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coming on strong

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Everything posted by coming on strong

  1. what do the colts have to lose at this point ryan is 0-4 for -7 yards 1 pick
  2. that is why i stick to my point i watched bottom 3 offensive lines with luck and he still dominated . that packers game his rookie year every snap within 2 seconds the pocket is gone . that last drive guys are hanging on his arm while he throws lasers . i dont care if the colts had the 2020 line you cant win with ryan . he has been in a sharp decline since 2016 . lets get a mobile big strong QB that can carry a team .
  3. if luck was on this team would they score 14 points a game ? that is the question yes the offensive line is bad but ryan is just terrible this year . even with a better line i dont think ryan is anywhere close to a top ten QB . he is not putting up rivers numbers even with a solid line .
  4. its clearly the QB is the biggest problem even when the pocket is clean he throws horrible passes and picks . i will never understand why people defend him so hard . yea the line is bad but even looking at stats colts give up 30 percent pressure rate the other 70 what is he doing ? he is just not that good anymore frank was right to bench him honestly put sam in let him run around like the redskins game
  5. pull up the replay and count it . its the nfl your not having a clean pocket every play where you get 8 seconds . the blitz was picked up
  6. watch the replay again and count slow it was 4 seconds . there was some pressure but matt is shell shocked and stops keeping his eyes down field .
  7. i am convinced the line looks so much worse because ryan is holding the ball most good QBs have the ball out in under 3 seconds .
  8. okay so that play i counted 4 seconds before the sack came . its the nfl you cant hold onto the ball that long and expect no sacks .
  9. its still on matt stop forcing throws in tight coverage . manning would throw the ball at the wrs feet . a veteran needs to act like one i am just so tired of watching matt make rookie mistakes
  10. people wanna write him off after two games its sad . he did fine against the redskins same offensive production without taylor that matt gives with taylor . going into new england without taylor in his second game with this line wasnt fair . i wanna see him with taylor on the field doing rpo 's
  11. he has to go next year cant pay this man 35 million a year to put up these numbers . him and wilson are in the same boat they are not good anymore regardless of the offensive line . i watch with my eyes worst offensive lines during 2012 to 2014 and luck still managed to put up 30 a game . its a QB league
  12. the best thing for the franchise overall would be getting a high draft pick without having to trade up . we have a lot of holes to fill plus guys are aging and we need to always keep drafting well to maintain a good roster . but when the game starts i just cant root for the colts to lose it feels dirty . i miss having a competitive team so bad the games were always exciting where i would look forward to them all week . its just different this year a bad feeling
  13. i wish i shared your optimism i just dont see it . something is wrong with this team this year it doesnt look right
  14. no its not but you cant win games like this . i thought the offense would be better after last week , and they are the same offense . its not a big deal to me because the team isnt a super bowl team anyway . we need a left tackle and QB it was a fun week with saturday getting his win but my expectations are cooled off now and i see clearly the colts have problems
  15. colts cant even get a touchdown at their own 5 the eagle dominated that play and sacked ryan . it would be a cheap first down you need to prove it on the field not beg for flags
  16. titans are what the colts hoped to be after luck retired . it never happened because ballard failed to add premium positions and refuses to draft a QB
  17. once we got the ball on the 50 twice and got zero points and the eagles offense starting moving i knew it was over . the offense just cant score points .
  18. he just is not a good QB at this stage of his life then you mix it with the 30th ranked pass blocking and you get a 13 point per game offense
  19. its talent you win games with talent people hold ballard up like a god for no reason . left tackle is the most important spot on the line and ballard wanted a pryor to start . when you have a bad QB and no left tackle your not winning games its that simple
  20. now their pumping up hurts for his 110 yard passing game like he is elite
  21. when you have the worst offense in the nfl its hard to win games
  22. that is it jeff saturday did not fix the line they are still the worst in the nfl colts gave the game away to a overrated eagles team
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