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Blog Comments posted by FightLikeSin

  1. Nadine : Here is the post in English after using Google translate. 


    "Germany was the only country in Europe three teams in the NFL Europe before its setting.

    Only with us Football fans could enable enough.
    I must confess ... in the good old days I was a fan of the Frankfurt Galaxy, that was fun.
    The German football was too grim, the american football for a family celebration.
    Since I am rather moved to Frankfurt at the weekend and had fun there at the Frankfurt Galaxy.
    With the draft of Björn Werner Indianapolis could actually take over the succession to the fans of the German NFL Europe team. Although Bjorn is already the third German in the
    NFL, but the first to the hard way through high school and college is gone.
    Indianapolis could it perfectly capitalize on Björn's history and serve as a model for young German players.
    I hope the Colts are still active in this regard, so far they have missed it.
    But is indeed an absurdity to order a shirt for you, because we are paying almost more for the delivery than the shirt .... and then you have to pay with plastic cash, which use max 60-70% in Germany at all."
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  2. I think after training camp is said and done, Delone Carter will be #1 on the depth chart. He is the type of player Arians is used to. A smashmouth guy that can run north/south between the gaps. If he hold on to the ball and improves in the offseason, I don't think he'll have a problem beating Brown out of the spot. I do like Darren Evans as well. Maybe save the RB for next years draft. Montee Ball?

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