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Gabriel Alexander Morillo

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Posts posted by Gabriel Alexander Morillo

  1. 2 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:




    I thought you had a heckuva good day yesterday.....    you made a number of good posts....


    This isn't one of them.


    You just tried to defend calling Chuck Pagano a cancer.


    I don't care of the ENTIRE FANS BASE HATES CHUCK PAGANO.     Calling THAT MAN a cancer is an indictment of whoever said it,  and whoever supports it.


    And I'm sorry to say, you defending it, puts you on the wrong side of the right/wrong spectrum.


    All of the words in the English language and you can't come up with a better word than....... CANCER.


    Even you were able to come up with POLARIZING FIGURE.       Is it really that hard?


    Don't try and over-think things by trying to come up with a reason why using cancer,  and then mocking those who didn't like, is OK.       Because here's a free tip......     it's NEVER ok.



    "Even you were able to come up with polarizing figure.  Is it really that hard?" 


    Maybe you have some type of problem going on but do you just not realize how condescending pretty much all your posts quoting others are?  


    Calling for someone to be banned due to poor choice of words is pretty immature imo.  He didn't even "attack" Pagano 

  2. 41 minutes ago, dudeski said:

    slavery happened dude.  it was an example of sometimes the majority is not correct.  there is nothing edgy or political about it.  just simple history that we learn in the 3rd grade.  i think adults can handle the mention of a historical event.



    It's also not an applicable comparison to what we're discussing.  


    Plenty of historical examples of the majority being correct and not having to do with the enslavement of our fellow man 

  3. 12 hours ago, dudeski said:

    at one point in our history, the vast majority thought slavery was cool.  the vast majority isn't always correct.


    what did mcafee gain by publicly celebrating a man (his former boss who i believe signed him to a multi-million dollar contact)  losing his job?  did he hurt grigson?  yeah.  he very well could have.  


    did grigson go on social media and + at mcafee when he shanked a punt?  did polian ridicule mcafee when he was arrested?  


    nothing to do with integrity?  isn't integrity all about doing the right thing? about being a bigger man?  you blast this dude now, after he is gone?  why not last year when he was still here?  or 2 weeks ago?  


    you people may like mcafee and hate grigson and that is fine.  you are fans.  but as decent humans, you and mcafee are wrong.  



    I don't agree with most of your posts.  But I'll say that I agree with most of this one.  Just keep the slavery stuff out of it.  This doesn't compare at all and isn't really applicable.  It's very telling when class acts like Reggie Wayne have something  to say about Grigson 

    7 hours ago, SteelCityColt said:

    I also don't get the "best friend" reference in one of the tweets.

    I think Dan Dakich and Grigson must be good friends.  Or at least that's the insinuation.  

  4. 12 hours ago, NewColtsFan said:


    I think this franchise deserves a better fan base.     I've been away for some of the day and have gone through most of the thread.      Some of the most embarrassing posts in the nearly 5 years I've been here.


    The amount of posters who simply don't know how a football team is run.     Embarrassing.


    One poster,  who is normally a pretty bright guy,  called Chuck Pagano.....    a Cancer.


    And then defended it.       And then mocked people who were bothered by it.


    If I were a moderator,  I'd throw him off the site.


    Jim Irsay gives fans here a chance to speak their mind.    He gives you a forum to say most anything you want.   And some of you literally spit insult after insult at hm.    He's not obligated to have this section of the website.   He doesn't have to have a fan message board section.     He could close it down anytime he wanted.      Many of the NFL websites do not have a message board section for their fans.


    But he lets you speak your minds.    And people here say the most ridiculous, insulting things about him, his family,   his franchise........     and he puts up with it.       I'm not sure I would if I were the owner.


    I think many of you are completely unworthy of this team.     You haven't earned it.     You haven't been through bad times.     You don't know what bad times are here.    Not a clue.     


    I think this franchise deserves better fans....................


    There's a nice group of some seriously smart people.   They are a pleasure to read.    But unfortunately,  there's a bigger group of people who don't know football and don't seem interested in learning more about football.      They wrote nonsense when I showed up in 2012,  and now, nearly 5 years later,  they're still posting nonsense.    Nothing has changed and they ruin things for everyone else.


    And Irsay, the man so many of you spit on,  puts up with it.     Why,  I'll never know.....?


    I don't understand your high and mighty take,  my man.   


    You claim people don't know how to run a football team (which is obviously true)  but you don't either.  


    Nothing is wrong with calling a coach a cancer.  Especially if they're such a polarizing character, like Chuck.  Don't get your panties in a knot just because the guy had cancer and is now unironicslly being referred to as a team cancer.  Half the fan base don't like Chuck and his problems while the other half does like him.  Opinion is divided.  


    How does one earn being a fan of this team,  lol?  I think everyone on this site has bought merchandise that directly funds our beloved team.  As far as Irsay is concerned that's a loyal fan right there.  

  5. 5 minutes ago, jvan1973 said:

    Been golfing all day and I'm not gonna read 13 pages.   So does this mean grigson wasn't the son irsay always wanted?   Grigson wasn't the reason gruden didn't take the job?  I guess Twitter was wrong

    Irsay himself just said that Gruden was never contacted about any form of coaching role/role in our organization. The Peyton rumours as well were completely put down. Kind of disappointing but getting rid of Grigs was a hugely positive change imo.


    It seems all the twitter news was pretty bogus lol. Oh well, that's the age we live in now  

  6. Some of you guys are crazy. I'm pretty on record as being Anti chuck/Grigson and this is great. A big step in the right direction is way better than just blindly going into the season with the same two guys.

    + to me it seemed that Irsay was inderectly saying that Pagano has a very short leash and will be held VERY accountable for any more slow starts and poor finishes. I really think you'll see progress in these areas 

  7. 1 minute ago, jshipp23 said:

    I think there is collusion anyways not that it matters...On the won the day thing its always the same people one had 130 likes and i never see how that is possible..I went back and looked cause i was bored and didn't see nearly that many...

    Colts forum like competition is an inside job! 

  8. 5 minutes ago, 21isSuperman said:

    You really don't get this, do you?  Jeff Saturday wasn't in the building.  Jerrell Freeman is no longer in the building.  Reggie Wayne is no longer in the building.  Anywhere you go, people who should feel indebted to Grigson for giving them a chance actually feel a lot of animosity towards him.  The guy isn't well-liked.  In the building (Mathis, McAfee), out of the building (Freeman), it doesn't matter.  People don't like Grigson.  You're so focused on the "around the league" part that you're missing the bigger picture that Grigson is arrogant and not well-liked

    D-d-damage control.  He's stuck in semantics 

  9. I'm glad he's getting a nagging, possibly debilitating injury fixed.  


    Just really sucks that he's going to miss all that good off season time to put in extra work on his body,  game,  and chemistry with the team.  I really wanted to see him take command of the Line of Scrimmage this upcoming season.  

  10. 27 minutes ago, bababooey said:

    Our offense had nothing to do with our defense blowing leads against the Texans and Lions. Also didn't spot the Jags an absurd lead in London.

    I'm talking about a few times when luck had the chance to take the lead with a final drive.  


    A big part of having chances to comeback is the bad defense. Trust me the defense gets no pass from me.  They're the worst group as a whole in the NFL 

  11. ironically I feel like this year he and our entire offense crapped the bed,  hard,  in clutch time.  Which was very weird to see since IMO Luck has been the most clutch QB since entering the league. 


    Seem like the Lions stole our mojo this year lol 

  12. 13 hours ago, Shafty138 said:

    Is that so?  what horror movie franchise might the 2013 draft be then?  "Get Out?"  lol   


    as far as Grigson and Pagano are concerned?   It's a sair ficht for half a loaf.  I guess failing means your playing, and lest things turn black as the Earl of Hell's waistcoat, I hope for the side to be Heid doon * up come next sched. Cause no matter what come then we're a Jock Tamson's bairns. An if Grigs and Pag's Can't keep the heid.... then there' bum's oot the windae, and Lang may there lum reek 



    Alas, no matter what, All Jimmy's egg's are double yoakit, an whit's fur ye'll no go past ye.


    We should remember guid gear comes in sma' bulk.... and it's a lang road that's no goat a turnin'

    It's gaein be awricht ance the pain has gane awa.

    What in Sweet jesus' name did I just attempt to read?  

  13. The kind that plays drums with his father and brother while having full body paint when watching Argentina play soccer live.  We all get into the mosh with our fellow Argentine brethren and go crazy.  I'm sure I'm in many YouTube or FB videos from the last Word Cup or Copa America... Lol 


    Colts fan wise though?  Much more low key since no one else in my family is a Colts fan.  Mainly consists of watching the games on illegal streams at my Fraternity on my crappy laptop while getting animated about any number of poor/well executed plays.  Live at games though I will paint myself up and dye the hair because that's just the kind of person I am. 




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