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Posts posted by BNS

  1. a bunch of no name nobodies..I'm worried

    OL are usually not common household names...if they can run block and pass protect, we'll know their names quickly enough. Actually, if they play well, you won't hear their names mentioned a lot...usually only mention a guy when he misses a block or get a penalty flag...kind of like well officiated or umpired games, if you don't hear about the refs or umpires, then they did their jobs well.

  2. Brown is the man now, so that will translate into a different attitude/approach from him, I would guess. Being the #1 back will change things for Donald and we'll see if he responds. With a more balanced offense, there will be more emphasis on the run and more opportunities for our RBs. In the past, we'd run just to keep defenses honest and set up the play action.

    I wouldn't mind seeing us pursue Michael Bush...big, strong runner.

  3. As hard as it was to see that group of players let go last week, it was necessary in order to move forward. We have more options now with the extra cap space. I agree with seeblue, there's a lot to be excited about!!

    Honestly, we've been a bit spoiled the past 12+ years....reloading instead of rebuilding. It's time for the fans to step up, too. It's easy to be a fan when the team is winning, but we need to continue to show our support, and maybe even kick it up a notch!

    Irsay, Grigson and Pagano have a plan, and we'll watch it unfold in the coming weeks, months and years.

    GO COLTS!!!! :coltsfb:

  4. Well said. Irsay is going to bear the brunt of fan anger, and I think that was by design. People accused him of wanting to be a rockstar owner or other foolishness, but what he did by making this publically his decision, is that he shielded his new GM and coaching staff from fan anger.

    Ryan Grigson and Chuck Pagano are coming out of this very difficult situation essentially unscathed and that is what needed to happen for them to be successful. I honestly believe that through this entire ordeal Jim Irsay has not done anything that he did not think was in the best interests of the team even though it probably hurt him to have to do it.

    That emotion was genuine on both their parts. I don't think either one wanted this to end but they both ultimately realized that it would be better for both of them to part ways. Manning can go to a team who has a legitimate chance to compete for a superbowl, and the Colts can immediately start the rebuilding process which has to happen if we want to stay competitive.

    That doesn't make it hurt any less but in the end they both did what they thought had to be done. I just hope eventually the fans that stay come to understand that and won't hold this against Irsay forever because I don't think he wanted this any more than we did.

    Under the circumstances, Irsay did what he had to do for the franchise and its future, and to let Peyton do what was best for him. They are obviously very close, and if there was a better solution, they would have chosen it over this one, no doubt. There was no anger, no animosity, nothing from Peyton like, I'm gonna join a new team and come back to kick your butt type quotes, it was all very classy. I'm more proud to be a Colts fan today than ever before.

  5. It'll be fine...just another team to root for...just be blessed that he still wants to play and not retiring like some speculated...

    This is the second great player I've seen leave my team in the last couple months...this one just has hard as Albert.

    I'm in your boat, too. Cardinals fan here, but I handled Albert's departure much better. That was more about the money and he left St. Louis...this time, it was us letting Manning leave.

  6. I knew it would be a sad press conf. But I did not know I would cry, But I did just by watching Irsay and Manning. They were both class acts, I don't think neither of them wanted to come down to this but it is what it is. What an emotional press conf. As the now old chapter closes on the Indianapolis Colts may the new chapter opened. Good Luck to Manning on wherever he may land. Now right now we as Colts fan will now start our new chapter of the Colts. It might be a bumpy a couple of years. But I still think the Colts will be allright. Who knows maybe Manning will comeback and be a coach somewhere for the Colts rather it be a QB coach or whatever in the future? After his playing days will be over, whenever that will be. Now its time to look to our future, as era has come to end and a new one begins.Can't wait to see the new Colts, although it will be hard not seeing Manning in a Colts uniform. But this is a new chapter in the Colts I am excited. No one knows what the future will hold for the Colts. But like Manning said all good things must come to end. This is business in the NFL, the colts is not the first to release their superstar player and they won't be the last. It happens in every pro leagues. Can't wait for the draft in April!!!!

    Wouldn't surprise me to see Peyton working for the Colts in some capacity when his playing days are over.

  7. Amen to that, you will be missed Peyton. All my sacred Peyton Manning memorabilia will still remain high on my wall and on the shelves reminding daily me of what you've done for this franchise, the city, the children and citizens of Indianapolis.

    I'll keep my PM memorabilia proudly displayed, too.

  8. That was really painful.

    I hope that manning gets to play exactly as he wants to this season

    I agree...very emotional, but what a class act Peyton really is. I knew he was all along, but today he went above and beyond to show how much class he has. Sounds like he's keeping his family in Indianapolis and when he said he'd always be a Colt, that just really got to me.

    I will always be a die-hard fan of Peyton and of the Colts. As he and Irsay said, this is not what they wanted, but the circumstances made this the best option for Peyton and for the Colts.

  9. Yeah you can just give me all your Colt valuables.

    Same here...I wear size XXL. I'm as sad as anyone else, but it's reality and the reality of the business of professional sports. We've been so fortunate to have Peyton here all these years. I'm proud to be a Colts fan and I will always be supportive of my team, win or lose.

  10. I've said this before, but I'm going to say it again.

    I'm imploring all of you. Please, regardless of how you feel about how the situation with Manning was handled, please do not take it out on Andrew Luck. That isn't fair, he had nothing to do with it. He's just another young man trying to live out his dream of playing in the NFL. Like it or not, he's most likely going to be our starting QB for the foreseeable future. He's going to need us fans to support him if he's going to be successful.

    Please, I'm begging all of you. Don't blame him for something he had no control over.

    Well said and my thoughts, too. I was a Colts fan before Peyton and will continue to be forever. This is our TEAM, and players will come and go...even the legendary.

  11. Unless we hear it from Peyton's mouth that it's a mutual decision Irsay will continue to be blamed, and god help him if Peyton wins another Superbowl or MVP(more likely) because I know I'll be one of the many Colt's fan who won't let it go. I truly feel bad for Luck because more than half the fan base is going to hate him this first year and if we're not back in the playoffs by his 3rd year the lynch mobs will be ready to hang him.

    I feel since Irsay and Manning will both be at the press conference, then that tells me it's mutual and not just an Irsay decision. I think it show the class of both of them.

    I'm sure a lot of "fans" will be hard on Luck, but we're rebuilding and he's the foundation. All real "fans" will support Andrew Luck and let him know that we believe in him and look forward to him playing here for many years. Of course, there's a chance he won't pan out, but I like the odds of him being a very solid NFL quarterback here for a long time.

    If Peyton wins another Super Bowl and/or MVP, then I'll be happy for him.

  12. I think Wednesday everyone should take their colts stuff down to the Lucas Oil Stadium and leave it there. I find it disgusting that after all Payton has done for the Colts and the city they just turn their back on him. When Payton comes to town to beat the Colts every Payton fan should wear his new jersey to the game.

    No one is turning their back on PEYTON, it's a mutual decision from that I've heard and read. I truly believe that part of the decision was PEYTON'S.

  13. Patience has been rewarded, there will be an official announcement tomorrow by the Colts.

    Yes, I was traveling and just got home to see the news. Sad day, but we'll start anew with Luck. All my best wishes to Peyton...it's been an awesome ride and I'm glad he'll get to retire on his terms, instead of due to an injury (or at least this injury).

  14. +1 for the original post.

    It's been an incredible ride and now we begin to assemble another great team to enjoy for many years to come. Who ever thought that when the Colts moved to Indianapolis that they would accomplish what they have over the last dozen years. I don't think anyone would have ever guessed that Indy would host a Super Bowl in the best stadium in the NFL. Sorry, Dallas...yours may be bigger and have that huge video screen, but LOS is at the top of the list!

    The Colts have put Indianapolis on the map!!

  15. I apologize if this has been done before....if so, then feel free to remove the topic.

    We recently had the Most Overrated Colt topic, so I decided to start this one.

    Of the current roster, my vote goes to Pat Angerer. Among the all-time Colts players, I'll have to give it some thought, but wanted to throw that out there, so give me your choice of a current Colt and choice of a former Colt.

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