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Posts posted by corgi

  1. I use to love wrestling. Today's wrestling is just dumb sorry. The office is an awesome show, you must have a dull sense of humor if you don't think that show is funny

    I didn't say it's not funny, I just said I don't like it. I'm not a big fan of Steve Carell he was ok in Little Miss Sunshine, and Anchorman. To each his own though. I

  2. This post is as meaningless as this dudes profile pic. First of all wrestling sucks, it's fake as a rake. The days of stone cold, the rock, DX are long gone. Second, yes it is possible for the jets to beat us not cause of all the injuries we have(while that is one reason) but any team can beat any team in this league any given Sunday so yes it's possible we lose. I certainly hope we don't lose, there are 4 games I desperately want to see the colts win are and that is against the jets,dolphins,patriots and texans

    Really? It's a flippin joke dude! You can have your opinion but I love wrestling, I have for 24 years. Because you don't like it doesn't make it suck. I can't stand LOST, The Office, and a whole lot of things that America loves, but I don't think they suck they just don't appeal to me. P.S. Do not attack my profile pic, I love Pembroke Welsh Corgis and the Colts so it has meaning to me. I think you need to reread the first post since my humor/sarcasm apparently didn't show through on one read.

  3. What is this man talking about

    Wrestling is scripted, to "put over" means a guy who is considered a top star lets a guy who isn't a top star beat him, and make him look good in the process. He will be a captain for the Jets the home team in wrestling terms "the babyfaces" or good guys, the Colts will be the "heals" or bad guys. On TV John Cena rarely puts over anybody, thus if this were WWE the Colts would have no shot of winning. This is intended to be fun, not factual. :thmup:

  4. I'm gonna take my dream last night that the Colts got spanked by the Jets as a good sign and say Colts 24 Jets 17.

    I think our 2 back attack of Ballard/Carter will do well against the Jets D.

    I think our TEs and Avery will have a good game with a lot of attention being focused on Wayne.

    And I think our O-line will continue to improve.

    My only worry is D without Mathis. Hopefully Hughes can contribute opposite Freeney.

    If our DBs can contribute as well as last game and our front 7 focus on stopping the run we will be OK.

    If we can keep it close into the 4th quarter then we got a shot. BRING ON THE NO HUDDLE!

    I had a dream we lost 31-30 to the Chiefs last night. We are doomed....doomed!

  5. Blindside hits like that always make me cringe, especially when Luck is focusing on moving the ball downfield. The Colts o-line cannot allow a free rusher to go unchallenged and unaccounted for. That's inexcusable.

    When you see that play watch Justice's body language when he sees Andrew get hit, you can literally see his heart sink. Sometimes a thing like that can light a fire under a guy. He was lucky Andrew wasn't injured, and you can bet he will do everything in his power to make sure it doesn't happen again. I'm as hard on the line as anybody (not so much on here, but when I'm watching the games) but we all need to realize this isn't a group of linemen that have been together for 6 seasons, heck I'm not sure we have had the same line for two weeks in a row. Every aspect of this team is going to have growing pains, and they will learn from mistakes. That is the beauty of a mistake a smart person will learn from them and grow from them. If the coaches benched a linemen every time we demanded it Pat McAfee, and Chandler Harnish would be starting tackles by now.

  6. It is funny to me. Everyone loves Vontae now, that he is out for this game. Just two weeks ago alot of people on here wanted to burn him on the steak. Funny how that works, ohh it is going to be hard to cover without him out there. Two weeks ago it was Vontae got burnt, Vontae got a pass interference call. Now it is we love you Vontae, turn coats. Get well Vontae and shut up all of these naysayers. Go Colts

    Haters hate no matter what. I could list 100 people that posters have wanted burned alive over the past 6 seasons.

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