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Posts posted by TAPLOOK

  1. yes, I was quite clear about that. if it makes me a lesser fan because I feel the next best thing to a Colts win is a Pats loss, or if I still get enjoyment out of 18-1 excuse the heck out of me. I still get goose bumps thinking about the Cassel led Pats winning 11 games and not making the playoffs, these type of things are like guilty pleasures to me. I apparently went overboard by saying reading comprehension, and shine box, for that I apologize to the Forum members, forgive me!


    When was the last time any other team went 18-1? Never...so how bad is that? I'd say 7 less wins and no playoffs the following year is a pretty big drop off. No? Are you trying so sound clueless or are you for real?

  2. What does 5 years ago have to do with this year? 5 years ago the Cards were in the Superbowl. The Titans were a 1 seed. This year? Nope.



    Really? Please tell me you are joking? 5 years show a clear pattern. This year NE 13th the Colts 30th.  

  3. i somewhat agree...but come on.  The AFC East is a joke.  How would you like it if the Colts got to play the Bills, Dolphins, and jaguars twice a year, every year?  LOL  :thmup:


    Must be nice for Tom Brady.


    The Patriot have the 13th toughest schedule this year to Colts 30th. Last year it was NE 32 Colts 14 the year before  2011 Colts T3 NE T15, 2010 NE 4 Colts 10.


    The percentage points that separate them yearly are approximately 5 to 15 (not much). Every team in the league is generally around .500 and there's about 40 percentage points between best and worst. It's a dumb argument. Almost as dumb as the Spygate argument.

  4.  I like it here just fine, I have been a member on the Colts fan forum since 2001.<mod edit- personal shot>,  ("I have taken great pleasure in seeing the pats fail on the biggest stage for almost 10 years now,)" multiple Superbowl and AFCCG losses, hence the "biggest stage" failure comment. You have no idea what you are talking about, you have no idea about me and what is going on in my head. It is Superbowl or bust every year for the Pats anything less is a failure, at least by many Pats fans own admission. <mod edit personal attack>!


    So we agree that the Patriots are held to a higher standards than other teams. We're not all that different after all. Go figure.

  5. Good segue way for a thought...


    I always thought Belichick's handling of Spygate made it way worse than it had to be. When you refuse to speak in detail about something, then you inevitably invite people to think/assume the worst. Especially when they want to believe that you cheated, and they want you to be guilty as heck. Let's face it, by 2007 people were already tired of the Patriots and wanted to see them fail. 


    If he had explained, even just a little, it may have made a huge difference. "Yes we've taped coaches signaling in plays from a camera operator on the sideline. I was aware of the rule but was confused by the wording within it. Traditionally we have archived that film and used it in preparation for the next time we play that team or that coaching staff. Nothing more."


    He also could have pointed out that the filming itself was not illegal; it was the position of the cameraman. But instead he said nothing, in which most people (reasonably) assume guilt.


    So in the Hernandez case, I'm glad he spoke out.



  6. I hear ya. I am in the same boat as you as far as the rap music. What I don't understand is his popularity. He is famous for smoking weed and coming up with a catchy phrase. To each his own but I just don't get it. The is a strange world we live in! lol



    I can't believe Rap hasn't gone the way of Disco. I was so proud of my 11 year old daughter the other day after hearing her tell her friend "most of todays music is crap".

  7. 799327.jpg
    Johnny Manziel pleads guilty to misdemeanor charge, is fined $2,000 and sentenced to two days in jail, but won't serve time. 
    Johnny Manziel's day in court for his arrest last summer in College Station came and went Monday with the Heisman Trophy winner pleading guilty for failing to identify himself to police officers.

    Manziel's guilty plea comes with a fine of $2,000, two days in jail and $230 in court costs, Brazos County Attorney Rod Anderson told The Associated Press. Manziel -- who was in need of some good news after a long weekend at the Manning Passing Academy -- got some, as he won't have to serve any time since he accumulated time served while jailed following his arrest last June.

    Manziel could have faced up to 180 days in jail.

    The other charges against Manziel, including disorderly conduct and possessing a fake license, were dismissed during the hearing.

    The Eagle first reported the news.

    Manziel was briefly suspended from A&M following the arrest after the fight outside a bar. He considered transferring from the school but had the suspension overturned following an appeal that included support from head coach Kevin Sumlin.

    Monday's court date was originally scheduled for the afternoon but was moved to the morning.

    It's been a busy few days for Manziel. He was at the Manning Passing Academy in Louisiana but was sent home early from the camp Saturday after he failed to show for a Saturday session. His father said Manziel was sick and was dehydrated. Pictures of Manziel and Alabama quarterback A.J. McCarron at a bar showed up before Manziel left camp. More pictures of Manziel from Saturday night surfaced of him out in College Station.

    Monday's hearing was related to an incident last June in which Manziel was taken to jail after a fight involving Manziel, a 47-year-old man and one of Manziel's friends.

    1.  I can remember a 20-year-old Eli missing a meeting and catching some flak. We always have counselors who leave early. Johnny was great with the campers ... and I want him to come back as a counselor next year.


      - Peyton Manning, reacts to Johnny Manziel's early departure from his passing camp.




    Peyton likes Johnny Football. Of course Peyton is probably just giving his positive media talk he has always done. You have to be an *, drunkard for Peyton to say he doesn't like you. Hi Mike V! :lol:


    Peyton is a media master but he's been at it for a long, long time. The media is brutal. Even and honest man like Peyton pick each word carefully.


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