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Posts posted by Mr.Debonair

  1. I agree, I thought it was a blown assignment.

    I think I remember which play you are talking about and that was a delayed blitz where whatever his name is waited until AC engaged and then came. That, IMO, is not a missed assignment it's a good defensive call.

    I will go back and watch again but Link still does not impress me. IMO, Link played good in the GB only when comparing it to his other games but he is still not what I would call NFL caliber. I picture a conversation like this between Link and Griggs (before PolianI

    GM: Link, we think you are a great guy and a hard worker but we just don't think you are ready to be an NFL lineman. So we are going to have to let you go.

    Link: I'm sorry to hear that but I disagree, you are not going to let me go.

    GM: Yes, here are your papers. Thanks for your time and best of luck.

    Link: Before I look at that, why don't you look at the contents of this manila envelope

    GM: {Face turning red}

    Link: Now, what would your wife or the media think if they saw those?

    GM: {Starting to sweat}

    Link: {Sits silently}

    GM: Link, congratulations you made the 53 man roster and I'm sure with hard work you will be a valuable back-up for the Colts

    Link: Oh, I see myself as more of a starter than a back-up don't you?

    GM: Um yeah I guess so.

    Link: {Pulls out a second envelope} What was that?

    GM: Yessir, Mr. Linkenbach sir, what ever you say sir, starter? I agree, tackle, guard wherever you want. Would you like a cold beverage?

    But that is just me.

    lmao lmao lmao lmao

  2. i don't like it either, but the whole "he wont' make it thru the season" stuff is ridiculous imo

    I said nothing bout him not making it thru the season, Luck is big guy and does a good with taking the hits I just said its tough to watch and that it can't continue.

  3. I'll wait to jump the gun. I didn't expect him to come in have 5 ints n 10 pass breakups. Other than Chi he hasn't given up big plays. Don't remember a time where he was picked on, yeah the PI calls are bad that's the only thing I can single him out on

  4. How do you have anyway of knowing he either needs to sit out that long or that he will be healthy enough to play by then? He should sit it out till he's good to go and let's be honest none of us on here know when that will be. It could be next week it could be 14 weeks from now we don't know.

    My point was that he should take his time coming back. Week 5 was just the random number I picked. Pump your brakes

  5. Can someone tell me, why we didn't destroy bOth Viking receivers in the end zone on that tipped ball. Once the ball has been tipped its open season. Instead we waited for it to come down and Rudolph out jumped our guy for the tip

  6. Aarons Rodgers' stats vs bears: 22 for 32, 219 Yards, 1 TD, 1 INT(could've easily been 2 had Briggs not dropped an easy pick that hit him in his chest).

    Andrew Luck's stats vs bears: 23 for 45, 309 Yards, 1 TD, 3 INT

    Honestly in comparison it doesn't seem so bad. Everyone knew we would lose to the Bears and we put 2 points less than the Packers did against the same defense and we were on the road while Packers were at home. I expect a much better week out of Luck against a weaker D, even though that Viking D-Line scares me with the Swiss cheese O-line we have lol. :omg: .

    And 2 of Lucks picks should have or could have been TDs had he not underthrew the WR

  7. AAAH Our team wasn't rebuilding then & All these guys that Grigson brought in are GOOD RIGHT. Just becuase he makes moves doesn't make then GOOD MOVES. Pollian take was we got them they have some tallent we will coach them up!

    We don't know if they are GOOD moves yet but at least they are tryin. Yes we weren't rebuilding but we were def incomplete and Polian did do much to try to find those missing pieces. I trade those 14-2 seasons for 2 more championships. A lot of you guys were just satisfied wit the regular season success. We were a Defense away from Dynasty status

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