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Thank You!



It's been 31 years since I left my hometown of Indianapolis. The city was dying a slow, lingering death caused by rampant unemployment and urban decay. Twenty eight years ago, the resurrection of Indy began. Debate if you like the way in which the Colt's came to Indy, thats a discussion for another time. The Colt's anchored the return of downtown Indy to a living entity. Think back to those early Colt's seasons. Not one season with double digit wins. A deep run in the playoffs in 1995 was as close as they got to a Super Bowl. Then 18 showed up! Only two years with single digit win totals with Peyton on the field. Success, vibrancy, respect, recognition, legitimacy, all words that hadn't been used to describe Indianapolis in a long time, were back in our vernacular. Peyton didn't single handedly bring the City back, but he was such a crucial part of the resurgence. A Super Bowl title, and a Super bowl hosting opportunity (the best in many years according to many in the sports opinion business), became a reality! Peyton played a major role in both of those success stories. Today marks the end of an era. Call me a biased "homer", a sports fan blinded by my allegiance, or just crazy, but #18 could be the best Quarterback in the past 50 years. When the Colt's were "on", watching them move the ball was like watching a finely tuned machine. Peyton was the consummate Field General. The quirky calls at the line of scrimmage got annoying from time to time, but what you were seeing was a Genius at work. And now it ends. I'll miss the laser rocket arm, the shots of Peyton on the sidelines studying, even when the Colts were up by 28, and the confidence I had in him when we were behind and needed a score! But most of all, I'll miss seeing number 18 in the Colt's blue and white. Thank you for playing your part in bringing my City back, and for the Sunday afternoons I spent watching your excellence on the field.


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