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coming on strong

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Everything posted by coming on strong

  1. its not all on the offense line plenty of plays ryan had time and holds the ball looking scared twitching and throws a bad pass . he just doesnt have it anymore and its weird how franks pumps him up like he is elite . scoring 13 points a game is not okay the offense under jacoby looked way better
  2. being better than awful is not much better . carson is awful ryan is below average
  3. matt ryan is just old and not good any more he lost arm strength . its like mannings 2013 arm strength without the football mind
  4. i dont know how any one who watched all 7 games can say the team is fine . after this game the colts are averaging 13 points a game on offense
  5. its just how the colts are since luck left they give false hope . they are in trouble with serious flaws with the team
  6. they are still 4-2 and taking the division i would take that all day to where we are we stink and have since luck left .
  7. doesnt matter it must feel good to dominate your division for the last couple years sweeping the colts and making the playoffs . i wish we could be half as successful as the titans they are a winning team and dominate us every time
  8. this team is just so disappointing this year . 7 games and 6 of them its a struggle to score points .
  9. titans are the colts daddy until they can break the 5 game losing streak
  10. thats game cant score ten points and give up a pick 6 and expect to win
  11. not at all 2019 the team barely scored same in 2021 and this season
  12. that is what is so frustrating titans are not that good and we are letting them off the hook .
  13. this game is so winnable without the turnovers we could be easily winning .
  14. if we had a average offense we would be winning ten points off of turnovers . titans offense is really bad but ryan is playing really bad
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