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throwing BBZ

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Posts posted by throwing BBZ

  1. I wouldn't call it Caldwell-esque, but it was troubling. These are the reasons why I prefer to see the head coach not calling plays, because they already have so many decisions to make, especially in crucial situations. Turns out the mistakes didn't hurt us, but hopefully they'll be a little tighter the next time.

    If Pagano had been a head coach for 10 years along the way I think that would be a big plus in matters like this, right?

    He will have to Improve in many ways over the next few years as a Head Coach just like everyone around him looks to get better.

    How much longer before the Giants FIRE Coughlin? :funny:

  2. Yes he did and his explanation doesn't change the fact or my opinion that it could have been handled better.

    Well, I think we all understood that at the time. Pagano should have known the rules and told the Official he was NOT going to start the clock.

    If that kick had ended up short because of those 2 yards, or they had scored in those last few seconds I would say there were Many other plays in the game that were what if`s. Live and learn.

    How in the world do you keep putting DB #21 on the field. wth!

  3. I agreed with you so need to add the dig of it's not rocket science. The only thing I disagreed with you about was not accounting for the rookies when talking about the audibles in general. Yes Fleener and Allen might be the only two that "start" but the other guys are out there a lot.

    The point I was getting at I think we agree on the basic point the Colts can already do basic audibles (something we agree on) and I sight the Bears game as an example of proof they are already are since the coaches said Luck changed the play from a run play to a pass play six times in that game. For whatever reason they didn't use them yesterday and I think it's because they were determined they were going to run the ball which I think is most people's issue with the play calling in the second half.

    A guy coaches for 20 years or so, gets a New, Young bunch of players to work with, is with it/them everyday, and fans in the stands want to tell him what all these New players should be able to handle.

    He had his share of 90 guys 16 days ago to bring along and evaluate, a shortened practice schedule this year, including in-season, I bet he will use EVERY TOOL he thinks they can handle as fast as the WHOLE UNIT can handle it.

    Can you imagine how wide Arians eyes would light up if our draft board hits him a Hall of Fame caliber O-Lineman. haha! Ya, me Too!

  4. One thing I didn't like on the final series was the Caldwellesque clock mismanagement.

    Whether the decision on the spiked ball, is coming from Luck, Arians or Pagano it was foolish. The clock wasn't running. Take a knee(moving forward)..., get back up... run the clock down to 3-4 seconds then clock it, and send out Vinateri.

    Some might say that the extra time would be good to have in case there is a mishandled snap. Well that might be a valid point if the ball was snapped from the 8 yard line, but a bad snap at that point is going to send the game into OT unless it was horrendous enough for the Vikings to score off it.

    It made little to no sense to leave that much time on the clock. As I said.. Caldwellesque... that was disappointing...

    You also have to question why in the world didn't they decline the penalty.... the ball would have been snapped from the 33 as opposed to the 35.

    Pagano commented on this after the game if you care to listen, coach.

  5. Those numbers make me think he is throwing to his primary target a lot.

    2 games does not a season make. haha!

    If we had a good, veteran O-Line it would help ol Andrew, instead he is getting lots of practice moving in the pocket. :neener: Allen was so close yesterday.

    When we get some running game ...

    Cory Redding really caught my eye, he was really good yesterday.

  6. Did Davis completely shut down his man all game? I don't remember them throwing his way much.

    Oh and Redding and Freeman played very well on Defense!!

    They got Davis several times early, but he made some plays, and several nice tackles. Solid.

    Redding made all kinds of plays. Some of the best line play (for us) I have seen in a good while.

    Freeman was getting in there too. Really good stuff from both of them. Bethea too!

    Minus #21 who is awful, a very sound job by the D.

  7. I think it actually helped the colts win the game, it kept the clock running and kept andrew from either stopping the clock with and incomplete pass or getting sacked... which both seemed more likely to happen if the gave luck the ball especially with the Oline infront of him... the colts knew what they were doing.

    Didnt get many yards but it kept that clock running, they need to keep pounding the ball and holes will open not to mention it'll help that oline get better at run blocking.

    I agree Smitto. Running is an attitude. Practice, Practice, Practice. These Bigger, not so talented at pass blocking lineman will get Luck killed if we aren`t about 50-50 on run-pass. They are what they are so they are just going to have to get better at run blocking as a unit. We ALL look forward to getting a Bad * O-Lineman or two added to the unit. And a great Dlineman, and LB, and CB, and S, and... :thmup:

    I don`t expect Andrew to get INT`d 3 times in a game that often, or run 22 yards backards, spike a ball unnessecerily, throw the ball 3 yards over the head on a swing pass. Lots of young-nervous stuff going on but they look coached up in many ways. A pretty good game 2 in a multi-year plan.

  8. Not a big fan of what I am seeing with our play calling etc. But Arians isn`t getting any Push with the O-Lineman he has been dealt with.

    The guy has been in the League forever, I am sure he has worked with lots of Billiant people to develope a philosophy.

    He is forced to bring this Young Hodgepodge of guys thrown together along slowly. This isn`t a bunch of guys who have been Pro Bowl starters.

    There is a phugly side to it that is for sure, how about some of those Luck passes. UGH!

    Two games in and I want to smile about some of the plays Andrew HAS MADE, Reggie & Fleener last week, Avery, Castanzo, Cory Redding yesterday wow, linebackers yesterday getting In There better-nice, Bethea too!

    Bits & pieces showing up, building, building, building...

    Can`t help but look forward to 2-3 really good Free Agents next year and a high draft pick and these guys in year two.

    The good energy inside the Colts Complex lives!

  9. And this is why Reggie is my favorite colt of all time besides Manning.

    Interesting he says Manning was all football, no time for being a human being. All those years. Wow!

    You had to behave the way HE Wanted in the locker room too!

    And he thought $26M was the right amount to pay him to rehab. Nice.

  10. Reggie is great. Please, dont get me wrong. But, this is the same reason Peyton really didnt want to go anywhere else. In Indy, Peyton and Reggie would always be king. Now, of course, things will always be different with Peyton. He will always be number one because he is a future HOF QB that still has something left. But, as a WR that is getting older, Reggie would never be the same in another organization. He might still have talent ( which he does). But, he would have to learn another system while everyone else already knows it. He would have to make a new relationship with the QB. He would have to figure out the tendacies of the QB. In Indy, Reggie is the go to guy. They are all having to learn a new system and he is the veteran go to guy. The rookie QB has to learn his tendacies. Great move by Reggie and the Colts to resign him. He will have another 100 reception year and maybe another 1000 yards. Pro-bowl for Reggie. Not if he was in another system.

    Yet he IS in another SYSTEM with a New Offensive Co, QB and Rookies who also are learning a new System. good point.

  11. They didn't mistreat any of those guys. Marvin Harrison was offered a reduced salary contract rather than just being released; he refused, and hasn't played football since.

    Bob Sanders was made the highest paid safety in NFL history, and then missed 41 of the next 48 games. Keeping him on the roster for so long was the exact opposite of mistreatment.

    Edgerrin James was highly overpaid for a year before we let him leave in free agency. And he signed with the Cardinals for far more than he should have been given as an older back who had been playing without breakaway speed for three seasons already.

    Letting Garcon walk was a free agency defection. Nothing to do about than other than overpay him, which is the complaint people have about a lot of the free agents we've kept over the years.

    Addai is still without a job after failing his physical with the Patriots in camp. How is he talented?

    Clark was highly overpaid.

    It's as if you expect these players to be coddled and wrapped in silk. Sometimes you make decisions for the good of the team, and it means cutting ties with good people. Many of the moves you're complaining about were a year or two too late. It's amazing that you would refer to any of those players as having been mistreated.

    Superman was kidding. Noone is that ......! lmao

  12. set us back now? not taking an O Lineman earlier in the draft such as RG and RT while thinking that Mcglynn and Justice were good enough to start for one year (yes I know it was a low level move thats a stop gap but there were better stop gap O Linemen out there and still is)

    Keeping Freeney and not spending his Big $$$ in the biggest FA Market ever.

    I doubt you know better than Grigson who to sign as stop gap OL. You presume people were willing to come here for the $$$ You would offer. Unknown.

  13. what if we re-reconstruct Freeney's contract...

    1. It would give us money

    2. it would make him more attractive to trade if he didn't want to stay

    3. If he wanted to stay he would retire a Colt.

    4.. Here's the Biggy... WE Protect our future

    just a thought

    Guessing you are a New Colts fan who just started following.

  14. Now whatcha gotta say, Coby Fleener or Duanne Allen?

    Lots of slamming on Coby Before the game, am I right or am I right?

    They will both be fine in TIME! It WILL BE a big deal when we can go no huddle.

    Flaco started doing it near the end of last season, correct me if i`m wrong. Please don`t let it take US that long,4th season. ;- )

    I do LUV playing Well & Winning, of course why Manning is missed by so many. But I know i still got some enjoyment out of his rookie year. Go Colts!

  15. Yeah I like Avery. I think they need to add some more creative things as far as screens and other stuff to get him going.

    When we get T.Y. back I'd like to see some things with he and Avery on the field at the same time.

    Avery has two successful seasons on his resume and has a lot to offer. No way they have fully practiced the whole playbook.

    The No Huddle will come, that is when we will know everyone is up to speed. ;- ) Will that be this season? Go Colts!

  16. i like avery but only as a 4th wr. kris adams should start with wayne because he's big and isn't afraid to go across the middle. i noticed that luck s much more effective when adams,fleener, and wayne are all on the field at the same time.

    he wasnt Much More effective, you silly...

  17. I admit to being somewhat of an optimist, but I really feel like Rookie or not Andrew looked like he had an off game. I know that sounds silly since he doesn't have a real game to compare it to, but I really think he could have done better with or without the lessons to be learned.

    He flat out was not accurate on a lot of passes. Trouble ahead throwing downfield to the sidelines with that Lazy ball he throws.

    He will make average CB`s look like Good ones throwing to Smurfs on those passes. He needs BIG WR`s to fight for such jump ball passes.

  18. na we need them as depth, but they are nothing more than backups In my mind

    McGlynn is a Proven NFL caliber lineman, yes maybe a solid backup NEXT YEAR. He played 1 quarter in pre-season I think and considering that, he played OK yesterday.

    Says something about Your Mind perhaps.

    Olson and Link are Not NFL caliber, and they spell disaster.

  19. nope, if we copntinue to throw the ball at the pass we did last night though we may need an offensive coordinator change though, Arians completely hung Luck out to dry

    Your sentence makes no sense, and I have NO IDEA how Arians left Luck out to dry. I do know Luck was very Inaccurate making everyone around him LOOK BAD.

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