesn't help in the professional leagues.  I think having Kobe and Andrew pitching it and sharing their love of it is perhaps the best effort yet made by Soccer to interest new fans resistant to watching, but it really didn't motivate me in the end.  I don't ever expect people in Europe to be interested in American Football, but I do know how annoying it is when a Soccer fans is indignant when learning I just can't get into it.  It's too ingrained in my DNA I think.  Cheers to those who love it.  Watching sports, especially in person, is a great life experience to enjoy and a healthy lifestyle if you can play it into adulthood.   Adult Soccer leagues I am sure could compete with Softball leagues and perhaps that is what they will be doing in Westfield.  

  14. Thanks for the summaries. I have to say many of these players are WAY WAY below any radar including in some cases even their own conferences/divisions. In some cases their accomplishments are impressive for the level they played at, in others they seem underwhelming. It seems like great deep searching/scouting mixed with head scratchers. Having played smaller level college football including against some of the teams mentioned above, I know they are well below the Pro Ranks, so even if someone is a diamond in the rough (or in the wilderness of mid level or smaller football) how do the scouts know what they'd do against real top level talent? Bottom line, thanks for the great tidbits on the players and I look forward to seeing how they make their way through pre-season and would love to see some of them stick should they prove worthy.

  15. I have a question for you all: What determines who gets comp draft picks and why was it sort of a mystery until only recently what those would be? It seems like if there is a procedure/rule/standard/system to determine them, everyone should have known immediately exactly what was going on.  If it really was a mystery until late, why? And what sort of criteria is really at play?  


    Thanks in advance!



  16. Money perhaps?  I imagine they weren't all free.  


    Great collection.  I covet stuff like Mark Twain and others who have directly moved me in one way or another, but I love seeing someone's passion so fully realized in a collection like yours.  I have over 100K CD's (and most of them in digital form as well) so I kind of got hosed with the upgrade in technology, but like Record albums, it's fun to browse through liner notes etc.  


    Thanks for sharing, very cool



  17. Uhhh that works both ways. People saying it's a great draft don't have any insight into whether it was a good draft, either.



    Wow... finally someone said it.  I am SICK of people acting like they have all the answers and can ridicule others here, no matter what their OPINION is about something.  This is nothing more than a FAN discussion message board and NO ONE here, including me, has any more expertise on a relevant level to the real professionals than anyone else.  So have some fun, voice your thoughts, disagree with others, but get the heck off your high horse acting like you (not Mike, IinD) have a clue yourself.  You don't.  So let people have fun and argue, but stop your nonsense and voice your OPINION in its proper place... an amateur fan like everyone else! 

  18. This is a great point. Indy is hard to predict for 2014. Assuming the team (and mostly Luck) matures/develops, can we expect to see fewer, if any, of those sort of head-scratching losses? (The one to St. Louis last season is what jumps to mind.) It does seem like when the Colts lose it's more the result of their own actions than the other team outplaying them. 


    Denver's schedule is pretty tough, as is New England's... I don't see the first two seeds being locks by any means. 


    My guess on the Colts would be either an 11-5 or 12-4 season, which might be good enough to grab the #2 spot. 

    I thought the most bizarre and pointless loss was to San Diego.  The offense couldn't catch, run, block, throw...nothing.  It was a total meltdown of unforced errors.  It was like watching the Pacers play the Hawks in the past week.  Sad Sad Sad.  


    Mock drafts have Clowney going to Houston and Watkins going to Jacksonville.  If neither picks a QB, I can't see where they challenge us much and feel good about the division minus a tough one in TN.  


    I think we'll win the division... but we really need the #1 spot to avoid playing AT Denver and AT NE in the playoffs.  Denvers doesn't have a cakewalk this year so even with their improvements, they may step back a game or two.  The NFC West looks brutal top to bottom.  They could easily lose 3 games there alone.  Plus Den plays NE so one has to lose there.  I bet we'll be fighting NE for the #1 seed and we have them at home for the tie breaker which is a good thing.  



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