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Posts posted by Nostrils

  1. If that is the case, AV's FG in the Jags game this week should be good by an inch of the ball that went by it. :)

    No Joke, on his first attempt i was yelling at the tv because especially from the Ref view (camera angle underneath the uprights) it looked like it was above, which would make it good... oh well now I just knew the rule and was thinking it was possibly made... then they only showed the view from the opposite end zone, not giving us a clear view because we lose the depth perception of where the ball really is.... not making excuses or saying "it was 100% a made fg" it just looked, with the rules set how they are, to me, that it was good

  2. just want to get some one else's opinion... a friend in my league offered me:

    Percy Harvin

    Stephen Jackson


    Matt Forte

    Kendall Wright

    thoughts? we all know what harvin can do with his many touches against us, even though he hasn't scored a TD he is puttin up points... and Stephen Jackson as well, but the box is being loaded up to stop him...

    and for me...

    Matt Forte is the one constant positives (aside from his ankle injury forcing him to miss last weeks game) on the Bears offense.. and Kendall Wright I don't see myself using him much, if at all, maybe if I have multiple WR/RB/TE with bye weeks, but i drafted to avoid the problem...

    tough I can't lie.. seems easy to say yes but I just wanna get some opinions.. Thanks guys!

  3. That happened right in front of our section.

    We went bananas.

    haha that was awesome.. I live in Southern California and just watching it on TV and seeing the view from behind him when he was doing his "T.Y" celebration (which was awesome, TO who?!?!?!) and the fan's reaction right there had me fired up!... wish i was there

  4. Marvin, then Reggie.. as much as I love the both of them, thats how i see it.. I don't even know how many TD's ive seen marvin score where no one is within 15 yards of him because his route running was top notch.. Reggie is the man though too.. ahhhhhh my head is gonna explodeee

  5. Were playing the Jets @Metlife in 3 weeks and now with them having no Revis, I really think we can win this game. I believe the Jets are very overrated and now with no Revis thats huge for the Colts. Anyone agree?

    heck yeah they are overrated!..

  6. Yes but he's also in a negotiation he's not going to come out and say these guys stink we need the regular refs back! That will kill his bargaining chip and while most of us might not care about it the league does. I also think we are over hyping just how bad the replacement refs are. Don't get me wrong I am not saying they are good but we are jumping on every single call they miss and the spot lite is on their misses way more than it was ever on the regular refs when they made mistakes as well. It was almost taboo for announcers to say those guys messed up unless it was something really bad like the Ed Hochuli call yet the announcers focus on every little call these guys make. Example MNF on the radio has Boomer Esiason do color and the refs were ALL he would talk about last week. You could tell he had an ax to grind with it and he had decided before the game he was going to make them the story. I am not saying those refs were good because they weren't but I also don't think they are the clueless numbskulls that they are made out to be at times. People act like the regular refs were perfect and never missed a call either that's just not the case they made mistakes they just didn't have the spot lite shinning on them like the replacement refs do. I would like the regular refs back so don't get me wrong I just think we are over looking their mistakes as well.

    very true, i agree with that!

  7. The entire set of replacement officials needs to be gone. Not their fault but this is just stupid.

    I honestly don't know how the league can sit here and watch this when the announcers calling the game are ripping the officials

    No even worse, is when they put out statements "acknowledging" them for the good job they have done... It's like darn Roger do you not know we are our own people and not puppets or robots.. I just don't get that, to me it's like I personally feel disrespected like the Commish thinks we are dumb.. I swear, (and I don't mean this in a physical or violent way) people like him (people with some sort of power) think they can't be touched...

  8. then they take forever to sort out everything... slowing down the game.... god that gap toothed Ref had me furious, little school boy lookin punk....I never was the best at math but wow I can add or subtract 5, 10, or 15 like im Einstein!... <-- I don't know thats just how bad it was.. and when there is how many.. 8 people? on the field... for them to be that confused and take that long wow... but yes so many awful calls today.. I definitely heard and saw that obvious hold, which they missed but were influenced by the screaming player to call...

    & my pops is one of those "old school" people... no whining no complaining.. which is why I don't get how I'm his kid because I'll complain about everything with my teams lol.. but he came and watched with me after he played 18 holes and whenever I yell or complain about my teams his classic line is.. "I don't care about (insert player name / team name) they ain't payin my bills" lol.. and he will always tell me just how it's not that big of a deal and whatever else.. but today he was even swearing at the TV TOO!!! just frustrated with how bad those guys were... especially when Luck Slid and got hit, Reggie was hugged and got no call, then Avery went deep and got hit on the helmet a second before the ball arrived.. Then we started to notice it happening in the 4pm games...

    Embarrassing to me, the NFL should really be ashamed... <--- I sound like an upset parent, it just ticks me off

  9. And Jason David and others.

    Every game, every season...it was Tim Jennings is Awful This...Jason David is so Terrible this.

    Considering we are playing man...and Jags went the whole game under 200 yards passing, I can't for the life of me understand people saying how bad Power is and Davis is because of a Play they gave up here...and a play the gave up there. They are corner backs, and this is the NFL and this is 2012 post Manning rule era, Recievers are going to catch balls

    It's like saying You're a bad goal keeper because you allowed a goal...I don't care how good a goalkeeper you are, you are going to get scored on. Same goes for the NFL, I don't care if your name is Reveis or King.

    Tim Jennings was defended by myself and maybe about 3 others on this board...when it was obvious any long play was the fault of Sanders or Giordano...and occasionally Bethea. Those short 8 yard slants...Jennings could do nothing about because we played Soft cover 2 all the time...but you guys destroyed him on this board.

    Jason David also did a "Serviceable" job, he wasn't great, but he got blamed for every reception.

    Vonte and Powers are doing an awesome job, The team gave up only 148 yards Passing, and 30% third down conversions.

    Back when Jennings was playing...we were getting dinked and dunked for 8 and 9 yards with our "Bend don't break" defence...Look at him now...totally legit CB.

    You guys need to watch other games and tell me where are these corners that don't allow catches and never get called for Holding or PI. Or better yet...the other team. Oh I thought Rashean Mathis was so good, but his WR caught a pass, so he must not be good. It's rediculous

    I agree... I think fans are so critical without understanding the big picture, and I try not to be like "he should do this, he should do that" because shoot I've played with and against some guys in the Pro's today and them making it to the league wasn't a fluke you know?... I know I can't do what these guys are doing, but i do understand the fans that have something to say, because after all, we are the ones who "make the game go round" if you will, without us there is no NFL.. so they can have their opinion.. now when I see like a 300 pound man yellin at the TV sayin a WR should have caught up to an overthrown ball, best believe i have to bite my tongue lol..

    Tim Jennings is a buster, Jason David was pretty bad lol

    But I think if we keep these guys a while I think I will be happy with them as our CB's, especially with what we have had before these 2 lol

  10. even worse on PFT I see their own fans saying we got screwed by the refs, then arguing about it.. telling each other to stop hating, and the one Jags fan who said we got screwed then said:

    "jagsfan904 says:

    Sep 23, 2012 5:25 PM

    The refs were horrible this game. Still If your a Gabbert hater or not he comes up clutch when we need him most."

    Oh brother... it never fails, only the Colts.. lol.. Gabbert is sooo bad

  11. I actually like the Lefeged idea.. I've disliked Zbi since his ND days and gave him a little respect when he joined the squad just because he's a Colt now, but I just have a hard time with someone that can't think and react on the fly, too much second guessing himself... and he won't just say mod edit time to time and go for broke to make a play... I wanna see this guy run his feet through a tackle, stop catching people... on the TD saving tackles I understand because he is squared up, and it's get him down anyway you can and those RB's move a lot faster than they look like they are on TV, but I will see him coming down in the box to fill after the snap and instead of just committing he trots up and makes the contact, but with that dudes size too many times its an "im gonna let you fall forward for 2-3 yards after i hit you" type of tackle... and clowning aside, dang I miss when Bob! When he used to see the ball handed off and fly up from 15 yards looking for contact, cant find it in myself to rip the guy lol I don't think we will ever see another safety that small disregarding whatever RB, TE or WR had the ball, regardless of their size...lol he was my hero! :-( uhhhhh don't judge me.. but yeah Zbi fires me up, get him out of here

  12. Why does everyone think we "should" beat the Jags? Other than having Luck, we are in no better of a situation than they are. I'm upset because we could have put a better team around Luck. This past draft is looking like a fantasy draft because we went so heavy on offense.

    you find a game where the Jags have "beat" us and i will agree with you.. All i can remember is games we let slip away, happens too often

  13. I am a brand new season ticket holder. Yikes! Did I make a mistake with my hard-earned money? We can't beat the Jaguars with the number-one draft pick at QB?

    (Also, I couldn't sell my wonderful 1st row club tickets for the home opener vs. the Vikings for face value (couldn't make the game). That would be absolutely impossible to imagine in the three NFL cities I came from! Face value tickets would have gone in seconds.

    I'm new around here and this situation is totally inexplicable to me. I am going to keep reading this site to find out what the experts say about what's wrong at Lucas Oil Stadium.

    but back to losing my love for sports, and your tickets... because of the effort like today in the 2nd half, and years of this type of stuff happening with my Colts/Lakers (not beating teams they should, giving me all this stress) I gave my lakers season tix up after 2010 title year.. too much stress and too much money going to already rich people who are upset i'm sure, but not as upset as us fans are when they choke like they did..

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