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Posts posted by Anonymous

  1. If you really want to know feelings on Bruce Arians, there's a ton of ammo, errrr, info, throughout posts over the past couple months.


    My short answer to your question is that I think he was a much better head coach over the past three months than he was coordinator or play caller. I think he deserves a top gig, and I think he earned it the best way you can, by actually proving he could do the job. If he hires an offensive coordinator and gives up play calling duties, you'll get the positives and minimize some of the negatives. His players always love him, he has a ton of personality, he's a hundred times more lively than the crypt keeper you just got rid of, and he's hungry.


    Just grab the playsheet from him, and you'll be fine.


    Also, you have a franchise quarterback??? LOL! ;)

    Yea but see thats just the thing, us Bolts fans don't want a HC that the players are gonna "love". We want a tough minded HC that will discipline players when necessary and bring that mean streak to our team. Norv was also a guy who our players loved so we don't care about that anymore.


    And after looking up some inforamtion on him, I don't think Arians seems like the kind of guy who would give up playcalling duties. I think he may actually see that as a good quality in himself ;)


    Come on man, prior to these past 2 years, Rivers was seen as a top 5 QB in the NFL. But then due to brillance from AJ Smith and Norv, our OL turned into one that would not even be able to hold up against college D lines and we lost weapons like Jackson and Sproles. But with a good new coach and hopefully some nice rookies filling in at that OL, Rivers will get back to pro bowl form :)

  2. Hey guys, Charger fan here. I was wondering whats your guys opinion on Bruce Arians.


    I personally am not a fan of the guy as HC. He's old and from the Colts games I have watched, I don't think he's a very good playcaller even for you guys. I have lurked around here before and noticed that many here say that Luck's success has come inspite of Arians. Would you say that is true?


    Also while everyone wants to give credit for Arians for Indy makin the playoffs this year, I think your team was already highly motivated. It was already motivated because of Pagano's medical problem. While Arians does have some input in the success, I don't think he deserves as much credit as everyone else gives him. To each his own though.


    LIke one of the posters from our message board said, the Colts are about -40 in point differential right now. The average NFL team with that point spread over the last decade is 6-10. Indy has just managed to win close games, which is generally a fluky trend from year to year (i.e. not a player/coach skillset).  That too considering Colts had a relatively easy schedule this season.


    In my eyes, Arians is a 60 year old coach who has never had experience as a winning HC prior to this one year. His record in college as a HC is awful. He took over for a Colts team that was inspired because of the HC fighting for his life.


    I just don't see him as a good for the Chargers. Our offense is horrible and needs work. We have a franchise QB but that's it. Our OL is terrible and we don't have any true #1 WRs. Our best recieving threat is getting old as dirt in Gates. We just had an "offensive guru" HC who inherited a 14-2 championship caliber team and ruined it into a team that hasn't won a playoff game in over 4 years.


    I have heard that due to Arians playcalling, Luck has nearly gotten killed this season. Our OL is worse than yours and Luck is at least 100 times more mobile than Rivers. That spells doom imo. Norv was a stubborn playcaller who drove the fans nuts (and eventually drove him out of SD) and from this forum, I have heard  that Arians is one too. Stubborn playcalling + always going for the deep pass + horrible O line + immobile QB = '12 San Diego Chargers offense (31st ranked offense in the NFL)


    So as you probably guessed by now, I am very much against the Bolts hiring Arians as HC. I just don't think he has the qualifications for our job. Maybe another HC gig might work for him (but imo he should stay as OC here)



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