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Posts posted by MAC

  1. if yall are true colts fans like you guys say. then yall did not know the texans were going to run all over us we have the same d the same players and the same thing happens every year. play the colts and your running back will have a career day am i lying?????????????

    Either that or you have no idea what you are talking about.

    a) The D has many new faces this year

    b) Prior year run D problems have often had as much to do with performance as personnel. Results vary over time.

    c) The first half turnovers and 3/outs lost the game by early in the second quarter. Not much after that is relevant long term. I saw many plays on defense that were very impressive and give me hope for the rest of the season.

  2. Anyone that thinks Painter needs experience needs a cat-scan. I'd doubt he's even make the Bengals roster. I'm not sure why he's even on the team.

    Don't quite understand the extreme viewpoint. Painter has shown a significant amount of talent, what drives everyone nuts is the mistakes. It's reasonable to believe that the more he plays, the better he will become.

    Peyton had a ridiculous number of interceptions his first year - and it's not like there was no talent (Faulk, Harrison, Glenn come to mind). QBs don't pop out of the womb fully formed.

    Note to anyone about to make a silly assumption: I'm not for a second suggesting that Painter compares in any way to Manning, but if you think he has no talent I'm inclined to assume that you're just jumping on the pile for fun, and haven't bothered to pay much attention when he was on the field.

    That being said, no, I wouldn't have wanted Collins pulled at half-time. He needs to work with the offense as much as possible if he is to have any chance of stepping up.

  3. The defense on the other side at what point do we go away from the cover 2 scheme? The only team to run this scheme effectively has been Tampa Bay and our atempts to mimic it have just not worked out. Every year experts state that our defense is only good with playing with a lead.. in laymen s terms that means when we don't have to worry about a team running the ball our defense can play ok. Why would we want a defensive scheme that is only good at stopping the pass and only stopping the pass when its the only option for the opponent?

    The stated reason for bringing Dungy in was to simplify the defense. They had to commit so much money on offense that they wanted a defense in which youth and speed were the primary features. In other words, so they could draft undersized players (lower draft slots), throw them in, and replace them as needed without missing a beat. In case you hadn't noticed, it's been working pretty well. If they had built a D core like the Steelers we wouldn't have a skill position core like the Colts. In the salary cap/free agent era you can't have everything. The Colts starting point was Manning. I doubt they change philosophies unless he retires and they can't get a suitable replacement. I'd happily take the Colts accomplishments during the Manning era over any franchise in football.

  4. No kneejerk reaction here. I expected a blowout. Colts did next to nothing in the offseason to shore up the defense and Texans offense was already very good. Without Manning where was the scoring going to come from?

    Nothing, right.........................

    Never played a down for the Colts previously: Anderson, Brayton, Simms, Nevis,Rucker, Lefeged, Moten, Caldwell, Johnson, Thomas

    Young player expected to improve: Moala, Angerer, Conner, Wheeler, Hughes,

    Back from Injury: Bullitt, uhhhh, might be more of the 19 IRed back, I'd have to check.

    Most of the remainder are quality starters (and a couple of pro bowlers).

    What exactly did you want them to do - aside from signing Asomugha for so much money that Peyton would have had to be released outright?

  5. Not Collins fault he was getting killed every play.

    Dear Polian,

    Please get rid of Linkenbach.


    Indianapolis Colts fans

    :D Don't forget that on at least two of the sacks it was Clark getting tossed aside like a rag doll by Williams. I don't know if there was a coaching problem preparing for this, but you know darn well that Manning would have been gesticulating like a crazy person and gotten a second body on Williams, or else had Clark slide past him and take a dump off which might have made Williams rethink his obligations. Collins just stood there obliviously until getting obliterated.

    It's not surprising - that's Collins - but I'd like to think that something could have been done to at least prevent the second one.

  6. if our fo would have managed our cap better he would have been a game changer for us today. sd is super bowl bound with bob

    Was that purely a cap decision? I thought they were mostly sick of the injuries. I personally would have preferred that they keep him because he can be such a difference maker, but I can understand why they did it. It would be ironic if he stays healthy for SD, but he could have just as easily stayed with the Colts - preventing us from resigning Adaii for one - and then gotten injured again. You'd need a crystal ball to figure this one out.

    And SD might well be SB bound with him or without him. They've had a frightening team for years now.

  7. Maybe it's just me but I think Polian needs to be fired. He was NOT ready for Peyton to go down. He defended Curtis Painter even though many people like Bob Kravitz knew he clearly was not an NFL QB. He never played like an NFL QB. Then when it's his time - Polian up and gets Collins. So much for next man up. A 38 year old retired QB who was never more than above average, is with just a week to prepare, a better choice to start the season than Painter, who was hired to do one thing: win when Peyton cannot play.

    Collins did nothing today to redeem Polian in my eyes. Polian has always taken great teams and turned them into better than average ones. Remember the Bills four consecutive failed superbowl appearances? That was Polian. Add to the legacy all the Colts quick playoff exits, and only one Championship for the team with the greatest QB of all time.

    The people of Indiana do not deserve the season we are about to endure courtesy of Bill Polian. How long will the Ersay Family put up with this guy?

    Actually I think it is just you.

    I suspect that most people would assume that when you have a unique athlete (ie: perhaps the greatest QB in the history of the game), your goal is to build a team to take advantage of his talents. Polian has done that in spades. So what happens when that unique talent isn't there?

    The phrase "next man up" is a coaches mantra meaning nothing. The alternative would be for them to say "sorry, we're giving up and going home", which isn't a great media soundbite. The reason the Colts have been perceived as team for which "next man up" is a reality is that Polian has drafted well, hired good coaches, and they have always had Manning. Now they don't. The idea that Polian is a failure because he doesn't have another first-ballot hall-of-famer waiting in the wings is simply irrational. I agree that Collins is average, but he also has accumulated the 10th most passing yardage in the history of the sport. Who did you expect the "next man" to be? Tom Brady?

    The Bills are the only team to ever reach the SB four years running. It's a tremendous accomplishment. To deduce that the very man that created those superb teams out of whole cloth was actually the primary obstacle to their winning makes so little sense that my head hurts.

    And by the way, the people of Indiana have been treated to one of the greatest runs of success in the history of the sport. They are fans, just like fans in any other city. They didn't in any way "deserve" that run of success more than fans in any other city, and I'm not clear why you believe they are entitled to more. Did you have a contract with the Colts guaranteeing a certain amount of happiness that you are trying to call in? It's just football for crying out loud.

    Sorry you're having a bad day. I don't think any of us are too thrilled at the moment. But if you are seeking someone to blame for your disappointment, you're looking entirely in the wrong place. It's called fate. If you'd like a reality check, try imagining what would have happened if the Colts had drafting Ryan Leaf.

  8. Manning wasn't with the team today, something I haven't seen anyone here discuss yet.

    There would only be something to discuss if he HAD been with the team. That would have been an act of stupidity, not loyalty. Are you trying to :stir: ? :)

    I wouldn't be surprised if he is in the owners box next week, but even if he isn't I will read absolutely nothing into it other than that he is following doctors orders and doing everything possible to get better.

  9. we've already been through this, you're late to the supper. He and I have discussed it. And before you act like YOU know what you're talking about, please bow out.

    Glad to hear that.

    All I know is that when I put my foot in my mouth and publicly insult somebody, then I put my tail between my legs and publicly apologize. If you had done so I wouldn't have said a word.

    I have no desire to fight with you, but I'm not going to stand by quietly when someone irrationally insults somebody that I respect. To be silent would be no different than saying I agree with you.

    Instead of being snippy with me, try taking the high road - there's a lot less stress.

  10. Well White just came off PUP - we knew they expected him to be ready by game 7, nobody said anything about game 1.

    Almost the same with Gonzo. His not dressing means nothing other than that his hammy isn't 100% yet. Its neither a change nor a surprise, and doesn't mean he is any more of a disappointment than he was 10 minutes ago. I have a feeling that within a few games you will be singing a very different song.

    Why all the uproar about Hughes? The roster is 53, but they can't all dress for a game. Why is it surprising that DE#5 is sitting? Who would you rather sat?

    I'm actually a bit surprised that Thomas is sitting. I was hoping that he had made more of an impression than the UFAs. Anyone know if he is banged up?

  11. I can't see the Colts taking a QB if Peyton is rehabbing well - unless someone they love drops to them.

    I agree that a higher than normal pick would be the perfect opportunity to take a top WR, but it's entirely possible that they could take a DE as well. Even if Hughes is progressing the Colts may feel the need to replace Freeney's rare skills. Don't forget that he was a much higher pick than even Wayne (or Clark). If they see an all-pro caliber prospect at one of the key positions for this system, I can't imagine them passing him up because of a perceived need elsewhere.

    And they won't even know those perceived needs until seeing the health and performance of Gonzalez, Collie, Hughes, Brown and all the over 30s. It's going to be a fascinating year.

  12. I will have to disagree. We did not lose with Harbaugh and Faulk. That was right before we drafted Manning. Also if you can remember the first few years Peyton was here we were atrociously bad. So it's not like he came in and we started winning right away.

    You think we could have gotten a better QB than Collins? Let me ask you, who? Did we know Garrard was gonna be kicked to the curb?

    I think you are drinking the coolaid that the media is funneling towards you. They also forget to mention how Collins torches the Texans every year with Tennessee.

    I'm sure that Coltsfan40 can defend himself, but I want to point out that he was defending Collins and seems very enthusiastic about him. You seem to be itching for a fight, but that might work better if you picked somebody who actually disagreed with you.

    And by the way, Peyton's first few years here were far from atrocious. You should probably do just a tad more research before trying to teach history to someone who actually lived it.

  13. I don't hate Kravitz as many seem to. I think he tries very hard to be a little bit out there in order to get people talking. Beats being boring I suppose, but sometimes he rubs me the wrong way. Sometimes he's amusing. The hatred that gets thrown at him in the comments section is so personal and rude it just boggles my mind. He's just a guy trying to entertain us. If you're not entertained, stop reading him.

    We are utterly spoiled where I live with a multitude of columnists. Unfortunately they rarely write about the Colts, and when they do it's a less informed opinion then any decent fan would have.

  14. tell us about your childhood


    Anyone see the episode of "Monk" where it takes him about 8 seconds to go through the entire five stages. Over and over and over.

    It's absolutely hilarious, and that's kind of how I've been feeling. From what I've been seeing in some threads, I suspect that I'm not the only one.

  15. Isn't White away, and Blue Home. It's like that in hockey...

    Usually, but technically I thinks it's "home team choice".

    For all practical purposes though you are correct. By the way it wasn't all that long ago that it was exactly the opposite. Which was fine with me because I like the white uniforms better anyway. Probably my favorite look in all of sports. Of course I'm a bit biased.

  16. For me personally, the only good thing about Peyton retiring now is that I might live to see him give his hall of fame speech. And personally I do not want him to give that speech five years from now. (I am 76.)

    Speaking of thinking positively - having Peyton around keeps you young!

    The longer he plays..................

  17. For crying out loud, the Mets have repeatedly worn caps representing police/fire/emt/etc to commemorate 9/11. MLB sanctioned that, and the NFL is in essence sanctioning this - just as they sanction arm bands/patches when a team loses someone, or pink for breast cancer awareness. The Saints could wear Katrina patches all day every day and it wouldn't make me bat an eye. The only difference in this case is that the NFL didn't think to initiate a special program ahead of time, so they are quietly supporting it after the fact instead. Why would any of you take a stand on this being "wrong"? What possible negative consequences do you think there will be?

    There is considerable difference between a natural disaster, and the first attack on our soil by foreign nationals since Pearl Harbor (and that arguably doesn't even count because it wasn't a state at the time). It lead directly to two wars which have cost thousands of lives and adversely affected hundreds of thousands more, contributed to our current economic problems, fundamentally changed the outlook of every American regarding how safe we are in our own beds, fundamentally altered our ability to travel both nationally and internationally, fundamentally altered our relationship with a significant % of the worlds countries, indirectly contributed to our continued back-slide in international reputation, fundamentally altered the way we look at anyone who looks a little different or practices a different religion.

    It was a REALLY bad day. Using it's 10th anniversary to collectively remind ourselves - whether through large gestures or small - that we are still here, united as a country, and ready to take on any challenges that come our way - is not only appropriate, it is healthy and welcome. Whats the alternative? Pretending it never happened, and that everything is just fine? Wear the dang gloves Reggie. I appreciate your spirit.

  18. NO, it's not "very" invasive as you say, they only cut your neck open, hold it open while they proceed to remove disc material with dremmel power tools and other like instruments, then use sharp tools to trim the bone spurs, replace the disc with, yes, indeed they still use hip bone grafts (showing your lack of knowledge by saying they dont--even the best do like Peyton's surgeons at Marina Del Rey Hosptial, but they are very good with the development of ProDisc), then proceed to knock it in with a hammer blow or two.

    Don't trivialize something you obviously know little about. Saying that a pelvic graft is 1975 style medicine, is imbecilic. Fusion IS the process of letting bone grow to bone and that would entail hip bone most generally. The FDA even states that the artificial method cannot be stated as Fusion so why don't you get your facts straight yourself or better yet, learn a bit more about it on the following site.


    You are WAY out of line with this post.

    If you needed a procedure, would you download a YouTube video and ask your brother to cut you open? "Can't be that hard, everything I could possibly need to know is right here in this little clip".

    The internet is full of wonderful information, and it's also full of nonsense. Why do you presume to know more about Peyton's surgery after spending 10 minutes on Wikipedia than a man who's devoted his entire professional life to the subject? Nsurg has been kind enough to provide us all with a ton of helpful information. Do us all a favor and apologize to him before he rightly concludes that he has been wasting his time.

  19. Hmmmm....Didn't know this. Well that makes alot more sense to me then. I was upset when he was cut because I thought he had played well enough to make the team.

    Pretty detailed information was given by one of the national media guys. It had all the ear-marks of having come directly from the Colts FO. In other words they didn't want to criticize Harris publicly, but they wanted Colts fans to know that their was a rational reason for them doing something which was bound to disappoint a lot of people.

    Considering the articles I read coming out of Chicago at the time the Colts picked him up, it made perfect sense. I'm glad they gave him a try, but the LAST thing we need is a locker room cancer.

  20. The Colts are the renamed New York (originally Boston) Yanks and I see nothing wrong with them winning it although I would be very surprised.

    New York Yanks (although technically the NFL doesn't consider the Yanks and Colts to be the same)

    I thought they came from Texas or something. The NFL history is convoluted. Very hard to know what really happened.

    I could never figure out why my Dad (who never seemed to be that concerned with sports) seemed to like the Colts - or at least Johnny U. It's a big reason that I'm a Colts fan, but it made little sense to me. I found a book which listed all the comings and goings of NFL teams, and deduced that the Colts had evolved from the Brooklyn Dodgers. Since my Dad grew up a Brooklyn Dodger (baseball) fan, I thought that I had solved a great mystery and forever justified why I loved an out-of-town team. So I asked him about it. He gave me a barely interested "uhhhh huhhhhhh". GREAT, mystery solved.

    Until the internet came along which shows no link whatsoever between the Dodgers and Colts, and sadly my Dad isn't around to give me a better answer.

  21. If a surgeon doesn't communicate this to you but coerces you to have surgery, walk out of the room.

    I will seldom operate unless a patient understands exact goals of surgery and my feeling is that we have a good to excellent chance of achieving those goals. Any reasonable spine surgeon should be able to say the same thing in my opinion. if you don't trust things, get 2-3 total opinions and do with whomever wants to do the least.

    Once again we appreciate your time. On the bright side, I'm sure anyone reading this feels much more realistically informed about Peyton's possible outcomes. I'm completely comfortable with him missing the entire season, and hope that he makes a decision based on his long term health, not his desire to compete.

    On the other side (for me personally), I have good reason to suspect that my surgery (2005 C5-6) would have been postponed if I had had a surgeon with your sense of integrity and willingness to communicate. Too late now, but if there is a next time I will do surely do some serious evaluation - even if pain is eroding my judgement.

    At risk of abusing your good graces: The more that I hear about Peyton's post surgery workout regimes, the more I think that there must be exercises I should be doing to protect my mildly arthritic neck from unnecessary strain. I feel like a 98 pound weakling at this point, and I'm concerned about exacerbating the problem if I invent my own protocol. Should I see a specialist or someone and ask for a plan, or am I over-thinking it.

    Thanks again for your words of wisdom.

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